Former Reddit CEO: You're All Screwed

14  2015-07-15 by [deleted]


This guy sounds like he wrote this while drunk. As if the entire population of the internet is now sitting terrified of reddit's corporate board like a bunch of women during a mongol purge. The idea that people were supposed to be thankful for having some SJW figurehead to shield us from criticism and that we'll all now be sorry for killing our batman is fuckin' laughable. If the reason that he chose his successor is because of a worry that the far-left would call his users racist or sexist, he clearly shouldn't have been trusted with that decision. Remember how 4chan got shut down over their yearly hacker/killer/harassment controversies? Their run-ins with the FBI? Their almost total lack of moderation? Me neither.

Let Reddit destroy itself, we're not all San Franciscan faggots with millions of dollars invested in this dreck. These websites all die eventually when top-down control is exerted, and the people always just migrate to a wilder west. The people who got dickhard over witch-hunting that korean harry potter don't give a shit if reddit dies and nobody is going to be sorry over it. What a dramatic little bitch. Yeah your little silicon-valley world is crashing down, so what, we've already got two trainwrecks right here to dissect.

You don't get it.


Most people don't get it. Big Money is involved now, Conde Naste wants to make Reddit safe for Mommy to read after watching the View, so she can make hen posts cackling about Trump and coo over the latest Housewives episode. This is how it works. Free speech isn't the issue here, MONEY is. Reddit is poised to take on Facebook for actual conversation. The ad potentials are a Silicon Valley/Wall Street wet dream. This place is a data-mining orgy waiting to happen. Which is why I'm glad this place is anonymous (for now), and I don't have any real links to my email addresses or any other accounts, because that's coming. If it doesn't get announced tomorrow (Having to register with an email account), I'll be surprised.

It's the way of the world now - if someone even gets casual interest from the Internet, it's exploitation for money/data and it's eventual death is inevitable. Big Data is always out there now. Doesn't matter if it's Facebook, or Google, or whoever. Embrace the madness, ride this one into the ground. It's over. The suits and Tumblr SJWs have won. The minute they ask/demand for an email address attached to your account, walk away. Reddit is becoming Tumblr, where hate speech is only tolerated from feminists, gays, fat women, and men pretending to be women. If you're white, male, of European descent, and have even an ounce of spine and even a hint of an opinion that's not 100% fawning and bootlicking towards feminists, you're not welcome here starting tomorrow.

This was never about free speech. This is about money, and controlling speech. It's a private website, the First Amendment doesn't apply, and the Tumblr Nazis are not amused. Starting tomorrow, you'll hear code words like "inclusive", "nonjudgmental", "hate free zone". Be afraid. You will obey your Tumblr Overpersonsoffluidgender.

This is what happens every time people are allowed to speak freely, in the same space. Yes, you get some extremes, like white power jerks, but that's what free speech is - you're gonna hear things you don't like or agree with - but you have the same space to drop your views and debate them. But like anywhere else, the liberal side starts complaining and demanding that dissent and speech they don't like and triggers them be silenced. They don't even care how hypocritical they are now, they demand free speech, and then call for censorship with the same breath, with no shame.

I've watched it happen so many places, the last couple of years. I've been attacked for casual comments on my own Facebook page, from complete strangers. Even 4chan has some of these fuckwads in /pol spreading across the site into other sections, bringing their SWJ, politically correct and handpicked by Hillary bullshit. It's insidious, and spreading fast, and nobody seems concerned with it. If there's a way to post in a text box online, these people can be found, spewing their mental diarrhea.

I think 2015 is the year I erase and bleach my online presence. It's getting pretty god-damned scary.

Today, I can post this on Reddit. Tomorrow, and the future? Uncertain. Fuck it. It's all bullshit anyway. Rant off.

Even 4chan has some of these fuckwads

Half-chan's dead man. Moot sold us out. Harder and more notoriously that with the whole debacle of users moving to 7chan and other boards way back when.

Tssst.. Mashed? My mudda likes her rant buttons fowkin scalloped or sumthin..

Well said, Yishan 'Rice is my family and oscillating fans can kill me' Dogeater is basically a cunt hair away from destroying the community it allegedly helped build similar to a black male participating in a crack sale. Maybe this Spez faggot will have a backbone, he's offered superb lip service up until someone got in his ear.

This is an awesome response. Very well written, also Korean Harry Potter. 😂

like a bunch of women during a mongol purge.

tsss yeah... the mongols are anorexic or something... They had too many Genghis Prawns...

