Jimmy called into the show high on Propofol. Hilarious!

2  2015-07-13 by ShadowbannedKeith

"for anyone who has the means, I highly recommend catching the replay." 9:18 am


so Jimmy had a choice between Monday morning with Opie and the Stangels or a painful elective procedure? he made the correct decision.

Who downvoted? You're spot on.

it's bizarro world here, upvotes are downvotes, fans are enemies, you never know what's gonna happen.

This comment will receive 4 downvotes

It wasn't that funny.

I believe you.



It's a wild show.

Please tell me James has the Gay Cancer.


Uh oh, Jimmy is off the wagon now. Seriously, he's so against doing any kind of drug and he got propofol for a colonoscopy?

You wanna stay awake for that?

If anyone, you'd think Jimmy would.


If you don't stay awake how are you supposed to jerk off?

It can't be as funny as the Opester singing "I'm a p-u-s-s-y" repeatedly this morning. The guy is good at entertaining, right gang?

Sounds zany!

A. you don't get "high" off propofol. Michael Jackson was addicted to it, but not to get high, but to sleep, he'd become dependent on it to sleep at all.

B. the dosage you get for a procedure like a colonoscopy wears off fairly quickly (done it), unless he called immediately after they removed the probe, I doubt he had more than a lingering effect on him. They call that stuff "Milk of Amnesia", because the intended effect is you don't remember. I can attest to that - you have no memory of being on it, so any "high" is negated.

C. Jim is probably playing the whole thing up.

Oh literal SkepticSloth!

Indeed. My understanding is that propofol is like a light switch. It goes in, you go out. They stop putting it in, back up you come. They probably gave him some ativan or something.