Weird connections between Jimmy and author Samuel R. Delany.

17  2015-07-14 by bsjett

Does anyone know if Jimmy reads Samuel R. Delany? (Some of his work has been deemed pornographic, maybe that led Jimmy to him?)

I ask because I was just looking up one of his books, and I noticed one of his characters is a pedophile that practices coprophagia (shit-eating)..and the guy's last name is Hargus.

And then on Delany's Wikipedia, it says that, as a child, he wanted a nickname, so he told kids at summer camp that, "Most people just call me Chip."

I thought this was so weird, all those obscure, tiny connections...


Does anyone know if Jimmy reads Samuel R. Delany?

I don't know. Were any of his books about KISS or Ozzy?





Scorch: Today it was learned that comedian Jim Norton may have borrowed names for his characters from noted author and literary critic Samuel R. Delany.

Nick: AUTHOR?!?!??!

Scorch: Now hold on. That's why I brought Nick on. Because you're a specialist on Nick...Names.


Nick carpanelli was not the guy who said 1980 or rite aid.

Sorry for the autism,it just bugs me when people use wrong names.

Not the guy?!?!?

yes, he was

Nope, nick was the guy who said he wants his kids to be able to say " my dad is nick carpanelli" he has black hair and a goatee. The man who said "in a rite aid!?" Whose name escapes me right now had brownish blonde hair and was clean shaven and had as jimmy put it "enraging shirt sleeves" because the were very large when rolled up. *edit

I was wrong he has black hair not blonde. But it is still not nick.

Shit, you sound really convincing. We have to find this clip for verification now.

Found the clip:

EDIT: This oaf's name is Chris Zito. Welp, that was 30 minutes well spent!

I miss Scorchposting.

I wish I could upvote this more.


Delaney's a fucked up homo-pedophile whose books are way too serious and weird for Jim to read. Jim's a mainstream dweeb, not an outsider nerd. So it's a coincidence, but—

People with something deep in common, like "premature sexualization" that becomes adult "sex addiction," are often drawn to identical superficial things, e.g., silly self-given nicknames. It's the "nurture" version of how twins raised separately grow up to smoke the same brand of cigarettes or marry women with the same name.

If you're looking for a Delaney book to read, try out The Motion of Light in Water, the first volume of his autobiography. Interesting look at one side of the great lost perv city of New York.

he looks like david cross in a fake beard. it says he's african american. odd

coprophagia...why not shit sandwich or summthin?

Fudge yeah.

Jim's childhood seems very similar to the childhood of 'Cocksucker' - the main character of the Delaney book Hogg

Unless the text of his books are pasted on the labels of tubs of protein powder and bulk boca patty boxes he's never heard of them.

i googled him. thats the first albino black guy ive ever seen.


Two is "all"?

Jim is probably a pedophile. Bobby Kelly seemed to get those vibes after Jim interacted with his son.

more like samuel r jackson, am i right? i am sick of these motherfucking snapes on this motherfucking plain!

Not the guy?!?!?

yes, he was