Ant just made a new black joke on twitter. It's like the jokes old timey racists used to make before a lynching.

3  2015-07-17 by Ant_Sucks


Haha. Black people...

that is the issue isn't it's? like how ever black comic has to mention their blackness for 50% of their act.

Yeah that's weird that they do that.. it isn't like there are a bunch of people who look at them and identify them solely by their race...

fuck off nigger, your tears are delish though

White people be crazy. Some of them be sittin on they computer complaining about why black people tell jokes about being black and they don't realize that they are the reason black people do that! Hhhhhhhaaaaaammmburger!

Shuckaaay Duckaaaaaayyyy!

Good one Obongo

guy that doesn't get the bit

That's the bit

DOUBLE DOWN, MOTHERFUCKER!!! Don't let these assholes tell you what your brand of comedy should be, Ant!!

Fucking Christ.

He's not joking.

Could he please just yell "THAT'S THE BIT" and find something else?

Waiting for the payoff is exhausting and I'm starting to think he's not trying to be funny anymore.

not a funny joke


That was actually good. If he kept his ranting limited to jokes like those, his feed would be bearable.

So you don't unfollow? You just subject yourself to things that you hate?

I just check in once in a while to see if he's become somewhat reasonable.

Even I don't buy that one!

Buy what?

It's not as bad in context. It's a shit joke but that's the intention, he's responding to Jimmy.

This is like a joke your rasict uncle from the south would make

What the fuck are you talking about? His response, in context, to Jim's joke. You people are like MSNBC. The military have to battle to capture the scene from your hysterical reactions to every thing he says. This subreddit has become Gawker.

It was a terrible joke, racist or not. It's the hackiness that makes it noteworthy.

exactly, it was forced and not funny.

Well you can elect to unfollow at any moment that you wish. And he doesn't have to be funny, either. It's a free service.

Relax turbo. There's like one guy here outraged and it was a pretty mediocre joke, so we're all just analyzing it instead of uncontrollably slapping our corn-cob pipes on our knees like Ant's fans. One of those responses on twitter nailed it: "that would have been a fired oh so fired joke" if he had a boss still.

But he doesn't. Like he shouldn't of been for a joke. Any joke. And now he doesn't have to pander to mob justice, made up of people who have no power in society outside of a lynch mob.

Bill Burr would not approve. He's too busy making brilliant points about how feminism is somewhat hypocritical, you now, classy alpha male stuff. spoarts

So you don't unfollow? You just subject yourself to things that you hate?