If there was a chance of an O&A reunion, it would be all thanks to Opie, and in spite of everything Anthony has done.

0  2015-07-16 by Ant_Sucks

He's the one keeping a stable show going. Now that PlutoFace is out of the picture he's had more in-studio cameras, and that's been going well. There's some new camera angles now and editing between the too, so it feels like a more natural on screen conversation. The video element actually works, not for watching youtube videos, but it adds the same level of engagement that Joe Rogan's cameras do.

The guests are usually better than what TACS has on.. He never gets drunk and rants or talks shit about Anthony. There is literally a seat that Anthony can sit in next to Jimmy. It's currently being occupied by a walrus, but Kenny could easily roll that fat fuck outta there.



Sadly, I think at this point Anthony is "unemployable". He's tainted. SXM (or any other legit media company) will never hire him.

Ant needs a good cohost who actually challenges his points. As long as he is solo expect 2 hour rants on race stuff.

The race stuff was good when someone challenged him. All he has now are yes men

When are people going to figure out that he doesn't want a co-host; nor does he want anyone to challenge him; nor does he particularly want TACS to be a comedy program. He's doing exactly the kind of show he wants to do now . . . and it's garbage.

Ant deep down wishes he was never fired and is still bitter that the show continued without him. It's pretty obvious when he can't go a week without mentioning O&J in some fashion. I think it's too much water under the bridge at this point. They don't like each other and that's that.

You make a good point and makes me actually want to listen to o&j. Opie sucks but at least there is jim and Sam and erock and any other comedian that won't go on tacs. I've briefly heard some local terrestrial radio show, hole and all, and o&j has to be better than that and constant politics and race.

The DL Hughley video was good, and Parker Posey has a great ass.


Yeah, if there's one thing that improves a radio show its more camera angles

No, but it improves the experience for people who watch it on youtube, Grandpa.

Whoa hoa Grandpa! Looks like we've got a wild card in the deck

Yay, they have great in studio cameras now. Too bad the show is shit and no one cares about the fucking cameras aside from you.