The strangest thing about the Stangel Bros.

2  2015-07-17 by Mr_Brightside23

Besides no one knowing what exactly they do, it’s that they’re hired as a team. I don’t have their full resumes, but they were at Letterman and now with Sirius.

What kind of creepy sibling / co-worker relationship is that? And what corporation hires two related jamooks as a team? “You know Mr Letterman, my brother and I have a very creative relationship and work great off each other.” Yuck.

Imagine these two douches walking into the interview together? It probably looks somewhat like this:


they ride to work on matching motorcycles

The Mcguire Twins were brought from wrestling gig to wrestling gig in the back of a uhaul. One day there wasn't a ramp for them to load from, so they piled up a bunch of crates and told fatso #1 to take a running start. He hit the makeshift ramp and instantly face planted and tore his leg up something terrible.

Not matching motorcycles. Eric rides bitch on justin's hog

Right over your head

Apparently so.

There's a fat one and an ugly one. Just like the 2 they replaced, jew-fro pencil necked Sam and downsy chunky Erock

also kind of something thats changed is how Opie has started getting on their ass more for getting videos, etc. faster. like i guess they're basically what Sam was?

It's probably a Writers\Producers Guild thing. Writers gets special protections in the guild. There's also special rules about how they're paid and credited. It's not unsual for a writing team to move from one place to another.

The Mcguire Twins were brought from wrestling gig to wrestling gig in the back of a uhaul. One day there wasn't a ramp for them to load from, so they piled up a bunch of crates and told fatso #1 to take a running start. He hit the makeshift ramp and instantly face planted and tore his leg up something terrible.

Not matching motorcycles. Eric rides bitch on justin's hog