Fishing for a shameless RT from The Opster gets you this...

38  2015-07-19 by CQRocks


They literally used their newborn baby to fish for a RT from Opie Hughes.... as an adult, how fucking awful can you be?

This fucking moron nitwit Maureen and her husband might be Opie fans and supporters of Opie Radio which is fine and dandy, i guess. The problem is that King Stupid doesn't get or refuses to acknowledge is that even his 200 or so real fans understand how shallow and narcissistic he is and how easy it is to craft a tweet to him and get a retweet. His "fans" are faker than the people spitting insults at him.

All you have to do is say something like "The show is better than its ever been, if you assholes dont like it than listen to something else.The channel is better than ever, Opie." Theres a 95% chance youre going to get a response. You know why these two rocket scientists didn't tag Jimmy directly in the tweet? Because they know that Jimmy DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK about them or their stupid baby and would never even look at something so fucking desperate and needy.

As for these two sycophant mutant parents...I have yet to have children so maybe im ignorant as to how the parental mind functions but imagine birthing a child and immediately listening to Opie Radio after.. Not going out into the lobby and talking to your family, not calling friends, family and co-workers, and not enjoying the once in a lifetime moment with your life partner and spouse. Just putting on OpieRadio and hearing some horrible song open the show followed by "Jimmy and Sherrod Small in studio...that was a little deep Credence recommended by twitter user....You like Credence, Jim?"

Even if the asshole parents did partake in what i would consider "normal" behavior and talk to their loved ones and enjoyed the beauty of creation together the fact that they shared their picture with Gregg "Opie" Hughes, a radio Jock on SXM is beyond pathetic.

That being said, they got 2 retweets and 9 favorites, which is similar to the numbers Opie puts up on Twitter. This whole thing is just disgraceful and embarrassing.

You really hit the nail on the head… with a rocket launcher

Aw, now guys stop it.

That's not very nice.

That's enough, Ted!

I just... I gotta say, you gotta stop!

This is why you dont link your actual life to anything O&A related. We're horrible people.

It's also why TittyBoi will never be mainstream successful.

It's insanely dumb to ask a shock jock to retweet your baby picture.

It's even worse when they actually do it.

It's beyond hacky to say your own child was born just in time to listen to a radio show.

Glad I got the most important moment of my life out of the way.... now I can listen to Opie with Jim Norton.

I love that we've stretched the term "hacky" from doing unfunny cliché bits on the radio to just being a miserable failure at life in general.



That fat cow Terry Clifford said that

"that's not baby weight" owww that's fucking brutal, way to squash their lovely moment

You cropped off my favorite: "Also hope you lose that baby quick"

ME: Nice try on the baby weight hate tho.

That's fucking hilarious. And she is an ugly frump.

Stooping to new levels of awesome.

WTF ,an Opie fan that has fucked a chick!?!

Oh shit. That's a chick?

Doctor: Push!


O&J: Fun and safe radio for the proud parents and young tikes.

Why do you fucking homos listen to this shit

I haven't even listened to this show since well before the firing. The sub is more entertaining than the show has been for a long time now.

Comments are brutal

ME: Those comments on my Twitter while I was checking my numberssssss were BRUTAL. PERIOD!

Sweet Jesus, please tell me the Uncle Paul's didn't comment on this.

Shuuuuuuure look at that little mouf. Nevah been used. Perfect for sucklin'....

The baby committed suicide before they could get to the first commercial break.

Does jim see this type of shit and just hate his life for being associated with this shit? Maybe that's why he is so skinny, he is starving himself to death

He eats full meals and then he hears Opie's show prep and vomits all over himself.

Poor Redban

Opie radio is officially in morning zoo teritory with baby arrival announcements

The absolute epitome of parents not understanding how the internet works. This kid was only a few defensive responses away from getting his entire life ruined.

even Scorch refuses to do this kind of hack shit.

Opie said he'd breastfeed the baby if they named it Opie.

Is that East Side Dave?

At least it's not a nigger right guys??!!

Shit.. wrong sub.

For people with supposed sense of humour people sure are quick to down vote here

Probably because they have a sense of humor and that wasn't funny.

You've heard all the callers in the past, and watched this sub? If by sense of humour you mean 12 months of cuck and bam "jokes" then yes, they have stellar sense of humour.

You were the one who said they had a sense of humor, I was echoing your statement.

I used the word supposed for a reason...

ME: Those comments on my Twitter while I was checking my numberssssss were BRUTAL. PERIOD!