Movie recommendations?

5  2015-07-13 by McGowan9

I'm bored as shit. Any of you seen anything good recently? Something new(ish), preferably a comedy or action film.


Birdman was excellent, totally not what I expected. REALLY dark, and really well acted.

Yeah, Birdman's another one i been meaning to check out. See if my generation's batman's still got it.

I ended up thinking it was a great movie overall but it bored the shit out of me while I was watching it.

it stunk, but films are subjective. 107 sockpuppet accounts aren't. i'd recommend The Young Poisoner's Handbook. it's very dark humor, much more than anything north america produces.

but films are subjective

Not as subjective as people with shitty taste like to pretend.

totally not what I expected

Yeah, I was hoping for some Michael Keaton comedy about trying to get over being a Hollywood has-been. As soon as that jazzy drum beat started in the beginning, I was thinking "Oh, fuck. This is an art film. Kill me."

Ended up really liking it. Michael Keaton and Edward Norton need to work with each other a lot more.

One of my favorite movies. Haven't seen anything like it in a long time.

Whiplash or The Grand Budapest Hotel

I just watched Whiplash because of the recommendation, what a great fucking movie. I loved the ending, I replayed the last part like three times.

Whiplash I haven't heard of but Grand Budapest Hotel sounds kind of a little pretentiously artsy. My dad saw it and loved it, and we usually have different taste in films. Will give it a go though.

I usually get really annoyed with Wes Anderson's cutesy shtick, but Grand Budapest was funny as hell.

Just watched Budapest this past weekend. It was not only visually beautiful, well-acted and hilarious, but it was also smart without being pretentious. I really enjoyed it.

Whiplash was the best movie of 2014 in my opinion. I get where you're coming from with GBH it can give off that hipster artsy vibe but it's really more absurdly silly than anything.

Whiplash should have gotten best picture. Very intense.

Whiplash is a snooze. Emperors New Clothes in my opinion. JK Simmons is very good but his character makes no sense.

Who the hell hasn't heard of Whiplash!?!

The new Mad Max is good for action.

along with kingsmen another overrated movie..not that its bad, it was pretty cool, but I don't see why its gets like a 99% awesome score and people freak out about it

yeah no miracle in cinema, but it had some awesome ridiculous over the top stuff and SPOILERS there's preggo death

Hear, hear!

Too many folks are acting like Fury Road is the pinnacle of the Mad Max series, and that's horseshit. The first two movies are vastly superior, and while I need to have a refresher viewing, I'm inclined to say that Thunderdome tops it as well.

For what it is (which is essentially the tanker scene in Road Warrior extended to 2 hours) it's good, but it's far from a masterpiece.

Dredd was good, overlooked in theaters. Snowpiercer was good if you've not seen it, I enjoyed that a ton and it's a very unique film in its tone. both of those are action movies. the newest mad max is a great movie if you're going to a theater, just amazing real effects, not much CGI. mostly live stunts, you can see a difference.

Dredd sucked a fat cock. Go see the original with Sly, at least it has boobies.

double vote on snowpiercer

Snow piercer is such garbage, very very dumb movie I must say

Yeah, Zodiac is one of those movies been meaning to see for a while but never got round to it. Love Fincher, even Gone Girl was good. Will check it out, thanks.

Fincher is great, Zodiac might be my favourite of his, its the least unrealistic and a great detective story.

Just watched Zodiac. Good call, great movie. Annoying though that they never caught that son of a bitch.

True story, I went to go see Spy, expecting absolutely shit and it had me cackling like a deaf bitch. If you want to burn a couple of hours, I wouldn't be mad at anyone who went to see that.

It got 95% on rotten tomatoes so it's probably pretty good. I'll see it when it's on OnDemand

The melissa mccarthy, jason statham movie? Looks shit but good, will give it a go.

The shit marketing campaign killed that movie.

I'm pretty sure it killed at the Box Office though. It was actually really funny.

If you're actually going to the movies, the new Mad Max was amazing to watch in the theater.

