Colin Quinn is the greatest genius of all time. The Cumia surname is derived from the North African Kumiya tribe of Tunisia-bordering Algeria and literally means dagger. And now, I present to you, the tribe's most heralded member, the first Caliph of the Almohad Empire, Abd al-Mu'min...

213  2015-07-18 by [deleted]


No wonder he's so good at bombing - it's in his blood.

Home run

fukn homerun chippa! Take us out, erowk!


why does every faggot have to do a chip impression

you dont even deserve my punctuation or big boy letters

"Road Soda Guinea"

YEaH cuz Im'a rodent that soda got ran ova' on the road...tsss


If Ant agrees to take one of those ethnic ancestry DNA tests, and opens the results live on the air, I'd subscribe to TACS for 12 months.

40% Sub-Saharan African guaranteed.

Probably not much sub-Saharan. I guarantee he's Berber as fuck.

See, this is already more compelling than anything Ant has done on his show in months. Make it happen, Rat!


Anyone notice how he opened up his set with the BET comicview standard of "lotta white ppl here tonight"

It's so weird how he identifies with white southern republicans when he would fit in better on the corner of a cash for gold rubbing cocoa butter into his ashy skin.

I'm Assyrian from the fucking Middle East and Anthony looks a hundred times more ethnic than me; there is no doubt that he has North African blood. It's also beautiful that his stereotypes so unequivocally describe himself.

I bet Ant hates everything about you except your username.

He wouldn't be the first White Nationalist to have Sub-Saharan African DNA either. Craig Cobb, 14%. He denied it, of course. As would Cumia, and Cumia's waaaaaay more "ethnic" looking than Cobb.

He's not a white nationalist, dummy

you're right, he's not white.

Italo-Moor eggplants are white believe it or not.

40% would be almost as black as Obama

It would be, if genetics worked like crayons...

Don't try to pretend you can still be white, halfie

Obama is 100% Kenyan.

In his fuckin pants.

We'd get a month before Cumia drinks himself to death.

I imagine it more like that scene in Chocolat where the sweets-hating Comte starts stabbing all the chocolate, but accidentally gets a little on his lip, and the taste makes him go crazy and eat it all.

This time next year, that Times Square streetwalker that got him fired will be living in the Compound.

Ant's nose is too narrow / long. Usually when somebody is 40% sub-Saharan the first place you see it is the nose.

Berber's aren't sub-saharan African, and the moors were not black.

I know that. Where was I implying otherwise?



He has one thing in common with Muhammad, fucking 12 year olds.

Sources on derivation of Cumia surname/extinct Sicilian village:,

Sources on kumiya/kumiyya meaning dagger:,,

Sources for Abd al-Mu'min being a Kumiya tribesman:,,

A couple of descriptions of the Kumiya:,

If he is as Berber as this evidence suggests, I should also point out that the etymology is Greek via Latin: barbaroi, barbarians... perhaps we could say savages?

But the barbarians were white.

We were late to the party on civilization.

The Greeks and Romans were also white at the time (you're thinking of the Germanic peoples specifically, who were definitely late to the party). The word "barbaros" is an onomatopoeia of what what foreigners' stupid languages sound like: "barbarbarbar". Your skin tone didn't matter much; if you didn't speak Greek or Latin, you could fuck right off.

"Barbaroi" was originally applied to anyone who didn't speak Greek (later Latin). The white ones in Europe are the most famous, but the Amazigh (Berbers) were called that as well when the Romans colonized North Africa, and the name "Berber" stuck.

He could be referencing the Barbary Coast

It all has the same etymology, see panj's post.

Hmm. In fairness, there is a good possibility that the family took its surname from the town, rather than the Berber tribe that settled the town.

Either way, there's at least a few Tuareg throat-singers in his family tree.

This seems poorly researched. Upper Cumia and lower Cumia are still locations near Messina - far from extinct:

According to the Italian wikipedia the etymology could very well be Greek.

I am 100% Southern Italian (not Sicilian) - need I remind you people that North Africans are not Moolies nor is our skin dark because of "invasions".

We have dark skin and hair because our ancestors came from a rural/agricultural community coupled with a hot climate. If anyone is interested my genetic history is probably made up of Greek, French-Norman (aka Viking), Roman and maybe Jew.

That is mostly speculation we are talking about ancestors from 1000+ years ago. I can trace my family tree back 500 years to an ancestor from Rome no further than that.

