The Ending to the O&A Story

0  2015-07-13 by unclepaul84

In the next 5 years Howard Stern is going to announce his retirement and when his final show will be. During the last show Howard will give a long speech about his career and how much the industry has meant to him. He then will talk about how talk radio will continue after him and he would like formally announce his radio successor. Out comes Greg Hughes (Opie name will be dropped) and Howard and Greg share a long hug. Howard pulls out his chair and lets an emotional Greg ceremonially take his chair. At this moment a large fireworks show will go off on the roof of SiriusXM's NYC building in celebration. After all of this O&A drama there will be a happy ending. :) :)


You forgot to put "tuggin his fukkin peckah DVV DVV" at the end of your fan fiction.

dis guis gud

We're writing fan fiction now?

dont say we. i was not consulted with this horseshit

Please. This sub has been 50% fanfic for the last year.



It was used in sarcasm buddy


How do you expect Howard to hug Opie with those giant jugs in the way?!

Never happen. Howard will have that studio gutted - and either demand to have his desk and chair in a museum somewhere (or his house), or will have it all carted to the nearest landfill.

Howard's legacy will be that nobody can replace him, because in his mind, nobody can.

But I bet Opie has cranked out a few over similar daydreams.