Top 10 things Anthony has done to get his job back

15  2015-07-15 by mr__hat

"There's a chair open here, and the ultimate goal is for Anthony to one day sit in it again" - Jim Norton

  1. Refused to accept any responsibility for his actions / firing (for example, during his year long open & honest monologue about his firing, he has failed to mention even once that SiriusXM had warned his agent about his racist bullshit prior to his firing)
  2. Asked people to cancel their SiriusXM subscriptions.
  3. Publicly stated he would never apologize and if given the same set of circumstances, he would do the same thing all over again.
  4. Appeared on a white supremacist radio show
  5. Got Decade of Dominance yanked off the air.
  6. Blew up the Stangel Brothers announcement.
  7. Completely destroyed his relationship with his ex business partner. Continues to take unprovoked shots at him. Makes up malicious lies about him.
  8. Showed up at the door without a prior notice. With a gun.
  9. Publicly stated he wants to "steal" Jimmy from SXM.
  10. Chimp noises.

The fired radio host dismissed speculation of bad-blood between the three as ridiculous. He also said his attitude towards cancelled SiriusXM subscriptions has nothing to do with wanting his former partners to fail and everything to do with showing the company that they “f*ed up” by firing him.

“We are all devastated that this happened and that we are not able to continue the show together. But I love those guys. I think they are really talented and I would really hope to work with them again in the future,” Cumia said.


This looks like a list of things that won't help him get his job back.

Oh, Literal BumbiBestie.

I agree with your assessment.

You forgot "stopped being funny"

Oh yeah, real rich, Ant's not funny? ooga booga go back to Africa!

^ That was fucking funny. You wouldn't understand you libtard.


But Opie didn't do enough to get his job back. It's very unfair.

Yeah! Also "The Worm" didn't give up a six figure paycheck to do a shitty podcast in a drunken racist pedophile's basement! What an asshole!

They had no loyalty, none at all. Everyone on this sub would've sacrificed their job, middling amount of fame, and million-dollar salary to get that racist alcoholic sack of poison back on the show where he could endanger their jobs yet again and you know it. I'm just being rational here.


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1-Buttafucco Buttafucco Buttafucco

Is that a reference to The Critic?

Yea I think so. Either The Critic or The Simpsons, couldn't remember which

I think letterman used to do it?

It is Letterman. It may also be in The Critic or The Simpsons, but in those cases they're referencing Letterman.

what was so shocking about that radio show he went on?
10 years ago Anthony started collecting nazi memorabilia, he loves racist websites, spent two hours praising Hitler on his birthday, and he has said pretty much the same things on xm as he did on that show

But don't you get it, stupid? That's all a bit. He doesn't really like Hitler! Just like he's not really a racist. And you will find both of those statements from his fans.

Yeah, I mentioned it because it makes him look bad. Various media outlets wrote articles about it. That's why it's relevant.

I don't personally really give a shit about his views on race etc. I mean I find some of his views / attitudes appalling, but so what? He's entitled to his opinions.

because for years it was seen and played off as a joke and a little bit of fun innocent racism, but then going on a show like that just made it feel a lot more real and not fun.

Observation: 25 votes in 53 minutes. There's some fuckery afoot.


TACS is SHit

Anthony is a dumb wop.

TACS will soon fail and the "compound" will be on the market again. for 2/3 of what Ant bought it for.

It's pretty funny it's worth a lot less than what he paid for it. He's so intelligent but yet he's lost a lot of money on that investment. It's very hard to lose money on real estate. He's half a retard.

Apologies do not work, he would have never gotten the job back. Even if by some infinitesimal chance he did he would have been on such a tight leash that the show would have been basically the same as their first shows back in the 90's. Essentially him just agreeing and halfheartedly laughing at everything opie says.