P.S my cousins who are all 100% southern Italian have blonde hair and blue eyes + I have a reddish beard and my hair is jet black. Maybe I got more Jew/Greek in me - who knows?

TLDR - Leave Ant alone!

Ha, I did my AncestryDNA last year.

99 bucks! Yeesh thats a bit steep. Pretty cool though. Thanks for the tip.

Actually, I got it on sale for $79, so keep an eye on the website. Or there is and which is more expensive and in depth.

We have dark skin and hair because our ancestors came from a rural/agricultural community coupled with a hot climate.

Genetics don't work that way, Lamarck.

Oh? I always thought that populations with light skin pigmentation evolved in climates of little sunlight and that light skin pigmentation protects against vitamin D deficiency.

Yes, that is how populations originally evolved, hence black people along the equator, paler people further from it. But that type of evolution occurs over a much greater time span than recorded human history. If some Norwegians set up shop in a hot climate, they're not going to miraculously become brown (browner than a tan, at least) or black on any historical timescale without interbreeding. 1000 years is a long time, but not nearly long enough for purely Greek or Norman stock to "evolve" into something else without intermarriage with other ethnicities.

I'm not trying to shit on you at all. I only think it's funny to call Ant a Berber because he'd obviously hate it. But it is silly to imagine that historical migration and a 300-year Arab-Berber occupation has nothing to do with the ethnic makeup of modern Italy and Sicily.

EDIT: Unless you're referring to the original "Sikels" whom the Greeks conquered, whatever they were. I suppose they could have evolved to be darker-skinned, but I can't imagine there's much native Sikel blood left after so many foreign overlays.

Wow. This is legitimately amazing.

I like seeing you dummies that didn't figure this out already. Open a history book and read sometime, this is basic shit.

This faggot pretending he memorized surname etymology

It's as simple as many Italians have some sort of African in them. Anthony is clearly part of that group and will have some sort of % of African in him. Sorry to get cha with the logic there.

No, most Italians don't. It's Sicilians that do.

When did I say most? And you're right, many Sicilians do.

as simple as many Italians

You know what you were implying. Many, most, either way you're wrong. And again, no, many Sicilians do not have some sort of African in them. Some have traces of Middle eastern blood and an even smaller percentage have Northern African blood. Which, for all intents and purposes, is Arab blood.

Many and most are different words. Arab is a race now? I love how mad you are.

I'm mad now? Not at all. Just telling you that you're wrong and don't know what you're talking about.

Anyway you can bottle up how mad you are and send it to me? I'd love to have a taste.

You obviously completely missed OP's point. Make sure you understand the conversation before you act like a smug faggot.

Great point by not making one at all. I can almost taste your anger.

No, you idiot, you really don't get it.

The point of this troll account is to be a smug faggot and you are providing loads of entertainment right in my pants. Thanks bud.

Holy shit, you're really going to try to back out with the "I was just pretending" gambit?

I tagged you as Christmas in July. Anything else? Im a bit hungry still.

Hm, where is the word pretending in any of my posts? Gambit? This is chess and you're losing.

I do medieval Middle Eastern studies full-time at the moment, and the names of the individual clans of the Zenata tribe are still pretty inside baseball.

Home run of a comment there.

31 Down votes for simply BTFOing some Reddit kids?

This website is so fucking bad. Why do I even post here with these soft, weak pussies who can't take one stab.

The O and A world has changed since the 2000's.

Yeah it has just gotten weird. Racism and hot young pussy is offensive and has become a rallying cry among O&A fans? I feel like im in the twilight zone

It's not offensive. It's just boring.

I dont think people would pay that much attention to a podcast behind a paywall if it was simply boring.

These are the people who laugh when Vos or Norton are battling their asses off, these are the people who laugh when sound clips of retarded people are played, etc. But low behold you who dares poke one ounce of criticism towards me?! LE DOWNVOTED. I need to get some friends and quit using this site.

The criticism wasn't entertaining or accurate. I would have upvoted either.

Of course it isn't entertaining when you are the target. Sap. Sap boy. Pussy.

His point was that everyone already knows that, which wasn't funny or true.

Nah. Whenever this sub is criticized, you rush to bury it.

I always thought that name had some Saracen stank on it, with the -iya ending. The root is Berber, which must have thrown me off the trail.

Though as a point of interest, the Arabic root KWM means "to pile up, heap; applied especially to refuse" i.e. human garbage?

Anthony is like Clayton Bigsby from the Chappele Show The black white supremacist!


He's gonna dump Vinnie Brand's daughter when he finds out he's black.