Good call, want to see that,

Just watched We Need to Talk About Kevin. I thought it was really good and it's sticking with me in my mind

Enemy starring Jake Gylenhal was cool if you're into weird psychological thrillers

Kingsman was fucking awesome. Such a fun movie. As a franchise im more into it then I am James Bond

And If you wanna see a movie with really sexy young girls (the types Anthony's drunken eyes sees when he's hanging out with his skanky 6s) the Bling Ring is good. I compare it to the show Entourage. It's not that good but it's inpossible to look away from. You tell people you hate it, you say it's not good, but deep down you enjoy it and watch it

Ex Machina was a fantastic, smart mocie

The Drop was really good. Tom Hardy and Gandolfini (in his final role) are great in it

A Most Violent Year was good too

But most importantly, it's not a movie. But the show BLACK MIRROR, is probably the best thing I've watched all year. If you haven't watched it, WATCH IT. Every episode is great. Some are legendarily great.

Kingsman ruled. This scene was amazing:

I also agree on A Most Violent Year. Oscar Isaac was fantastic in it. It had an old school, slow burn type feel like The Godfather.

Heard great things about The Drop, will definitely watch that.

I was wondering how the ex machina chick suppose to re charge in the end

Am I the only one who noticed that when she put the skin on over her robot body her titties got smaller?

The Babadook is solid. It's basically The Shining about motherhood instead of fatherhood.

I just watched it the other day because people were telling me it is terrifying. There are alot of moments that made my hair stand on end.

A Serbian film is really good, lots of show references

LOL, what?

Django Unchained if you haven't seen.

I honestly think this thread is the lowest point this sub has sunk to.

Tss so Crimson Tide or Hunt For Red October?

A David Cross movie called "It's a Disaster" I saw recently was pretty funny. Watch till the end.

I also saw Zodiac for the first time the other day. Excellent. Very long though.

Actually, David Cross directed a movie called "Hits" that's on Netflix & i really liked it. It's 1 of those movies that gets better as it goes along (starts out slow). It really takes the piss out of SJWs too. The thing I liked about it is that it's cynical & mean. So many comedies wanna be "likeable" that I liked how everyone in this movie is shitty

Also will try it because gyllenhall (however you spell it) is a good fucking actor man. Saw Nightcrawler recently, great fucking movie and performance by him. Donnie darko, Jarhead, brokeback mountain, source code, end of watch. The guy's got range.

You see the one he did with Hugh Jackman, Prisoners? Damn good movie.

Yeah, saw that. Great creepy flick.

There an Israeli called "Big Bad Wolves" on Netflix. I watched it cuz Tarantino recommended it. It's like "Prisoners" with a Jewish sense of humor. It's really good

Sounds good, will give that a go.

Yep, Prisoners is good.

That Paul Dano is another strong actor. There will be blood, he was amazing. Want to see the beach boys movie too.

If you fancy watching Die Hard but Bruce Willis isn't called John McClane (that is literally the only thing that would give you the impression that it's not an instalment in the franchise) give "The Last Boy Scout" a go. Bad title, but enjoyable movie. If a little on the dated and cheesy side.

Dude, I first saw the Last Boy Scout when I was 11 and have probably seen it 80 times since then. Still good fun though.

"I seem to have dropped my cigarette. May I have another one? Touch me again, I'll kill ya,"

Especially enjoyed it when the bad guy (Milo) met his demise. Beaten by Bruce, shot several times by police snipers then fell to his death onto the propeller blades of the police chopper. Fuckin 80s/early 90s buddy/cop/action/comedy movies ruled.

Also, am a bit ashamed to admit it but I liked Hudson Hawk. If you approach it as the screwball comedy it's supposed to be, it's not bad.

Hudson Hawk is live-action cartoons. Love it.

RoadHouse, Bad Ronald, Inside, Martyrs, Irreversible, Happiness, Benny's Video, Last American Virgin,Blood in Blood Out and ChickenHawk.

