/r/CoonTown had been banned!

0  2015-07-15 by [deleted]


Are you sure, because I was just there and they were roasting Big Jay.

Well, it's the beginning of the end. Does Voat have their shit together yet?

Also, which subs are next? /r/coontown is an easy one to get rid of.

Edit- apparently /r/coontown is trolling. Good one. A sub full of Chippah's.

Yeah, I've been using it for the past few weeks. It's pretty fast, and they're protected from DDOS attacks now.

tsss, what about dwindows attacks? what about dnorton commander attacks? DOUBLE OPERATING SYSTEMS COCKSUCKKAAA

tsss tss dnorton commander. Is that like when Opie gets dmoted tsss tssss

y-yeah, that's what i said :|

Fawkin dlinux attacks

openSUSE, what's she a fucking hooer?! MY FAT OPEN WIFE SUUUSEN


It begins...

If you ban unpopular speech, where do you stop? That's why you have to allow awful shit like r/coontown.

Shit like that....It's a side effect of liberty, as hack as that sounds.




i just clicked it and its up. But you can bet coontown will be in the first wave of bans under the new policy

My money is on /r/greatapes

Management likes the way reddit is going

Reddit is the Opie of websites.

Two fat jews are now going to sit in on every sub and offer nothing.

Don't worry people! It's a false flag! You could even call it a Quanspiracy!

Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy

This subreddit has been banned for violating the reddit rules to keep everyone safe.

Fucking yuck.


Fucking Chinese Harry Potter


Good riddance.

Yup, I expect more shit to be shoveled over the next 24hrs. It is way way past time.

Your name offends and triggers me as a proud African-American. Ban!

O&J's been doing a solid job of building the homosexual demo lately.