Gawker is done

27  2015-07-18 by bizzlbone


I don't think I've ever been offended by anything on the Internet but I was legitimately mad when I was reading that shit last night. How dare they destroy this guy's life.

They can say they took it down because of an "editorial decision" but it's because they are gearing up for another nasty lawsuit. I read an interesting comment proposing that the whole gawker staff reaction is a work. "The post was removed under protest from a majority of their editorial staff" is just a way for them to save face with their supporters and hardcores who agree with their agenda.

If you look up their website ranking the whole ship is tanking, and it's pretty obvious bullshit non news like this is the only breaking, hot stories hitting their inboxes nowadays. Just look at how many times a day they ask for tips and news. The new securedrop or whatever service they're promising whistleblowers complete anonymity is pushed multiple times, daily.

I couldn't agree more.

What makes it even more reprehensible is that after the article was deleted, Gawker Editor-In-Chief Max Read said: "A high-level executive at a powerful media organization f—ed around on his wife and attempted to trade favors to kill the story. If you don’t see how that’s a news story, I don’t know what to tell you."

The claim that there was a proposition to "trade favors to kill the story" is specifically what Gawker used to justify initially publishing the story however it is also one of the many elements of the original article NOT documented in writing but solely based on the word of former gay porn performer/hooker Brodie Sinclair [real name: Derek Truitt] who is a crackpot, conspiracy theorist, homophobic cunt who has sex with men for money. (I'm serious, this is an accurate description of the cunt).


I dont know the circumstances surrounding the accusers identity being revealed but hows that for Kinjas lock box ultra safe totally secure system of whistleblowing? That fucker was doxxed in 3 hours.

Here's exactly how the hooker's identity was revealed [It is NSFW and gay]:

It took less than 3 hours to decipher that it was Brodie Sinclair/Derek Truitt-- the fool sent the gentleman Gawker outed the same penis photo that he uses in all of his hooker ads.

"Your Honor, we are all in agreement that my client is not a smart man, yet..."

Today I learned what a Gay Human Centipede looks like.

Same thing as a regular one.

You know a lot about this fella

The new securedrop or whatever service they're promising whistleblowers complete anonymity is pushed multiple times, daily.

The blind ego of these assholes thinking that they can be the new Wikileaks. Yeah, if I have some groundbreaking shit to leak from a multinational corporation, I'm going to the place that owns Jezebel and is obsessed with Hulk Hogan fucking.

"The post was removed under protest from a majority of their editorial staff" is just a way for them to save face with their supporters and hardcores who agree with their agenda.

It's disgustingly two-faced. They just turn the water up as hot as they can and when it burns them they have an out. I fucking hate all of them.

I'm still waiting for the Hulkster's day in court. I hope he makes them go broke.

They're going to settle out of court for a great big chunk of money.

I'm curious if Linda's legendary divorce settlement entitles her to Hogans future earnings as well. She might get another payday on top of pretty much robbing the Hulkster once already. Not only did she never body slam Andre, she might get a check because her ex husband came in bubbas wife raw.

That bitch has never had her name attached to any kind of mania.

The Hulk Hogan case is what, if anything, will break them. They'll survive the homo thing.


im not even kidding Hogan and the Judge had to come to terms over the terms of Hogans celebrity. Look it up; they came to an agreement on the name Hogan has to use and Hogan and his people took the temperature of the room regarding a court room bandanna. The results were even.

Much to his chagrin, Hogan has to go by his Christian name "Terry Bollea."

Even though he lost the moniker battle Hogan and the Judge were able to come to an agreement when the situation involved his trademark headgear. Bollea is allowed to wear a plain black du-rag/bandanna into court.

Hogan once body slammed Andre in front of 90,000 screaming doubt hell take Gawker to the bank.

I hope he Hulks Out and drops the leg on those cunts' throats. But I'm probably being too much of a sweetie.

Gawker is the world's most sanctimonious revenge porn website. Hope everyone involved with that piece of shit goes down.

Jordan Sargent is the same "writer" who alleged Louis CK was jerking off in front of female comics. It seems all he writes about are just other peoples baseless accusations.

You might be onto something; IMO there is potentially strong evidence that Jordan Sargent either knowingly uses baseless allegations or makes them up himself:

Late last night when I read the article, which was very well documented (via the SMS exchange between the hooker and the gentleman Gawker outed) to support many of the hooker's allegations, I found it VERY curious that there was absolutely no documentation to support the allegation that the man Gawker outed offered to "trade favors to kill the story."

Considering that allegation (and that allegation alone) is what provided the editors at Gawker the justification to publish the story, it raises serious concerns about Jordan Sargent. Might this be another Stephen Glass situation?

