
0  2015-07-17 by uhgnk

sick of people defending a rapist, pedophile, and an alcoholic. So happy he is finally being exposed for the fucking piece of shit misogynist he is. fucking rapist thinks he's funny, and thinks he didnt bomb, shows how out of it him and his views on race and women are, he should be out of the public eye forever. I'm so happy to see opie come out on top after working with this fucking racist misogynist hack for so many years, it must have been a nightmare. #teamopie


This is the most badly written, ill-thought out piece of SJW shite I've ever seen on this sub. Fuck this guy, and no, girls won't be impressed that you're standing up for them.

Oh a ballwasher doesnt think he's a racist and a misogynist? I'm not surprised.

People shit on anthony here all the time. your post just stunk, dummy

I think he's a racist, misogynist. I also think your post stunk.

You make Ant haters look bad.

This sub has reached the bottom and now serves no purpose. I hope the Ghost of Ellen Pao comes and destroys it.

This comment is a false-flag operation by a pro-Ant supporter.

are you saying you think any part of what I said is not true?