When did it become full blown?

115  2015-07-13 by ricswrangler


This picture is making me uncomfortable.

These pretzels are making me thirsty.

Yeah, well... I had sex with your WIFE!

"his wife's in a coma"

That explains why she wasn't moving around much.

I liked the dead fish. Have a little confidence son.


Edgar would love 'em!

They got you in the Edgar suite!

"You dipped the chip. You took a bite. Then you dipped again."

He looked better fat.

healthier for damn sure

Guys, calm the fuck down, Jimmy is almost 60 now isn't he? O-oh, never mind...

"forty seven years young, now let me tickle your toes"

And funnier, this is just wrong. Poor Jimmy.

He looks like he's got cancer or sumptin' I dunno tss

He sure did

That's the thing, he was never fat. I remember Louis CK telling him the same thing while Jimmy was complaining about his nonexistent weight problem.

Come to think of it, couldn't Jimmy be described as anorexic? Anorectics think they're overweight when they aren't.

That's the thing, he was never fat. I remember Louis CK telling him the same thing while Jimmy was complaining about his nonexistent weight problem.

That just sounds like a case of a fat man looking at a less fat man and telling him he doesn't have a problem because he's not quite as fat.

There was a time when Jim needed to lose a few pounds. His awful chin made chubby Jim look a lot worse than he was. But now he's gone too far in the other direction. He needs to put on either some fat or muscle. There's also an age where dropping weight makes you suddenly look really old because the wrinkles/saggy skin that were filled with fat show up out of nowhere (see: Lisa Lampanelli).

That being said, Jim seriously looks at least 10 years older than he did on his last TACS appearance here. Like /u/dankfranklin I had to wonder if it was him when I saw it.

Laugh all you want, but when Hollywood decides to make another Holocaust movie, Jim's gonna nail that audition for Background Camp Prisoner #27.

Yeah but his shower scene will get cut.

The oven scene won't.

That scene stinks and I don't like it.

Jim Norton the mind of an SS guard in the body of an Auschwitz prisoner.

Hitler and his furry vengeance. Disney decides to throw caution to the wind and appeal to white men in their late 50s with podcasts that charge a subscription and do live ads.

ah, I would love to see Jimmy boy in a blockbuster fiction.

Jimmy looks like a sick bird.

Well he always was a bit of a cuck.



oh my gawd

Wow, starting to look like this.

Was fully expecting denny. you disgust me.


Thats disturbingly accurate. His weight loss is as concerning as blawbys weight gain.

I dont know if anyone else caught it but on the last my wife hates me in the beginning bonnie was hinting at it. She was like wow, you look really thin and autist jim gave a sincere thank you.

Was expecting this.


He lost too much weight, he looks terrible. He is still talking about losing more last I heard when I was somewhat listening like a month ago. He needs to add about 10 pounds.

He'd look good if he put some muscle on.

I don't know why he has the mindset of a teenage girl in regards to diet and exercise.

Ant doesn't like 'em toned and lean, he likes them waify remember.

He was saying on the radio he wanted 135 lbs. He's found a new addiction for sure. He's like a woman.

He's like that chick who gets compliments after losing 30 lbs... and then stops eating altogether. The one thing he can control in his life. Yimmy seems like he would be a classic anorexia case.

It's ok. You listen..don't worry about it.

You got me. I listened today, for about 5 minutes. Then I realized why I stopped listening before and changed the channel. I heard Sherrod and Florentine though in that 5 minutes.....I was tempted to listen since they are rare guests.

I was only Joshin' ..do what ya want fella'

Don Rickles looks great.

But the weight loss......my goodness.

Jesus Fuckshit Christ, James Norden. Enough, already.

Yeah I think it's clear at this point that Jimmy's got a problem. Who would've thought that he would have more in common with 12 yo girls than Anthony.

Jim talks about going to the gym but he probably just does cardio and weight machines twenty reps at a time. It's a fools errand to try and diet off skinny fatness.

Jim's gotta gain a few to smooth himself out. He's starting to look like a Shar Pei

he could try putting on muscle....

He is a muscle

No wonder he's always tired, eat something before you fucking disappear.

He looks like something that should be dead.

Opie Raqio.

knew this would fucking happen with his fucking dieting. Yimmy and his addiction to being addicted. He's gonna pull a karen carpenter

One can only hope

I legit can't even tell if that's Jim or not. If it is, he doesn't look well.