Because.......she was a niggerlover.....

Khalid Sheikh Mo' Hammered

Sidebar pic!

Holy shit I think that guy is even covering electric shock OJ there.

his hair is a bit too niggry compared to Ant's

He looks like Fraggle Rockaddict.

He should do an ancestry DNA test. That shit would be great if we found out Sam is whiter than Ant.

Yeah, it turned out that most of Sam's bizarre features stemmed from weird hormone therapy after he stopped growing at 12 or something.

Sam's bizarre features stemmed from weird hormone therapy

Sam is a female to male trans, got it.

So you sayin that this nigga a SAND NIGGA??!!

Dayum... Just like a self hating Jew

Maybe this will serve as an olive branch with Egyptian/Italian Joe Derosa.

CQ is a historian. God bless him.

Ant was a secret muslim this whole time, sent to america by isis to infiltrate our decadent american comedy radio shows

What you can't tell from that picture is that he's wearing the turban to hide his old nana cotton candy head.

No, he's wearing it because these were the days before individually placed follicles.

That explains his obsession with other races and cultures. He is unconsciously hiding his true roots.

Al-Mumin and Cumia really do bear a striking resemblance! If someone here is a photoshop/art wizard I would love seeing the beard hair replaced with Cumia's and I bet its eerie how close they look!

Anthony does definitely look like some kind of Arab. He's barely white (as he has said) and its also possible his father was some kind of arab who just told people he was italian i suppose. that wasn't unusual when I was growing up. I remember some guys named 'Moe' who were 'Italians' but were actually 'Mohammads' and from Lebanon. but who the hell knows the difference - we didn't.

Nagger* finds a way ..

Life always finds a way

Surprised Cumia is a legit surname, the medigans didn't care for dagos and forced proud Leonardo's to be changed to a ballet custom name Leotardo at Ellis Island.

Holy shit the caliph even looks like Anthony.


No Photoshop needed for this one.

Colin Nostadamus Quinn.

He was right calling Ant a 'back alley tunisian knife fighter'

good job picking up on the joke

gold star

There any old pictures of Corsican pimps you can look up too?

Didn't the band that did "Shitdick" break up when it turned out that one of the members was secretly Hispanic?

Colin has known Anthony was a racist the whole time. He was just waiting for the right time to expose him.

yeah but the North African muslims were the ones running the slavery market.

hes the Rachel Dolezal of white people

You know.. I always wondered.. HOW in the FUCK did Colin ever make up that reference??

It's just so out there in left field. Who the fuck has even heard of Tunisia? Why do they have so many knife fights there??

My mind is officially blown.

Who the fuck has even heard of Tunisia?

Hi Opie!

Pretty sure he was just making an offhand reference to his swarthy, curly-haired appearance at the time. Like Corsican pimp.

Exactly.. A sand nigger.

It's gotta be inspired by some weird or obscure literary/film reference. Colin is a very fancy man, of no little education, and would be familiar with such things.


Colin is a psychopath. He was probably sitting on his computer in the middle of the night for hours researching Anthony's last name just for the perfect 3 second slam.

So he posts on r/opieandanthony?

I don't doubt that in the least.

I'm scared :-0

So Anthony can't be racist after all...



I hope Colin dies in a car accident tonight so we can remember him as a God.

[edit] my google search for 'kumiya' and 'tribe' is lightin' up like a north african kwanzaa pole. Preview of Monday's episode of TACS

40% would be almost as black as Obama

He wouldn't be the first White Nationalist to have Sub-Saharan African DNA either. Craig Cobb, 14%. He denied it, of course. As would Cumia, and Cumia's waaaaaay more "ethnic" looking than Cobb.

Probably not much sub-Saharan. I guarantee he's Berber as fuck.

We'd get a month before Cumia drinks himself to death.


Ant's nose is too narrow / long. Usually when somebody is 40% sub-Saharan the first place you see it is the nose.

Anyone notice how he opened up his set with the BET comicview standard of "lotta white ppl here tonight"

It's so weird how he identifies with white southern republicans when he would fit in better on the corner of a cash for gold rubbing cocoa butter into his ashy skin.


I'm Assyrian from the fucking Middle East and Anthony looks a hundred times more ethnic than me; there is no doubt that he has North African blood. It's also beautiful that his stereotypes so unequivocally describe himself.

No, he's wearing it because these were the days before individually placed follicles.

Italo-Moor eggplants are white believe it or not.

I'm mad now? Not at all. Just telling you that you're wrong and don't know what you're talking about.