Best O&A show of all time?

12  2015-07-16 by Crisby4

I know we aren't going to be able to agree what is the best show but I hope we can agree on some. Personally I enjoy listening to ones with Patrice O'Neal and Colin Quinn. What is one that is the most memorable to you?


The show with Patrice and Colin where o&a told bobo that they had organized for him to meet some woman that he had been talking to on twitter.

Be respectful


I was blocked. I......was.......blocked.

For anyone who wants the show.

Starts at 1:55:00, maybe a bit before.

Tequila and Donut Day is definitely a Top 10 show for me. Lots of dirty laundry got aired out that day, and it was fucking hilarious.

Also, their coverage of the Boston Bomber manhunt was actually really exciting if you were listening to the show live that morning. The entire manhunt had been going on overnight, cops were killed, car chases had happened, and a dragnet was happening throughout Brighton. Coming from near Boston, it was just a fucking crazy chain of events to hear unfold.

I found out about everything that happened during my sleep from O&A. As I was sitting in traffic in Quincy because the T was shut down.

Oh gawd, I forgot Tequila & Donut Day. Hilarious moments!

Also the introduction of Denny Falcone.

The "are you a lizard" show with Louis C.K. I remember listening to that live in my dorm room when the revolutions were happening.

Mel Gibson Tapes or the OJ read through with Louis CK

I forgot about how great these are. Louis starts doing a Chinese voice, and Anthony has to tell him they can't do that, Louis says sorry, and Anthony goes, wait till the mikes are off and we will go to town.

And Patrice saying Oh Mel, Oh Melvin in the Russian voice.

I just remembered why I'm still rooting for Anthony. He's earned it....for now.


I like the one where Opie explained how he liked to be uncomfortable and how everyone who passed through his house asked him "Why do you like to be so uncomfortable" like they just couldn't believe it.

That show has to be up there among the best. Another opie nugget would be first show back from a summer break where we got to hear about the opster shitting on a beach and then ask Ant, Jim, Sam, guests and anyone else if they had ever done that same thing.

The show where they came back to xm after the Homless Charlie suspension and Patrice, Vos, Jim and Bobby listened to O&A's first show together.

The spinning wheel of death show, or whatever it's called. Paralyzed Opie is a classic

There are some I still like better from before satellite, namely the Vos and Jimmy roasts. But that one is definitely it for me for the satellite era.

First Patrice O'Neal Memorial, day after he died. Sad as fuck, but inadvertently the greatest single example of what old-era O&A was all about.

Also marks the official end of that era, in my opinion.

I had been working through the Patrice appearances and just listened to that the other day. I laughed. I cried. Sometimes simultaneously. It was the best radio for the worst reason ever.

Eddie the Murderer. It's one of the few shows that O&A have ever done that is timeless. The episode is simultaneously gripping, hilarious and captivating.


There's a show from 08 where they listen to the first WNEW show and then the second half is the brutal tomato bit where they psychologically destroy the intern. Lots of great shows around that time, spring summer 08.

The original 50 gallon drum challenge was unbelievable at the time. Maybe because I'm a sadist.

One show I will always love is where Opie started to talk about people that he hated in the building, starting with Fred from Stern. They fleshed out the situation and it turned out that Fred had actually done nothing wrong, they all then proceeded to say who they hated and why. I think Sam called it the "Fucko List".

I listened to one the other day that was full of legendary moments. Relistening, I was surprised that it had so many in one episode. The top 10 country songs (Touching your vulva tonight) Patrice destroying that one lingerie football girl, and then "Raining stuff"

Not the best episode, but shit, a lot of great moments right there at once.

One of my favourites forsure


Mel Gibson Tapes Gangsta Fag 8 Track Porn Happy Days any spinning wheel of death days..

if i had to pick one - Happy Days..

I got into the show on accident really. I got a new car with XM and popped across it just a year ago, so got to hear the end of the O&A show and the new O&J startup. However, at work I listened to tons of their old stuff on Youtube. I started with CK, then onto Patrice, and then Colin and Bobby.

My favorite shows are the CK interview "are you a lizard". His insight on how Starbucks is such a piece of shit and how he describes NY and Boston back in the day is pretty amazing, and then he comes out with that gem with Donald Rumsfeld.

My favorite Patrice show was the one where he meets Bobo and Jimmy shows him the trick. I literally had to keep taking out my earbuds and walk away from my desk until I quit laughing/smiling at how funny it was. I also loved hearing his rape case story.

My favorite Colin episode isn't a specific episode, but it's labeled something like "Jimmy vs Colin" where it's like 3 hours of clips of them berating each other and is hilarious. When Colin gets at Jimmy, just the way he uses language is so unique and great.

My favorite Bobby show is the "I broke my knee man". The crew absolutely destroys him. I also love the Bobby and Vos chemistry when they get going at people.

The wheelchair Opie bit is probably the most unexpected hilarious bit, even with some Gregshells from the fucking beating he takes. It showcases Bobby, Vos, Jimmy, and Ant just throwing bombs for like 10 minutes before it dies out.

Those are the main ones that jump out, but there are plenty of great shows of them shooting the shit, and some great interviews out there as well. I actually really like the one with Screech on it because it's so uncomfortable to listen to. For Screech to parade around as a stand up, and the type of middle school jokes he came up with was literally painful to listen to.

Finally, a good place to start for some bits like this is "decade of dominance" series they put out for awhile. I think they got 10 episodes out before it died. It covers most of the stuff I mentioned as well.


I was blocked. I......was.......blocked.