aNtHoNY maDe me lafgh at tHE rOoASt

43  2015-07-18 by EskimoEscrow



Fawkin got me u sock cuckah

Anthonys jokes are of lower stock

Ant made me laugh at the roast...

roast BEEF, that is!!

tss yeah or turkey or pork or any other variety of meats that you cook in a pot....tss pot turkey what is he fawkin zooted or sumptin

tss pot turkey what is he fawkin zooted or sumptin


All Anthony needed to do was to ad shucky ducky quack quack after every joke.

dDdoOo yYyouRr DdDuuutTy

Yeah I used to heer my mudda laffin all the time when Lemar was ovah I'd say "mom what's the haps"

he said "black people don't think". My mind almost exploded over how racist that was. And he called it a "joke"? And cant accept that he didnt do well with "jokes" like that? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills that I am even living in this world.

It's just bizarre that after hearing 17 1/2 years of jokes and comedy from Anthony the last 2 1/2 years have been a bizarrely zoned in racial commentary and 6.99 pay per view self destruction.

There are thousands of hours of tape featuring Opie and Anthony before the comedians came on and they're unanimously awful. 95% of it is hacky 90s attitide. Despite every second being old and dated Anthony is still funny. Listen to old episodes and hear how unfunny and corny everything is... but Anthony is still funny. Opie sucked then and sucks now but for 17 years Anthony gave them fucking magic out there.

The right field racist heel turn is so weird and misguided I can't believe it's happening. He went on a white nationalism show and played stupid. Getting away with that is a once in a lifetime gift. Lucky Anth, right?

8 months later he actually said "Black people don't think" and expected to get congratulated by his peers and audience.

Big Jay and L.O.S. have one of the most liberal, pro comedy, pro speech audiences in America, if not all of comedy. The mutants who have followed around LOS are some free thinking, hard to offend individuals. Not only is the crowd thirsty for dirty jokes, the panel of roasters is made up of the BLUEST COMEDIANS in NYC. You can literally joke about anything in front of the audience and comedians and theyre going to be cool. Other acts made racial jokes and they weren't looked at like bridge goblins eating Africans alive. They made jokes that came off like jokes...Anthony sounds like your racist father.

The audience no sold Anthonys jokes because they were weird and racist and outdated and he treated the crowd like they were fans of his show and not Big Jay and LOS. These are people who laughed at Soders sister being dead but didn't smile when Anthony was doing his inside baseball racist bullshit. It's fucking telling.

Besides the horrible white power fans he's accumulated over the past year Anthony was in front of a crowd of comedy fans and an audience that would laugh at the worst shit imaginable if it was funny. He bombed.

ugh fuck..I KNOW...this is what Ant looks like thinking about African Americans being enslaved: it is really scary and DEFINITELY not funny...just unbelievably creepy. I would hate to hear what he says about African Americans and Women around his child brides.

Did ya? Did you almost explode?


I have to bite my lip at the thought that a ballwasher would defend that type of racism. Do you know that he also tried to command his sub of followers to hate Jews? His hatred is fucking chilling.



i actually liked his jokes, he just seemed really out of touch with the crowd and did horrible delivery, for instance I thought the enigma machine joke was great but basically its too insider for that audience I think and probably could have been delivered slightly differently, he def. had some awkward bombing though

tHeRes a cOUch iN yOur SoUP

I don't get the weird typing

That's how Edgars speech is translated to text. It's well established.