Today's zoo

0  2015-07-15 by metfan999

Again...unlistenable (~7:30 am). Just Tits, yimmy, and the fat fucks bullshitting about what they did the night before, and about roland. Listen for about 15 seconds...switch to music channels....try again a few minutes later....same crap....switch back to music....and leave it on music. This happens frequently. Vos was so right...Ant was the talent of the show (no kidding). True, Anth is a bit white trashy, but he is funny as fuck. And he makes Jimmy so much more funnier.


"My wife pointed out Jonathans hog"

You left out the guy that called in and literally sucked their balls and and assholes for a few minutes. That had to be a paid actor.

yup, the guy who talked about loving an old bit

A bit white trashy?

Tomorrow, they can recap the Big Jay Roast for a solid hour of good radio, but...

Ant really hasnt been all that funny lately.



So happy i relieved this puss inducing ear cancer from my life



It's a slow news cycle in the middle of July. It'll get better

Wait until Caitlin Jenner's reality show starts. Then LOOK OUT!

It really will be discussed daily. How fucking depressing.

Yep and God exists too