What if Jimmy has AIDs?

19  2015-07-14 by Opiesux

Think about it. Massive weight loss to the point where he looks likes a death camp survivor not to mention if anyone is at high risk it would be a man who has slept with hundreds if not thousands of prostitutes. The odds alone say he has to have slept with women that carried STDs. He has admitted to sleeping with girls without a condom. Patrice mentioned it too after they went to Brazil. Would it really be that shocking a revelation if it were true?


He had it for two days when he was 15 but went to rehab and has been better since

It's a day to day struggle not to relapse into AIDS.

I would only consider this if he did something sociopathic and foolish like having unprotected anal sex with transsexual prostitutes for almost 30 years.

Not just that, but ones in 3rd world countries, and in NYC which had a rampant AIDS epidemic, not to mention a crazy amount of junkies.

But only in that elaborate fiction could I see it. Otherwise, why would a sweet boy like Jimmy be sick? He just goes to the Cellar and "works it out."

He admitted to tagging a black transsexual prostitute in the ass because...he didn't know until he was actually fucking them that it was an asshole and not a pussy. Right, Jim. Oh, and this was done sans condom.

i would only consider the juiciest of PEKKAZ

They are called writers. ( Team Stangle)

It's AIDS, you buffoon. It's not more than one AID. Are you all this critically fucking stupid?

AID is fine. It's the moisture that kills ya #IDCAC

Oh it looks like the faggot hick got me. How's Wackbag? Is Zag still begging for money from the twelve people that still go there?

Ah, the irony that there's an entire forum dedicated to making fun of someone's intelligence, yet the posters there think AIDS is the plural of AID. God love ya. Upvote!!!

And try not to worry about Wackbag, sweetie. They've been just fine since you stopped "occupying" space there ;)

And try not to worry about Wackbag, sweetie. They've been just fine since you stopped "occupying" space there ;)

Who cares? Big borefest.

I was making an inside joke to Jason...err..."Opiesux" so how about you mind your business, fella?

I'm sure it's most recent activity is last Tuesday.

"it's" what? You always were a fucking drunk moron, Jason.

I agree the guy is a grammatical retard, but we are pulling out real names here now?

Take your 9'er shit elsewhere.

It's the name he gave. It could be a lie just like every other thing he's ever said across multiple banned accounts...none of which were because he bashed Opie, regardless of what he says here in an effort to fit in. He went on alcohol-fueled rage rants in public and in PMs repeatedly threatening anyone who disagreed with him. So yeah, fuck him and his Toyota. Glad he's gone. That worthless social misfit is your chewtoy now.

Careful you'll upset joe cumia's shit show fanbase.

I'll be a monkey's uncle.


It's the greatest way our little sweet boy could leave this world...

" just close your eyes and let the light take you away. There's a good boy, there's my Jimmy. Hush now.......................hush......................we all love you very much....................goodbye my baby boy....................goodbye. "

And scene.

No. HIV would be caught early so he wouldn't get to the AIDS weight loss phase. From what's said about Magic Johnson, HIV/AIDS meds make you gain weight (although Charles Barkley got all bloated too, sans the AIDS, so who knows).

If he really had it, I honestly think he would start downplaying his promiscuity and sexual proclivities in order to reduce suspicion. Since that still makes up 99% of his act, I doubt he's got the AIDS. Plus, I think he would be open about it just for all the attention it would get him.

Barkley was always fat. The round mound of rebound.

Wait why did you just throw in that Charles Barkley got fat He doesn't have aids and to my knowledge doesn't take aids meds what the fuck

Jimmy likely has it; OP should probably get tested.

Thing is its harder for a dude to get aids. You could fuck a chick with hiv and easily nit get it since its gotta get through a tiny Dick hole

Edit Jesus Christ he does look like shit . fucking aids guy

You seem to be under the impression that jim is having sex with women.

Yeah who knows I doubt its just tranny hookers. Also I raw dogged a hooker recently probably just projecting

This motherfucker says 'sleeping with'

I'm a gentleman.

he's an addict. his obsessive dieting is just another way to expressive addict behaviour.


I believe it.

maybe he's been trying to tell us something all these years with the countless aids jokes.

AIDS is a gift, it means you are gods chosen and guaranteed entrance into heaven.

There is a breed of humans (faggots) called "bugchasers" who seek out being infected by AIDS. So what if Yimmy is a bug chaser, he is still funny, though he will die soon.

I think if he really was at risk for aids he'd take that preventative aids meds

The only thing not plausible is that he would keep quiet about it this long.

id be what some describe as ecstatic

He would've nipped it in the bud at HIV. There's really no excuse for having AIDS nowadays.

so you're saying if you have AIDS nowadays then you're just being silly?

It really is very droll.

I like op's pluralization of AIDS.

Pitch for "Spectrum" : An obsessed message board conspires to kill their former radio heroes by punishing them with the cruel things they joked about over the years. Starring Jeff Daniels, John Turturro, and Figrin D'an .

Just making an observation. No proof, no obsession. Just creating dicussions. But if you want we can censore general discussion and end up like Wackbag. A guy begging for money from the twelve people that still go there.

I thought everyone knew he did? It's been obvious for the past year or so.

I think we're all thinking that. Cancer or AIDS.

serious answer, I'm pretty sure he get HIV tests every 6 months

I noticed over the course of several advice shows back in March and April that he did a lot if sniffing while taking callers. Maybe he found a new addiction? Speculate!

He'd become the white Patrice (at least amongst his peers).


It would be a tranny genocide


If I was aids I wouldn't come anywhere near jim

I think it's because (Irish accent) "just going to the gym and eating better"

And this is probably why he regrets being so open about his life.

I think he will be fine

Not only would it not be shocking, but it is a known joke that everyone makes and is corny at this point.

Jesus people. One photo at a shitty angle made him look a bit meh. His photo a couple weeks ago on the Gervais set, he looked like a normal person. If you think that photo made him look sickly, you need to lose some weight you fat american fuck. He looked 100% normal.

You need to relax.

You seem to be under the impression that jim is having sex with women.