For Tonight's Drunken Twitter rant: Anthony goes after Muslims and Transgenders

2  2015-07-18 by Grillskillz


Anthony has gone from being a lovable, controversial racist uncle; to a hateable, insane grandpa.

He should have a breathlyzer attatchment on his phone to be able to use twitter.

and a roast mic...

The ramblings of an alcoholic pseudo intellectual that buys into basic answers for complex problems.

Fucking go out and do something ant

I'm sure Ant will take it too far and eventually make himself look bad. But fuck islam. Fuck all religion, but especially fuck islam

Yeah he's struck out with me a lot lately but I don't see the venom in this one.

Oh what, too REAL for you liberal sjw libtards?!

Oh dear, how dare he pick on ISIS and one of their supporters that gunned down 4 Marines and an unstable man in a wig who threatened to beat someone into a pulp on a TV discussion panel for criticizing his defective brain.


Only a liberal faggot like 85% of this sub would know.

I'd love to see him/her fight someone in a dress and wig

Yeah I thought it was going to be worse but i found myself agreeing with most of his tweets on these subjects.


2015-07-18 02:08:24 UTC

If you can't understand the difference between a religion being savage hundreds of yrs ago and being savage today, don't tweet me.

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Guys, he has a pool though. A pool! How can you be angry when you have a pool! You can even lay by it with a glass of wine. A kind of luxury only one man has ever known. You could never be angry if that was your life! A pool!

Ant continues to make me glad that he blocked me.

at first the ignorance of this made me laugh and then it made my fucking fists he really fucking going after transgenders now? its 2015...FUCKING GROW UP.