Anthony is bombing beyond all recognition on the Big Jay Roast...

9  2015-07-16 by fratboy_massacre

The live feed thread is filled with cringe and failure. And of course ball washers saying how brave he is for going up there with actual comedians. It's worth a read.


It hurt. He knows it.

Was he throwing 1970s movie references out there to a bunch of 30 years olds?

Imagine Derosa was there and killed it, that woulda put the Ant ball lickers in a coma

Yeah there's no way Derosa would have done worse than Ant. He would've redeemed himself somewhat had he shown up.

Do you know if this will be on the LOS podcast or is it strictly on Ants network?

Just Ants.


I had to keep turning my headphones down.

finally now we can all stop pretending he could ever hang with the OnA comics, sure anyone can be funny in a room with friends but being on a stage is a whole other animal.

and fuck them for not showing this for free, i wish LOS never sold out.

You can easily catch it tomorrow on a stream though. It's not worth paying for. LoS will have to leave sooner or later--Cumia's self-destructing and Oakerson's getting bigger. He can't afford to be seen with him much longer.

I don't subscribe & only listen to the free LoS. They are doing a good job of not making the exclusive show part of the free one. I don't feel like I'm missing anything. So I say, good for them. Take the paycheck from the crazy old man with the horrible business model & keep doing the show for the fans that don't want to subscribe. So far I'm happy

whole other animal.

Sure it all sounds good in your head.

What is this sad obsession you have with them "selling out"?

You're still getting your free shows that you feel so strongly entitled to, why are you so enraged by the guys making a little bit of money out of the deal?

This is what it must have felt like when Kennedy was assassinated.

Yeah that stunk! Even his hug with Jay was awkward lol.

...that was fucking awful

I wish Derosa had shown up.

Many on the live thread were glad he wasn't there because he would've ripped Cumia to shreds. Ha! It's too bad. Golden opportunity.

DeRosa couldn't even rip Dr Steve to shreds.

"Buh-rutal" - Opie.

Jesus, that was depressing. Poor Anthony, oh god.

He should have done a couple open mics to prepare. That first bomb really sucks.

That was atrocious. It really makes me miss O&A because I know Jimmy and whoever would have annihilated him for it. I guess the show really is dead.

I'm not a TACS subscriber any longer (love Ant but got tired of the same race stuff over and over and over again) so I can't watch it. For once, I'm thankful to be blocked by a paywall. I'd rather not see a dude I liked for years embarrass himself.

It really is unfortunate that his career has fallen apart so terribly. Maybe it would have been far better had he just gone into retirement.

Edit: Saw the YouTube link someone posted here. Not as bad as you fuckers made it out to be. Not good, either. He had some AWFUL lines but also some decent ones. Meh. What was on his hand? It looked like a Dice glove.

He needed to slow down. He sorta rushed through his lines. I guess he didn't bother to memorize his jokes so he kept staring at what I think was his phone (shitty video quality) which was distracting.

These are great questions. What do you think I'm afraid of? Sure I'll do another AMA!

And the ballwashers are now out in force splainin' that Ant is not a stand up and giving him great respect for plowing through the set he had weeks to prepare for as an entertainer. Typical. He could rape a toddler in front of them and they'd pat him on the back.

I bet he wrote the act 5 minutes before going on. Thought he could do it like his show, no preparation & as lazily as possible. I'm so glad he bombed

That's what I was thinking. He had weeks to prepare, but he's too lazy, so the reason he was glued to his phone from the time the thing started until when he went on was he was writing the act. Surprisingly, it didn't work out.

Even then, why would he not run the jokes past Louis or Dave or even text a few to Jimmy to get an honest assessment before the show started? Unless he really thinks he was on the same level as professional comedians?

You really think Louis CK, Dave Attel or any comic of that level gives a flying fuck about Anthony Cumia? Seriously? Yes, I heard Louis is leaving FX to be broadcast on the Cumia Network.

My hope is Anthony kills himself soon live- justifies the $7 a month.

Damn bro.... Damn.

Which ex girlfriend are you?

Which current girlfriend are you?

The one with a huge Fawkin Pecka! Fuck yeah

It's like Christmas morning for you psycho

Oh you have no idea. I'm not proud of it, but there it is.

Will the roast be released in LOS podcast form or is it strictly on Ants channel "NOW we're talkin uncensored" "cuz you're too cheap to pay for it"

Even then, why would he not run the jokes past Louis or Dave or even text a few to Jimmy to get an honest assessment before the show started? Unless he really thinks he was on the same level as professional comedians?

Oh you have no idea. I'm not proud of it, but there it is.