No chip

who gives a fuck, its just a message board,life will go on.

Nobody who says "white-power racist-sexist neckbeards" (or anything like that) says anything true.

"Off-site harassment" was the excuse they made up to ban r/fatpeoplehate. That sub's mortal sin was on-site prominence and becoming known outside the site—via the same Vice article that named us among the "toxic."

There's some copypasta floating around that purports to demonstrate FPH's harassment record, but if you follow the links in it you'll find nothing. The worst of it is FPH members saying "fatty" in other subs. Their "doxxing" of Imgur staff consisted of copying the Imgur staff picture off their site—a picture which had no identifying information on it—and captioning it "Even the dog is fat." Because even the dog is fat. O&A fans might recognize this style of humor.

Somebody from Reddit went to the press anonymously on the day FPH got hit and said that the FPH/neogafinaction/transfags/etc. round of bans was a test to find out just how ban-happy Reddit users are. The answer is "very." Commenter reaction was to generate a list of other subs they want banned: coontown, theredpill, etc. You know the list. We're not quite on it.

Pao was never important—except that any company that would hire her has an established culture of graft and lies. She's proof that Reddit has long gone to shit. She didn't take it there, and she certainly isn't here to reverse it.

She is still here, you know, and not only with the company. She mods r/negareddit, an SRS sub whose front page right now has threads about how awesome censorship is, how science is bullshit, how Reddit is some kind of pedophile ring, and how people who support "'free speech'" (in quotes) are "toxic pissbabies."

So...she was gonna stop all this? Right.

And you know what the outcome of all of this will be? Nothing.

Just like when /r/fatpeoplehate got banned. People complained for a week then things went back to normal. This is internet outrage in 2015. Angry until the next distraction. They'll purge a ton of subreddits, people will complain and make tons of posts, then slowly everyone will forget. That's how these things work now.

The most extreme ones will be easy to justify their banning to the user base. Fatpeoplehate was a mainstream board with something like 40,000 subscribers and many more people who browsed it and it's really tame in comparison to some of the more lunatic subreddits that are described more as "canary in the coal mine" for censorship and to just be over the top trollish and goofy. There would never be an outcry for some of those silly, low user, no main page visibility joke subredddit sewers like r/gasthekikes or whatever.

Just went there. Man it's like this place but without the jokes. And the subscribers. And a sense of irony.

That is a good read on it. They got 500,000 people to say, "How the fuck can you ban fatpeoplehate when {snitching on other people and throwing subreddits under the bus} exist!?!?" So the most mentioned ones will get banned soon. A place like coontoon, formerly r/niggers of all things, was always living on borrowed time.

See my rant. The SWJ/Feminist/LGBQTXYZETCFOAD crowd is winning. "Toxic pissbabies" is not surprising, they've learned well how to use shame and mocking and personal level attacks to silence anything that doesn't promote their agenda. It's really fucking scary how quickly it's growing, and how nobody is fighting it. It's just accepted.

The only reason why fatpeoplehate was banned is because of the imgur thing. imgur and reddit have strong ties and voila 48 hours later the subreddit was banned.

"off-site harassment" my ass you fucking crybaby faggots. those people are fucking adults approaching 30 and they still act like calling someone names is something that actually has impact on anyone's life. fuck off.

Yeah, I don't have a neckbeard..

"toxic pissbabies."

Who let these broads use a computer? Women ruin everything.

I don't know whose story I believe in all this. I will say that making Reddit profitable to investors requires a sort of HR corporate behavior policing that is antithetical to why this site became so monumentally popular to begin with. Trying to monetize it and turn it into facebook will destroy its user base. Hell, I didn't even know until the Pao controversy that moderators on this site were unpaid volunteers. Who would actually sacrifice minutes of their life to play animal control in this bog for no money?

Ehh, my take is, when you ban something, make it verboten, it becomes attractive to a certain part of the population.

Human beings, some more than others, are always attracted to shit that's wrong. When you make some dumb shit like r/coontown or r/womenarecunts a TABOO thing, it makes it more attractive.

It's like, no one agrees with the Westboro Baptist Church people, nobody does, but if we started arresting them FOR that reason, then we start moving the invisible line for free speech just a bit, and once that shit starts moving, it never stops.

We just have to treat racism, REAL, awful racism, like a childish and retarded thing. Not like a shocking thing. Not a powerful thing.

