Can we talk about how fake jimmy is?

3  2015-07-18 by [deleted]

I love jimmy and he's a comedic genius, but what a fake piece of shit. I dont know him, but it really does seem like he says he's honest to his friends and then just lies.For a man who says "dude i would tell you if you bombed" and manages to make himself sound like an honest and good friend, people can see right through him. The best friends you can have are the ones who tell you " dude i wouldn't lie to you to make you feel better" and then don't. i feel like jimmy says "dude i wouldn't lie to you" and then just fucking does. What a kiss ass worm he is. And its to the point where we have to dissect his nice talk to see if he's lying or not. why can't he be as honest as he claims he can be?


You're probably right, but there's always the chance Jimmy knows more about Ant's downward spiral than the public, and that he's one step away from Leaving Las Vegas. What if the guy is drunk and high constantly because he's severely depressed? "Tough love" isn't always the best way to go.

Just saying, but yeah it's still pretty enraging to see Jimmy hop from greggshells to anthills like a ballerina.

ant does drugs?

It's been widely speculated by people who are personally familiar with the specific behaviors associated with certain ones.

It's also been "widely" denied by people who have done the same drugs that he exhibits no signs of doing said drugs.

I'm not sure why widely is in quotes; it's not like it was only a few instances or has been a topic that was discussed for a short/recent period of time.

While I'll respect their opinions as much as the people I'm referring to because I've only ever been around weed and acid and neither of those are candidates, I don't think you can deny he's been both hyper and over-the-top confident/tyrannical at the same time, lots of times. Not constantly or anything, and it's not proof either, as maybe he just gets that way when he's drunk (pretty unusual but everyone's different). But it would be strange to say those behaviors in no way whatsoever fit what is common knowledge about how people act on coke.

His casino trips are a good example, both behavior-wise and because it would fit so ideally in that it's the perfect time for rails (or whatever the kids call them now). Some of that shit is pretty outlandish even for a borderline psychopath.

Anyway I'm by no means a hater and by no means a douchebag who says it's 100% one way or the other just because I want to think that way. Trying to stay objective.

like what kinda drugs

I'd speculate painkillers

Just hearsay, but the word from Fake Danny is vicodin and prozak.

You can overdose from it but people don't recreationally take Prozac to get "high" you fucking moron, never heard of anyone snorting lines or smoking it freebase or people breaking into pharmacies for that shit. I don't know how much of an idiot with less than zero credibility that says about Fake Danny or how much of a mark that says about you for even relaying something like that back to us.


The only thing that pisses me off about Norton is when he becomes Future Jim or Philosophical Jim. It irritates me how he says he's an alcoholic too, I was listening to a show the other day the one where the lingerie whores come in & Bobo is there too. They say to Jim we should get a drink or something, quick as a flash he goes "Oh no I'm a recovering alcoholic. Other than that he's a sweet boy

when he becomes Future Jim

I just wish someone would fucking inform him already that "weeding out" the genes that predispose people towards mental illness is virtually impossible no matter how far in the future you're talking about without some really hideous eugenics (and even then, implementing a ridiculously tight population bottleneck). But he acts like it's just a given eventuality it's going happen.

"recovering alcoholic" is a more accurate and fair description on who he is as oppose to just calling or referring to himself as just a plain "alcoholic" or "drunk". And out of everything regarding the hypocrisy of his sobriety THAT'S what you point out? i hope you die you stupid dumbshit, i'm tired of people like you mooching off the air i breathe. It's moments like these I pray for another mass shooting. i've had it! and i'm sure few people reading this had it as well.

oh yeah? Well the jerk store called and they're all outta you! AGUSHHHH

Ant is sort of like in a precarious situation right now. Failing and flailing. I think Jim is trying to be a friend first and not compound the obvious.

i agree with you in this instance, but this isn't the only time that jim has been wormy around situations. He has always been the "im totally open about anything" guy but it seems like in reality he keeps it all in. He feels like he would be that friend that you don't even know if he likes you or hates you. Hence how opie might feel.

Jim is a good and loyal friend.
His attempt to console Anthony after that roast is proof of that.