Opie's bedroom when he gets home after the show

0  2015-07-14 by unclepaul84


This is going great

He slips off his smelly every-man shoes and lumbers into his bedroom. Almost instinctively, his white sickly hand reaches for the TV remote and he turns on the TV. He knows Monica and Katie had gotten into it...BAD...on the last episode of Real Housewives of Orange County and he didn't forget to DVR it this time. He watches intently on the foot of his King size bed occasionally belching and pulling his shirt away from his bosom. Suddenly, panic sets in. He tries, fights, battles, but in all honesty, doesn't give it his all. Opie has filled up his jeans with shit. Even after shitting his pants, he sits, wreaking, ALL IN, watching The Real Housewives of Orange County.

After the bull is done he offers him a grapefruit beer and shows him his viral videos.