I here

0  2015-07-18 by rawdoggydogg

I know I'm gonna get slammed for this but.... I'm a big fan of old Ona and I read this sub often cause the comments are often hysterical. Anyway I've noticed that sometimes people go off topic here (like I saw a discussion about dna recently) and I honestly reckon the average IQ here is very high which is hilarious considering the bunch of reprobates we are. What do you guys do? I'm computer science researcher


I sell Russian hats down at Battery Park.

I'm a weed dealer.

I lick battery acid for a living

I'm a radio host who was jocktobered in 2011. I'm still rather bitter about it

I jump in front of cars and sue the drivers.

I get paid for giving my Aids blood to kids in Africa who are in dire need.

Im a tin knocker with an IQ of about 50, so shows what you know Mr Scientist

Partially retarded due to concussions bartender

CS background here too.

How many do you suck a pay-period?

Not shit.

Run-of-the-mill sperm donor.