Just wanted to remind you fine folks of this exquisite comedic performance

5  2015-07-16 by SAHandre


It's really just Joes terrible writing that makes this bad.

Yeah and his directing. His writing and directing.

Don't forget the acting, and the casting, and the framing. The cinematography isn't great either.

The entire premise really.

It's existence is unforgivable, and that one is probably the best one of the series.

I don't think the show was overall very good.

I agree. The concept was just so pretentious and lame. I am honestly surprised every episode wasn't some "legit" band like The Melvins or Faith No More. I love those bands and their ticket stubs are in the intro, but using Sheryl Crow, Metallica and Phil Collins was kind of lame. What i'm saying is that Joe Derosa is a poser who pretends to like artsy bullshit, but sits at home all day listening to pop radio all day.


I don't proofread.

that metallica episode fuckin stunk

not even in a way that's fun to mock, just enragingly bad



perfectly reasonable statement, sir. Enjoy an upvote

Ant kind of looks like the bad Jim Varney from Ernest Goes to Jail.

i like cumia's jean shorts.

Two great comedians

These two should form a Neo-Nazi comedy duo.


man this is good. You guys really don't like it?

I actually enjoyed that.

Me too, but not for the intended reasons. I love cringey shit.

Pretty sure that was the intended reason. He's wearing Jean shorts and singing Phil Collins.

Don't forget the acting, and the casting, and the framing. The cinematography isn't great either.