Joe Cumia Show

0  2015-07-13 by unclepaul84

Has anybody seen this show? It is sooo underrated. Joe is probably the funniest and most intelligent radio show host currently. The show is FREE. It's almost criminal that brother Joe is giving it away for free! He is literally leaving millions of dollars on the table by not having a pay wall.


I heard he was guilty by association, but I haven't seen it so I don't know. Can anybody tell me?

Go kick some rocks.

Nuts to you, fellah.

I like when he shows off his Adonis like physique by wearing sleeveless t shirts

You can thank /u/Joe_Pietaro for that eye candy!


You know he is a bad ass because he wears sunglass inside and dresses in black. Watch out for him.

Hoo, hoo.


Is that the guy from the award winning U2 tribute band 2U?

It's like a more racist/less funny version of TACS, what we all wanted right gang?

I heard that Ant is looking to sign him on to the network, but he can't afford him.

I guess he couldn't afford the hair plugs

I heard he's doing so well that he's going to interview Obama next week!

By which I mean he's going to send a bunch of race-related questions to Obama's twitter account in the hopes of any one of them being answered.


He invited Anthony on the show once:

I get it!
