Backup forum in case Reddit shoves /r/opieandanthony up their ass.

1  2015-07-15 by [deleted]



that place just looks like internet hell, im in.

I had envisioned more of a mass suicide event in this scenario. your's would have been great back in 2002 tho.



Wackbag redux?

I like it. Where's that faggot mod who made the gaming sub? Sticky this instead, faggot.


There should be no sub boards. One forum and what sticks gets to stay.


Why not just go back to wackbag?


this is going greeeaaat

Nice work, Cuck. If you build it, they will come.

Everyone go to /r/SRShowSXM and bring your go bags.

Reddit is at such cross purposes. It wants mainstream plaudits and monetization and at the same time it has sections of the website that are hardcore pornography, espouse extremist political philosophies, and advocate Internet piracy, criminal behavior, encourage drug use and facilitate drug purchase as well as the politically embarrassing hate subreddits.

If we ever get taken out, it will be about money. Left wing monetizes better than right wing, women better than man, kitten subreddits better than coontown. Nothing personal, just business, apart from all the SJW entryism and cancer-modding.

ooooooo a forum straight out of 1994.

who is honestly concerned with losing touch with any other user on this sub?


Some people don't get it, bud.

They banned /r/fatpeoplehate2 to /r/fatpeoplehate122, and probably more than that. If this sub gets deleted, why wouldn't they do the same? We need to think offsite.

You're right, we should wait a week or two before we migrate over, let the whole thing blow over first.


/r/niggers was banned, but /r/coontown is pretty much the same thing.

