Why do you still watch TACS?

1  2015-07-17 by jsmill1

I legitimately want to know what those people who like TACS actually enjoy about it. A similar question was asked about Opieradio not long ago. TACS has gotten to a place where I'm similarly confused by why it has maintained any sort of decent viewership.

And as an aside, if I could subscribe to his network a la carte just for LoS, I would.


For Legion of Skanks.

Ant does have moments of hilarity where he knocks it out of the park. It's not saying much, but these moments are more frequent than you'll find on O&J.

The shows where he has a good guest like booby kelly on are always great

Because I listen to both shows still, I def prefer Jimmy and Opie these days though.

The average hour of O&A was shit, too. We bought that whole thing for the good parts. A TACS subscription's an OK deal in the same way.

Gavin's show is great. I know you all hate it, but you all think BENNINGTONĀ® is good, so you're all fucking idiots.

Skanks is worth the whole $7 if you like it.

When Anthony has on guests you remember, his show is like the Nopie shows you remember...but he's staring at the top of your head for some reason.

Hide the window.


The same reason why most here don't, politics and race. The big guys Rush and Hannity don't go hard enough after racial issue, they pepper in too much social conservatism, and I generally find them, especially Hannity to be too nice. Ant reminds me of a funnier Andrew Wilkow on Sirius Patriot who i'm also a fan of.