O&A fans are not very polite.

74  2015-07-19 by CuckECheese


O&A fans like to talk like they're on O&A, do "trashings," and say things like "INSUFFERABLE" so Opie and Jim will become friends with them and hire them for the show.

It's because we share the commonality of language.

Oh YUCK. You're all babies. Baby boys. Litigious little worms.

the worst for me is when they do the norton noises like urg and yuck, its even worse when the callers do it

I'm about ready to say "your moms box" to all of it.

you know what? yuck. i was saying yuck on the internet yeara before i knew Norton said it. he just helped me say it more and without fear. bless him, really.

Nothing is lazier than replying to someone with "ugh", because it insinuates that you yourself are some master judge of comedy and comebacks, and by merely expressing your disgust you "serve" someone else. This is the type of swagger only someone like Patrice can pull off, not skrawny kids typing on keyboards.


Lol dood! Ironic overpowerement of your opponent! SICK BURN


Hooho Damnn! Those words mean you are disgusted so you appear like you're winning without having to actually write anything yourself! tip tip tip my supreme gentleman!

It's just the internet you fucking autist. Calm down.

Hit me with another O&A meem, I don't wanna hear your bland thoughts. You aren't interesting or anyway special from the rest of the cesspool. Stick to diamond bullets like "UGH".

They will trash Opie for copying Ron or Florentine or whomever else, but they constantly do Norton's characters and talk like him.


We aren't on the show.

But you think you're part of it. Just like those dickbag wrestling fans that sit front row and think they are an attraction.

Me doing an impression of chip at home is not nearly as intrusive as sign guy trying to take attention from the live show.

I hate those guys who dress up like wrestlers and pose in the front row. They're the worst.

They really are. Those guys are so bad that they embarrass other wrestling fans.

Yes it is. You're both annoying. You're the Opie of Reddit. Copying somebody else's characters and not being funny with it. Just like the sign guy at wrestling shows, people think you're an asshole.

oh yea well your like a whole ass or sumthin ya fawkin peesa gawbage.


It truly is ENRAGING

I tapped out.

I've honestly been saying "I tapped out" for a while but in reference to wrestling, not Opie and Anthony.

Yeah that shit is BRUTAL

But it has me HOWLING. I'm all in.

We certainly do not.

Oh its fucking pathetic. I blame the morons that keep saying this subs funnier than the show.

I think this sub might be funnier than the show, brother!

This sub is 100% better than the O & J show.


That guy with a generic girl picture posts on every fucking video and everyone upvotes it like OOH LOOK A GIRL


And then there's that Jew guy and people need to make it known that he's a jew by saying the same type of joke.

There's no way in hell that Angela person is actually a girl. No girl talks like that.

She's uff lower stahk

Users from this sub can only hypothesize what a girl would speak like

I've known a lot of girls who type like that. They're annoying but they exist.

Yeah but you can tell when they're attempting to mimic how a guy types to be cool, because it's not perfect. This is no mimic. He comments on every o and a video and it sounds like any asshole who obsessively listens to a T. And plus, what girl would have her youtube picture one where she's holding books to her chest and smiling like its 1958. Plus, the girl looks 18. What 18 year old girl knows what linger longer means? It's so obviously a hoax.

If a chick listens to O&A, that's a major fucking red flag.

my girlfriend hates it, that's how I know she's normal.

Sadly.. my girlfriend likes it better without Ant. I still listen to O&J but when she said that I thought I was going to puke.

I don't disagree.

Exactly. I don't even like that I listened to the show.

Any time I show another girl a clip from OandA they become more distant from me.

I feel awkawrd enough having shown my male friends clips of it in the past.

We are getting to see the the show as what it was to the casual listener now that we've grown distant of it.

The worse things I ever did was show a former friend O&A exactly 10 years ago.

Can you imagine the fucking cringe going on a double date, trying to get to know a girl, meanwhile your friend is gallivanting to his dae about how he needs to brush his teeth with a shotgun for wearing a certain brand of clothing? I look back of course, laughing but fuck was I embarrassing.

Don't lie, you've never shown any girl a clip of O&A.

I have. Yesterday I showed a friend of mine Vos giving out his password and I recently send another girl the clip of Mean Jimmy yelling about turkey. Not sure why anyone would lie about that but whatever you want to believe.

fuck, i thought i was the only one who felt like that.

Showing a girl the show is a science with a 90% chance of failure. All it takes is Anthony making a horribly racist joke or Jim bashing the mentally ill or overweight to make them think you're the biggest piece of shit for enjoying this type of entertainment

Indeed. My girl occasionally listens to JRE, and I told her to listen to an episode that Jimmy was on, roughly a year or so ago. I think it was the one where the cake stomping video had just gotten some "numbas" here on reddit. She said that he seemed like a creepy weirdo.

I just want Anthony-senpai to notice me...

Jim: How do you like them apples, BAKA!

ME: That's the keikaku, DOPE!


She called me a dumb faggot or something once and it turned me on a little bit.

The person behind the account is a he you... well, what he said.

wet-noodle, whiskey-dick faggot fuck

That angela's a real firecracker.

A lot of Opie and Anthony fans act like they just discovered the concept of being naughty and using swear words. I expect after they hit send these guys went to complain about this woman on the old F U line.

"Hey this goes out to the GIRL who commented on the YOUTUBE CHANNEL. FUCK. YOUUUUUUUUUU."

FU Line? You mean the Lick me Wall?

Keep it clean! Nothing SEXUAL or BODY FUNCTION related!!

I have seen that moviem@ guy post comments on many of Logan's videos and I am convinced that he is mentally handicapped. The guy is a complete dud.

opie sucks


I'm gonna marry Angela!

This place is turning into an SJW shithole.

Also, you're an idiot if you think that account is real/female

Are you fucking retarded?

You're an SJW shithole.

You're a towel