People wasting time.

0  2015-07-16 by [deleted]

There sure are a lot of people in here wasting their time making daily anti-Ant posts. If you don't like it why are you still watching and making the same post everyday? Seems like a huge waste of better spent time.


Yeah because O & A never hated on anything eh.


But they're on an O&A subreddit and hate O&A. Don't you find that odd? It's like a daily Jocktober. Wait, I figured it out. Does Mancow have a subreddit, Facebook page, or message board?




Yeah that's true they never brought it up ever again after they jocktobered anyone.

Not quite. They would rag on a given person/subject until they felt it was played out and no longer funny or interesting. Sometimes it was something that would come up, go away and then pop up when the circumstances dictated it( Howard ). As to whether any of it was funny/interesting is entirely subjective. And that is exactly what we do here. When it stops being funny or interesting we'll find something else. That hasn't happened yet for many of us.

But it's not popping back up under new circumstances, its the same things over and over again posted by the same people.


so, when Maxwell embarrassed himself everyone just dropped and the fans said it was a waste of time.

That's what I mean, it's the same people saying the same thing that they have already said multiple times.

I know. It's almost like people listen to a show where the host says things that he's said multiple times and then they come on here and say things that they've already said multiple times. For example: "why do you talk about a show you don't listen to? Boohoohoo, stop saying mean things".

Really weird.

That's what I mean, it's the same people saying the same thing that they have already said multiple times.

And it's exactly what you blockheads are doing right now.


Clearly, we're on the same page with this. I mean, say something once, why say it again?

That's what I mean, it's the same people saying the same thing that they have already said multiple times.

And it's exactly what you blockheads are doing right now.


How stupid are you? Like 5 people listen to O&J yet we've all dedicated the last year to hating Opie. You don't need to watch Ant's show to know that he just babbles about race everyday for 2 hours. He was amazing on O&A and he sucks on his own. Harsh reality, but it's true.

I cancelled my subscription a couple months ago when I realized that I was only watching out of habit and not actually laughing or enjoying it anymore. He's an old man with tunnel vision and he won't change no matter what. It's like trying to convince a WW2 vet to not hate Japs.

You continue to comment on a show that you cancelled months ago and you call me stupid?

It's not really stupid fella, it's a choice. He likes it, I like it and a whole bunch of the monsters here enjoy it. This place is here for us to express how we feel and remember this is the O&A sub so all comments relating to that particular Island of Dr Moreau are valid.

I comment on the host who continually makes an ass of himself. I do it with both of them. Like 99% of this sub does it.

It's like arguing with a dog, you don't get anywhere and it bothers the dog - I give up!

"better spent time" Do you have the slightest clue what a faggot you sound like? Any inkling at all?

Thanks, Grandma.

The Internet is getting too positive and nice these days. The negativity from this forum is a breath of fresh air.

Ya muddas cunt then.