Ant's 1950's space programme joke. Is it that blacks are too dumb to be working on it?

0  2015-07-19 by Lilcumia


In the 50s they still had to drink out of separate water fountains.

It is not their stupidity, but the real racism that existed then. Point that out to him on twitter and you will get blocked or mobbed by his new stormfront/Fox news audience.

His racism shit is not even funny anymore, it is not done in good spirit, but anger. Ever since Obama he got fucking loony.

Ever since Obama he got fucking loony.

I remember before Obama was elected, Opie stopped an early Obama rant and said, "If you guys want to hear entertaining radio from Ant, vote for Obama. At least FOUR YEARS of entertainment!"

Everything that people criticize Opie for now has NOTHING on that lie he told us.

he would have loved living during segregation

He would've had to use the colored water fountain during segregation.

He used to admit he supported it in a completely unjoking way.

Right, now it's just their stupidity.

Ant insinuates it is because they are inferior, I was pointing out they had zero chance at it, because of segregation.

Alot of NASA operations were in southern states.

Maybe you need an American history lesson?

I'm joking.

I took you for a ballwasher and went into kill mode. Please forgive me sir?

I pardon you.

What a dumb cunt you are. How can you listen to this show and be this autistic? You are Opie.



Innovation was never a thing in sub Saharan Africa either. Pre or post colonization.

/r/badhistory has thoroughly debunked this bullshit and willfully ignorant argument many, many times. I know you probably don't have the intellectual honesty to challenge your beliefs on this topic, but maybe other people here do.

I must have missed a lot of Nobel prize winners and innovations. Maybe fire and the wheel was given to Africa posthumously?

You got a great point.

But it is a product of thier surroundings.

Look I am not an apologist, but innovation is made in comfortable societies, if you are drinking out of a rain puddle, and eating dirt cookies, worrying about some other tribe coming in and killing your kids, then your sole motivation is survival.

But in a comfortable stable society like we have ( and had for 800 years in the west), we can concentrate on intellectual advancements.

Edit: Fuck them, I am fucking grateful I was born here and not there.


yeah, because lions are loveable snugglekitties, and hippos won't gore your face off.

prehistoric africa was a paradise on earth, where meat grew on trees and all the people lounged around carving statues of huge-tittied goddesses and playing drums all day.


Totally. That's why those Inuits are such brainiacs.

You build a better society by getting smarter, faster. They didn't. Life is competition.

If life was an actual competition determined by smartness, you would've been killed as a baby.

You can't get off my dick for 5 minutes can ya sweetie?

No one's ever gotten off from your shrimp dick, Gunther.

Fucking nailed that cocksucka. Take us out /u/jimcozad !

kiss kiss honey bunches

He's probably pissed at Obama's race hustling game which is strong considering he's president and all.

Now that segregation was ended 60+ years ago and niggers are even worse off, people have came to calmly accept that niggers and humans simply cannot cohabitate peacefully.

You certainly are a wordsmith.

I am still trying to figure if you are a satire account, or one of Benjamins latest troll spawns.

hahaha, I love the horror it instills on Reddit to people even thinking these thoughts in their head. Quickly! Hide it!

Some of us have.

How many high school dropouts are in those NASA pictures?

Well someone had to keep those brilliant men air-conditioned and cool

i seem to remember them shitting on black people for deriving racial pride from the accomplishments of others, like george washington carver and his peanut butter. and yet this nappy-headed algerian won't shut up about the white pride he gets from the space program.

Yes. He tweeted a picture of NASA in the 50s a few weeks ago and said completely seriously "LOOK, THERES NO BLACK PEOPLE HERE!"

He brings up all the time how there is a 'problem in the black community', as evident by their high crime statistics. This is his way of saying blacks are aggressive animals and their culture is inferior. I know Ant's seen The Wire, so how he doesn't understand its an institutional problem is beyond me.

It's hard to follow the wire when he's playing monkey sounds over all of the dialogue.

I love it when people try to paint their racism as "concern for the black community".

Lotta guineas in that room?

The first people I saw peddling that NASA joke/"meme"—and Anthony probably got it from them, or from /pol/ dummies telephone-gaming it—did it in response to a barrage of "There's no such thing as white culture" and "Science needs to look like America or it can't accomplish anything" type shit that was coming down a few years ago. And NASA was famously dedicating itself to "Muslim outreach" (as if guys with crescent flags don't know what the fucking moon is). Etc.

The white-dude space program pictures they used were always from the '60s, not the '50s. That bothers me more than his stupid non-joke. Anthony's old enough to remember this shit.