To be fair, he just got out of a colonoscopy. He called in this morning as well and he sounded pretty high on whatever the fuck he was on.

I think they call it cumdrunk.

Great, now he's going to talk poetically about how he was addicted to pain pills but he's sober now.

My doctor uses Fentanyl which is fucking awesome.

Of course he did, he'd had a tube up his ass for a half an hour. I'm surprised he didn't cum on air.

He looks like Rev Jimmy Sharpton there... that's goddamn disturbing.

He looks great. And by great I mean fucking awful

He looks like something that should be in an Aphex Twin video.

He looks like something that was in Auschwitz.

Rubber Jimmy

Whattttttt the fuck

I know this sub expects an AIDS or cancer joke, and expect to be down voted for this, but I hope our sweet boy James will be ok. Because he looks ill as fuck. Hopefully it's nothing a few cheeseburgers can't fix.

I'm happy to fulfill your expectations; although I like your cheeseburger remedy: are you fucking Jughead?

Nah, he's not my type.

Just having some fun at lilJimmy's expense, I think he would be okay with it. KooolAIDS

good luck bro

" I was bruised and battered, I couldn't tell what I felt. I was unrecognizable to myself. I saw my reflection in a window, I didn't know my own face. Oh brother are you gonna leave me wastin' away On the Streets of Philadelphia. Da da da...........da da da da da da.....da da da da da da...da da da da da da.

Getting a Robert Durst vibe. burp.

well he does dress like a woman

He looks decrepit, kind like a white al Sharpton as he is now. Also, both look like they have aids.

He looks like he should be in a Tool video.

To be fair, no-one photos well in hospital lighting and moo moo gowns

to be unfair. He clearly has aids.

Man, this confirms it.......o, a, and jim have all become ghoulish in their appearance, and since none of them are funny anymore maybe they should just go away and live on that fu money......


that moment when you realize he's gone from sweet little boy to dirty old man.

You can't lose this much weight without gaining some muscle. It looks way too weird. Even a small amount of traps would cure the Holocaust survivor look.

Anorexia is what has given Jimmy this appearance; sadly I'm not joking.

Is he being treated for AHBD again?

He was cured a long time ago.

Yimmy is the weirdest looking goon of all time.

What a sickly looking little worm of a man he has become.

After years of burn victim, cancer and retardation jokes it would be ironic if the worm withers away from a debilitating cancer.

Actually, all 3 of them are due for something extremely tragic to happen to them, after all those years. They need something to sober them up.

Lamb of God is pretty shitty.

Lil' Jimmy Durst.

how is this a 47 year old man? for someone who claims to be living so clean lately jimmy better be dying to look this horrendous, it's the only excuse

Well I reckon you oughta call an ambulance... or a hearst then...

Would a William Randolph do?

What, you got some kind of problem with Patty?

No but Im more of a Citizen Kane fan.

Ramone…....................................................Rose Bud.

DARK DICKS by Dr. Randall Blythe


Why are you posting pictures of Michael Stipe?

On his first appearance on TACS he mentioned that everyone was in for a surprise from him soon...

Who is that? no, seriously. It's not really Jim, right?


What's the context of this picture?

Reverend Jimmy

tsss...he needs some aid or something tssss

Yeah, that looks pretty unhealthy. Dieting will take you so far, but this hopefully isn't something legit.

His transition into Michael Berryman is complete.


He looks like Sling Blade's more retarded, underdeveloped brother

Are none of his friends pointing out that he looks like he is dying? How about he stops the anorexia and actually gets some muscle.

He needs to start adding muscle. What does he even do at the gym, anyways?

Me: That's not really Jim you fuuuuuhking haters.

sniff go listen to another show, right Sherrod/Florentine?

It's like Jim had a baby with Ant's hair.

Are you crazy? Simmons looks great except for that frozen botox face.

healthier for damn sure

Guys, calm the fuck down, Jimmy is almost 60 now isn't he? O-oh, never mind...

He sure did

And funnier, this is just wrong. Poor Jimmy.

oh my gawd

"his wife's in a coma"

He looks like he's got cancer or sumptin' I dunno tss

That's the thing, he was never fat. I remember Louis CK telling him the same thing while Jimmy was complaining about his nonexistent weight problem.

Come to think of it, couldn't Jimmy be described as anorexic? Anorectics think they're overweight when they aren't.