Watch the German movie "Wetlands" on Netflix. It's a touching movie about a teenage girl in the hospital trying to bring her divorced parents together. But she's in the hospital with an anal fissure from shaving her asshole & this bitch is obsessed with bodily fluid. It is one of the grossest movies I've ever seen. Germans are fucked up dude

Is this real?

It's on Netflix. Watch it. There's a great jizzing on pizza scene


I think the first scene is her rubbing her pussy on the dirtiest shit-covered toilet seat you ever seen

I will be watching this.

Cant wait for this

The 80's remake of The Bounty is up on Netflix right now. Great semi-forgotten movie that manages to star pretty much every actor you can think of, from Mel Gibson to Anthony Hopkins to Daniel Day Lewis to Lawrence Olivier. Also has more boobs than any non-porn movie I've ever seen. I think Patrice even talked about it once on the show.

Edit: You said newish, I'm a gun-jumping queeb. It's still a good movie, if you can tolerate the synth soundtrack.

just watch porn

True Detective season 1 and 2 is really good as well. Anyone else watching that wnat to shoot some recommendations my way?

Season 1 was amazing but im not really feeling 2. Too many dark brooding personalities, it needs a Marty.

I've found the whole of season 2 to be just a bit more conventional in terms of a tv cop drama, the way its shot and even the acting is a bit "tv-standard" compared to the first season. Still i'm really into it and its only 'not good' in comparison to the first season and I like it more than anything else on.

My brother introduced me to a movie on Netflix called God Bless America the other day. Pretty dark and funny as hell, in the first five minutes there's a scene of a baby getting killed with a shotgun, just to give you a feel for it. Also check out Excision, an extremely dark comedy. The end had me in shock and has stuck with me for years.

Edit: typo

Bobcat Golthwait sp? Directed that... You should check out his other movies, they're all fantastic


The Raid 2 is soooooo good. This is the first fight scene.

I just watched Kingsman: The Secret Service the other night and it's actually an awesome movie. Colin Firth, surprisingly, is a complete bad ass in the movie. This scene in the church set to Freebird is fantastic:

Great flick! Every time Gazelle appears, all I can think of is Patrice calling them "spatula feet."

I walked out on kingsman, found it reallllyyy boring, I dont get the hype at all.

Well if you walked out early then you would miss almost all of the action. Idk I think it was really good, I'd give it another shot.

i stayed about 3/4 of the way through, I heard from a coworker the ending was good...meh maybe im jsut picky, i dont like too many comedies anymore anyways, Spy had some funny parts

"It follows" was pretty creepy if you want a moderm horror. Writing was a bit off though.

This place is really all you have, huh?

Einstein's Brain

It's got the Asian Anthony Seal of Approval

Observe and Report. Really dark and funny


Watch that shit with Oscar Isaac and Domnhall Gleeson and the robot bitch. Just put the dance sequence on loop.


Why not watch a documentary so you can fake learn about something?

Dockyoo Menchrees?

Go watch Fury, I had heard great things going in and just managed to watch it recently. Fantastic movie.

DON'T see "Dope." Holy fuck, what a bait & switch. "Indie film" my fucking ass.

Chipnado was pretty good fawwwk yea

You see the one he did with Hugh Jackman, Prisoners? Damn good movie.

If you fancy watching Die Hard but Bruce Willis isn't called John McClane (that is literally the only thing that would give you the impression that it's not an instalment in the franchise) give "The Last Boy Scout" a go. Bad title, but enjoyable movie. If a little on the dated and cheesy side.

"I seem to have dropped my cigarette. May I have another one? Touch me again, I'll kill ya,"

The shit marketing campaign killed that movie.

I've found the whole of season 2 to be just a bit more conventional in terms of a tv cop drama, the way its shot and even the acting is a bit "tv-standard" compared to the first season. Still i'm really into it and its only 'not good' in comparison to the first season and I like it more than anything else on.

but films are subjective

Not as subjective as people with shitty taste like to pretend.