And yeah, the NASA Flight Center was in Alabama. They hired engineers from the local colleges. Guess who? "Negro College Youth To Boost First Moongoer Into Orbit."

White guys had the control room. Darkies wuz out back doin' maff.

If you need to thank anyone for the space program thank the Nazi.

Thanks Ant!

One nation, one people, one leader.

Well, someone had to mop up the launchpads

Blacks were involved in NASA and NACA since the fucking 50s as engineers and mathematicians. Ant isn't just a dumb fuck racist, he's wrong. A cursory Google search gives all the relevant details to put his moronic joke in context.

Edit: a word

There's a funny docu about an african space program. Uganda or somewhere there in the 70s.

Let me just quote serious Anthony from his appearance on a white supremacist podcast.

When you watch any of the footage of any of the Apollo programs over the years and you look at the control room of mission control, what do you see? Do you see diversity there? Honestly, let’s be honest. You’re seeing white males smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee at the console and putting people on the moon. How is this a horrible thing? How is this something to look at and say, “We need to change this by injecting people that do not pay attention to the laws of this country, do not assimilate to the cultures, do not work and contribute to this nation”? Why is this a good thing to then add these people into the formula to make this a great country? Diversity for the sense of just diversity is not a good thing. And when I talk about race and try to be open and honest about it in this day and age, you’re chastised, you’re looked at as the racist.

Point me to the part where he is wrong.

Oh wait, nobody will, I will just receive 20 down votes. Cucks.

He's not just wrong. It is one of the most idiotic things I've ever read.

The fact is there were quite a few black engineers etc. working for NASA (and it's various subcontractors) putting men on the moon in the late 50's / 60's.

Apollo 13 commander Jim Lovell writes:

Take for example, Robert Shurney. A physicist from Tennessee State University, it was Dr. Shurney who designed the tires for the moon buggy used during the Apollo 15 mission in 1972. His ingenious design used wire mesh in the place of rubber to save weight yet still provide the needed flexibility.

Dr. Vance Marchbanks, a heart surgeon and medical specialist for NASA, helped develop ways to monitor astronauts' vital signs during space flight. It was Dr. Marchbanks who was responsible for John Glenn's health during America's first orbital flight.

George Carruthers, an astronautical engineer, built the camera that was carried to the moon on Apollo 16. He also designed and built a combination telescope and camera used on the shuttle missions. Some of the most enduring images from space were made us ing Dr. Carruthers' cameras.

Christine Darden, a mathematician and mechanical engineer, has been with NASA since 1966. Dr. Darden is a recognized leader in the reduction of shock waves from spacecraft wings and nose cones

There was even a black astronaut in the 60's:

In June 1967, Lawrence successfully completed the Air Force Flight Test Pilot Training School at Edwards AFB, California. That same month he was selected by the USAF as an astronaut in the Air Force's Manned Orbital Laboratory (MOL) program, thus becoming the first black astronaut.

Lawrence was killed on December 8, 1967, in the crash of an F-104 Starfighter at Edwards Air Force Base, California.

Not as many as today, but still. Why were there relatively few black people "putting men on the moon" in the 60's? Because of real fucking across-the-board-discrimination.

Stupid example: there are stories how the black engineers working for Grumman (who built the Lunar Module), when visiting Houston, were denied a room in the Grumman team's official hotel. You know, because the hotels were segregated.

The discrimination hurt the Apollo program. Many talented people never got the chance to contribute. The current Administrator of NASA, Charles Bolden (who is black) writes:

For me, it was an uphill battle. Because of my race, no one in my South Carolina congressional delegation would provide an appointment nor nomination to the Academy as was required for admission. I wrote President Lyndon B. Johnson asking for help, and that's when Congressman William Dawson of Illinois provided me the appointment I needed to be accepted.

Since then, I graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy, flew more than 100 combat missions over Vietnam, earned a master's degree in systems management, flew on the space shuttle four times, and rose to the rank of major general in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Clearly, these are not people "that do not pay attention to the laws of this country, do not assimilate to the cultures, do not work and contribute to this nation". And it is not "diversity for the sense of just diversity."

Fucking insane.

Let's take the people who are working in the correct positions in this well greased machine, and fuck it all up so every office has guaranteed 40% blacks, this will make the world better!


What the fuck are you talking about?