Treat racists the same as we treat the people who can only reach orgasm if they wear diapers and shit in them.

The worst word you can say in 2015 America is nigger. That's the beginning and end of it. Nobody cares if you say fuck. They say "shit" on TBS' Conan O'Brien now. Eventually, and hey, it won't happen today or tomorrow, but kids will be raised whose parents don't care if they say "fuck" "shit" etc.

So what do those kids say when they wanna say a bad word? "Potatoes"? "Golfers"?

I was extremely sad to find that r/womenarecunts doesn't have pages and pages of threads.

It has in my head

It's as big as your imagination...

"Women are not cunts. You're a terrible, terrible person. Learn about the issue's women still face in today's society."

Which means some cunt knows that women are cunts and that's why she went there and put a big flag of proud womynism right in the middle of that subreddit.

I doubt it. Pao definitely seems like she would be no fan of many, many subreddits. she was savvy enough to want to slowly do it instead of a mass purge that would kill the site. Maybe taking out fatpeoplehate was a trial balloon for the possible purge that some people, seemingly the financially motivated leadership, want to happen. When the banning turned into a shit sandwich, they made Pao take the bite, but I think Pao wanted bannings, too. Eventually. She wasn't a secret agent or anything for places like this, that is absurd.

Glad I have your vote in 2016!

Not that I care about any of these people, but something about that guy reminds me of Ezal the crackhead when he gloated over Deebo and stole his boots, only after he was knocked out.

These Reddit "leaders" have such an inflated view of their glorified message board. Sure, piss of the people who use your service the most and we'll just move on to something else. Why alienate people through a lack of transparency and general disdain for your users?

This site likely won't be around in 10 years.

Immune to accusations because a feminist hero is in charge? This is the logic of a child. How the fuck was this guy the CEO of this place at one point?

"You cant make fun of girls"

Scrolled to the end to make sure I wasn't elaborately being Chip'd. Now I will read. Woulda been epic Chip though

This is fucking hilarious. Dopes gonna dope.

He's saying this because he's pissed at what happened to Ellen and trying to gain some semblance of power over the people who got their way. There is no doubt in my mind he is full of shit and even if he was right he clearly misses the big picture which is reddit as a whole doesn't want to tolerate this shit.

Interesting angle

"Ellen was more or less inclined to continue upholding my free-speech policies. /r/fatpeoplehate[7] was banned for inciting off-site harassment, not discussing fat-shaming. What all the white-power racist-sexist neckbeards don’t understand is that with her at the head of the company, the company would be immune to accusations of promoting sexism and racism: she is literally Silicon Valley’s #1 Feminist Hero, so any “SJWs” would have a hard time attacking the company for intentionally creating a bastion (heh) of sexist/racist content."


she is #1 Feminist Hero

“SJWs” would have a hard time attacking

You might call that "Amy Schumer Immunity"

This is all bullshit. She didn't step down because of /r/fatpeoplehate, she stepped down over the firing of a favorite mod of the IAMAs, which has not been discussed since, like WHY she was fired.

This is like Hillary blaming Benghazi over a youtube video. When they point to a reason, look everywhere BUT where they're pointing.

(Note - I don't know what the fuck happened in Benghazi, but the "youtube video caused a riot" bullshit was proven as a lie for a while now. Shocker, politicians lying, right?)

The scary thing is, she's being called a "Feminist Hero". So, sleeping with your coworkers, and then suing the company when you break up with them and don't get the promotion you opened your vagina up for, is considered a "hero"?

Be scared. Be very, very, very scared. And, today is the last day you'll probably have to discuss her or her actions with no reprisal.

This is like Ant claiming he can't possibly be racist because he invited a black guy to his pool.

leaks all of this AFTER the shitstorm

I totally believe all of this and don't think you're trying to spin anything. Ellen Pao is the hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now.

This is such a dreary obscure scandal of /r/wazzup said this and I did that. Who gives a shit

Ashley Feinberg

He sounds like a mess.

Opie's opposing any changes by not using this site. That's the least that anyone could do. Every post here is a victory for the PCSJW police.

Nobody cares.

You guys think we are more bad ass than we actually are. You picture yourself as a rebel with a motorcycle and a pack of Marlboros rolled up in your sleeve. They're gonna get rid of actualy racist, hate based subs, this isn't going away

Stop being a negative nigger