Number 5 on the list really fucking bothers me. That decade of dominance was fucking primo shit. It was a caller based show, that usually had some of the best clips ever from O&A. Fuck, I miss that show.

number 8 was hilarious to listen to, too bad they didn't let him in

Opie has his foot on the door dude. He knows it's not a possibility, so he has gone full flamethrower on Sirius and Chesty McTraitorson

number 1, how do you know that?

thank you kind sir

Right, we would have loved it if he gave a teary apology and just sat tight. Shut the fuck up.

Has Anthony said at any time over the last year that getting his job back sat Sirius is one of his goals? EDIT- Because from what I remember he threw himself into TACS really soon after the firing and there was never any serious attempt at getting him his job back after the first week or so: In fact, leading up to and during the first few months of that shows launch he even seemed excited at the new direction his career had taken, to the point where he even jokingly told Rogan on the Joe Rogan experience that he should seek out the black woman he had the confrontation with in Times Square and thank her for giving him a new lease on life. You can criticize Anthony for handling himself in ways that have surely hampered the growth and success of TACS over the past year but getting mad at him for taking actions that have lessened the chances of a future rapprochement with SirusXM (like trying to steal Jimmy, getting Decade of Dominance yanked, or leaking the Stangel brothers hiring) kind of stupidly presumes that he ever really wanted one.

yeha, good point

Who would want that cake-walk job?

meanwhile back earth: Anthony is devastated and this has ruined him.

My argument isn't that in the immediate aftermath of the firing Anthony was happy and relieved-it was that at least after the few first weeks or so there isn't really any evidence that he was spending a lot of time straining to get his old job back. The OP's list, which includes things that Anthony did long after the firing, long after the launch of TACS, and long after the "I would really hope to work with them again in the future" quote infers that getting back to Sirius is something Anthony really wants to do and that the actions listed above show that he was stupidly doing things that would make that that less likely to happen. Since that doesn't seem (to me) that that's something Ant wants to do I thought the point of the list was dumb.

He talked ALL about it on the "Walking on Greggshells" episode of TACS. I haven't watched it since it came out, but I distinctly remember him saying that he had TACS lined up so fast because he took Opie's constant "well, this could be the end!"-style contract negotiation seriously. Not because he was "already looking to move in another direction," like Opie claimed.

And he explicitly said something to the effect of "of course I didn't want to quit! Why would you want to risk a dream gig like that? I wanted to do it forever!" That doesn't sound like the sentiment of someone who wouldn't want to get their old job back.

I didn't say that Anthony's initial sentiment when he was fired was 'Finally! Now I can do my own thing.' Obviously the odds of him quitting O+A and staking out on his own had the Times square incident never happened are pretty low. My point was that very soon after the firing he never gave any indication that he was looking to get his old position back (perhaps because, as he said in the Rogan interview, the excitement of developing TACS was what he'd rather do at this point, or possibly because being rehired didn't seem possible anymore) and so criticizing him for taking actions months afterwards that made Sirius less likely to rehire him when both Opie or Anthony clearly had zero interest in an O+A reunion at Sirius is dumb. Unlike, say, a thread criticizing Anthony for being unfunny or for doing things that might limit TACS’s growth the OP’s list is criticizing him for doing things that are preventing him from reaching a goal that, to my mind at least, he doesn’t even have.

I think Tits signing a contact for Ant's money the same day Ant was fired meant there was no job to get back.

Define delusion

edit: turns out the define_bot is really slow / broken. anyway, you're delusional

I think people are definitely going too far in letting Opie off the hook for his perfidy, but this never happened.

Showed up at the door without a prior notice. With a gun.

Stop being a drama queen. This one doesn't count.

An ex employee with anger and alcohol problems showing up unannounced with a handgun doesn't count?

Well, when you put it that way.

Not denying all your points, but I think(could be wrong) that he has all the paperwork to have that handgun. Which probably includes mental evaluation and background checks. Whatever anger problems he has probably don't qualify as uncontrollable or dangerous.

A former employer should never allow an ex-employee to enter the building armed. ever.

Give me a break, baby boy.


Whoa there. I can simply disagree with this post without being a white knight faggot.

That's not very nice.

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