You know. The latest NASA intuitive where they roll through the hood and scoop up blacks to meet a quota. They'd love to send a man to Mars but all their time is spent trying to teach Jerome how to do basic math. :(

The Apollo program started in 1963. One year before the Civil Rights act. Yeah, screw those lazy blacks for not getting into the space program while not being allowed to drink from the same water fountains as whites!

That's not what Anthony is saying. He's not saying blacks weren't being in the space program because they are lazy. What he says is that society and NASA had a modus operandi that worked, and because they didn't spend time thinking about useless bullshit like diversity. To spend any time on wondering if there's enough dark skinned people or asians present is a waste of time. This is science, not some SJW fairy tale.

Right? It's seemed pretty clear to me that he kept bringing up the space program example to push back against the idea that diversity is the highest of all virtues. I never read it as 'see how much better things are when blacks aren't there to pollute them' or 'blacks would never be capable of contributing to something that complex or impressive.' I mean, when he says 'we need to change this by injecting people that do not pay attention to the laws of this country, do not assimilate to the cultures, do not work and contribute to this nation' obviously that's just a dumb strawman but his overall point that 'diversity for the sense of just diversity is not a good thing' is pretty defensible.

we need to change this by injecting people that do not pay attention to the laws of this country, do not assimilate to the cultures, do not work and contribute to this nation

Except that this is precisely what is going on in the world right now. Look at affirmative action, or lowering the bar in black schools, where they reach the same credentials as other kids while being expected to preform much worse. It doesn't result in an equal playing field where they have the tools to compete with Asians, they get hired because of quotas, boss realizes they're useless, get fired, rayciss.

This is a waste of both of our times.

He's wrong because blacks were employed at NASA and NACA in mathematical and engineering positions since the 50s. You can google it or crack a fucking book. Or you can disbelieve what I'm saying and go fuck yourself. It's wide open.

Exactly, people who were qualified were working in the positions they were qualified well in. To mix this up with affirmative action and forced diversity does not result in better science. Science doesn't have time for your feelings.

He's wrong because the people he thinks are inferior to whites were already working there. He's wrong because the space program was a product of the efforts of a diverse group. The dumb fucking high school dropout is acting like that white control room is the entirety of NASA.

He also acts as if he'd have a place there just because he thinks he's perceived as white both currently and historically. That swarthy cocksucker would have been looked at the same way all Italians were in the early to mid 20th century. Spoiler alert: it's the same way right wing jerkoffs like him look at Mexicans today.

The type of diversity Anthony was criticizing in that passage was the type of diversity SJWs go for; The picture where you see the men at the control HQ, you won't see a team like that today because SJW culture will start thinking about who's represented and who's not, when in actuality every sector is working as it's supposed to.

If Indians and Eskimos turn out to be excellent rocket engineers or theoretical mathematicians, by all means, hire them. But don't waste my time with invading science with your insecurities. There's no reason to introduce diversity into science for the sake of diversity.

Anthony was saying that it was only white men at NASA based solely on the control room photo. He is completely fucking wrong. If you want to divert this into a hiring standards debate go for it. Somebody else can argue with you.

So it would be wrong to say: "The mission control room in 1950s was full of white people", because there were a few blacks present too? You are starting to think the way these social justice warriors think.

Well, I'm pretty sure the blacks working at NASA aren't walking round with they pants all on the floor asking when their next check is coming in.

(or I don't see dice games breaking out at the back of mission control)

Hang on I'll go find out.................…………

I thought his point was that even in the absence of diversity America accomplished great things. It's hard for me to believe that a space program would have been even better with diversity, as advocates of diversity claim. It would have been the same, I think.

In other words, a team that is all white is inherently worse than a team that is a mix of races and ethnicities, all other things being equal. I don't think that's true in general.

Its because segregation existed in the 50s and black people weren't allowed better schooling or jobs. In Anthony's mind its because they were too busy soft shoeing to work for NASA.

No. He was explaining how black lives matter rallies are like the 50's space program. All white.

This is your fucked up racist mind making this assumption, which is why race is so taboo to you lib progressives. Face your own demons, wake up and just be honest with yourself.

Also I reported you for posting shit bait.

they are, notice the decline in the space programs capabilities and the rise of darkies involved in it

My favorite stat about NASA's budget is how people assume we blow a ton of money on it when we actually don't: "we asked respondents what percentage of the national budget is allocated to NASA … NASA’s allocation, on average, was estimated to be approximately 24% of the national budget (the NASA allocation in 2007 was approximately 0.58% of the budget.)"


Please stop taking the internet so seriously.

You can't get off my dick for 5 minutes can ya sweetie?
