Cumia is denying he bombed last night on TACS...

1  2015-07-16 by fratboy_massacre

Even the sycophants in the listening thread are disgusted at him. The man really knows how to make a bad situation worse. Cringe, failure, cringe some more. He'll never live it down now.


He talked about it for the first couple minutes then did 20 minutes of political talk before someone phoned in and told him that he bombed and to admit and just play the set.

They started the clip right at the Soder joke which was good (skipping the opening "jokes"), and then cut off after 20 seconds before the enigma "joke" (which got absolutely nothing) and then didn't play anything else as Ant cut the video saying "alright, I don't wanna go through the whole thing".

He knows he bombed otherwise he would have played the whole thing.

There's still a few delusional fan-boys left who are still supporting him, and are in just as much denial as he is.

Fanboys = Vasquez

Ant = Drake

Everybody else = Hicks: "FORGET HIM, HE'S GONE!"

"You're just grinding metal!"

They are trying to get a hold of jimmy to review the set. Jimmy will have a field day.

Honestly, sad to see how he is handling his shit performance at the roast.

I'd have expected him to acknowledge that it was "sub-par" at best and joke about himself. I expected an honest, self-critical look and an acknowledgement that he wasn't very good at all.

Very odd reaction for him to just pretend that he was "OK"... Ant is losing my interest, hope that new studio changes things.