Not only did they publish the Louie story sans corroboration, using only tabloid "blind items" and Jen Kirkman referring to a comedian that was "like a french filmmaker" (but never Louie by name), but this Sargent character was trolling the comments section of his own story for corroboration after publishing the article. There were a few comments on that story that were basically "oh yeah, I'm a comedian and I've heard those stories about Louie before" and they would invariably be responded to by Sargent saying "can you email me?" over and over again.

Hopefully Gawker will terminate Sargent and the editor who approved the article for publication.

They won't.

This will probably make me sound like a sensitive dork, but he also wrote a mean-spirited post about Prince Jackson (Michael Jackson's oldest son) that just detailed how much of a dork he thought he was. Of course, Prince has dealt with much bigger shit in his life and will be wealthy beyond belief, but it seemed like a really petty and unnecessary article for a relatively harmless teenager who happens to be a part of a famous family.

That's great news! So the boys are back on Monday?

Ugh. Having the boys back again. Wouldn't that be soooooo magical? :)

If Opie & Ant ever did do a show again, it would be awkward as shit. They would just ball-wash each other, and after they rehash all the past events, it would just boil down to silence and someone chiming in "soo, what do you wanna' talk about?"

aww shucks

Reset that apology clock, E-Rock!

And I'd hope they queue up some Scorch's PFG TV, and Ant and Jimmy go back to their old form.

Shit, I was listening to the 2009 YouTube one the other day and Opie even had a funny line in there.

I believe this is the SJW backlash you've all been waiting for.

adland said they basically have no more stock in the industry -

also /r/KotakuInAction has been emailing all their sponsors and they've been pulling out


My favorite thing about this is that in the comments someone posted tweets from Perez Hilton who, of all people, is taking the moral high ground.

He's won a miniscule amount if respect, let's hope he doesn't go back to what he was.

He isn't a public figure, so the prosecution doesn't even have to prove absolute malice (NY Times v Sullivan). This is a walk-off million dollar libel case.

They had no problem posting hulkster's sex tape because you see mostly hulk's ass in the video and the guy that runs it is gay. You noticed they acted indignant and refused to post any of the pictures from the hacked phones of female celebs and wrote dozens of stories about how its harassment. Gawker is a lot bigger then that one website they also control that pop feminist site Jezebel and that social justice gaming website Kotaku. So if Gawkers goes down so do a lot of social justice warrior websites as well.

Gawker Media is going down in flames and I couldn't be happier. I can't wait until the Hulkster's lawsuit delivers the final blow.

The pendulum is truly swinging back the other way.

I don't buy that. And I don't know the answer to this but my gut feeling is if this were say that dummy Todd Palin this would have not been met with any sort of outrage from all sides as this was. Now in that case they would have played the hypocrisy card because of their views on gay marriage so you see it's MUCH different!!! So I don't believe it's swinging back the other way -- it's just a protected ruling class person who was outed in this case.

With Todd Palin I think they would have a better case to argue that it's newsworthy because he's married to a former VP candidate/current pundit.


Former Gawker writer Adam Weinstein wrote a post with his take on the situation and recent internal staff changes:

Somewhat OT but isn't it interesting that individuals that facilitate/host so called revenge porn sites are criminally charged & often convicted (and imprisoned for years) but Tumblr hosts/facilitates the exact same content and has never been charged for the same offence?

I mention this because I'm always surprised when I see a Tumblr that is not porn.

Does this mean Lindy West is going to be homeless? Please Allah, if you exist, let this happen. Thank you.


Wishful thinking. They'll survive this. Look at how trashy the media is in general. It's not like Gawker is that much different to them. They'll post one story on a republican politican once calling somebody a "fag" and they'll restore all their good will again.



I hate Gawker and its insidious attempts to mold sensibilities, but I don't really understand the extreme negative reaction to running the story. The dude is, if not a semi-public figure, an extremely high-profile private one, and what he was doing was probably illegal.

Why is it on Gawker to keep this dude's secret/keep up his facade? Also, Geithner is in the publishing game, which, in theory, places some kind of emphasis on honesty/integrity/transparency.

I think this is much more on Geithner's sleaziness and lack of discretion than Gawker's. I'm not for witch-hunting or outing gays, but if you head down Sleazy Avenue and (try to) lay down with the wrong guy/gal, and get caught (up in something) along the way, well, dem's the breaks.

I think trying to crucify Gawker for this is sinking to their level.

Why is reporting that a married dude tried to pay a gay escort for sex more shameful/unethical than a married dude actually trying to pay a gay escort for sex? I don't understand that. If you have kids, maybe put your gay escort sexing days behind you (tss).

Why is reporting/commenting on the act worse than the act itself? Who's worse: that urban teen who stole those girls' lemonade stand money, or someone who calls that piece of shit a "nigger"?