Patrice helped make Opie a multi-millionaire and got paid nothing. I can't wait for endless sleep.

0  2015-07-12 by SkippinTurtles

Patrice getting used for no money is criminal. Fuck everyone.


they were grooming him to either replace Jim or become the 4th mic permanently, the same happen with Jim when he came aboard he did free radio for like 2 years.

True. Don't forget that Ant's been grooming people for years.



Patrice had plenty shows where O&a fans were the only ones who showed up, he said it a on a show. He did get paid in promotion.

Exactly. These idiots forget that they were on the show to plug their gigs in the first place.. O&A brought crowds to their performances.. that was the payment


I love Patrice, and I hate Opie, but this is pissing in the wind, dude.

Louie did the same thing. Colin did the same thing. Guests don't get paid, and none of those guys were S/XM employees. It wasn't like Patrice was singled out.

And, to be fair to O&A, they got him a show on the platform and never ever shied away from promoting him. Guests just don't get paid.

It's not Fat Tits' fault. Blame Opie for stuff that's actually his fault; I'd never say Opie didn't make a real effort to push and help Patrice every chance he had.

Really reaching today are we?

It did piss me off a little when I heard that was still true towards the end when he really was becoming the 3 or 4 mic.

Tho i never really thought about it I would have just assumed he had been signed as a co-host like Jimmy was.

So while I get that for the longest time he was essentially there to (if anything) promote his own shows and publicize himself etc which is fair enough - ya.. towards the end he was pretty much a central regular team member bringing his best in what seemed to be daily radio.

I used to think it was odd how they'd say things like 'Patrice might return' or 'Its been a while' instead of 'Patrice is on vacation for 2 weeks'. Because technically he was never a member.

But yes Opie owes Patrice an ENORMOUS amount. Its the main reason i ever subscribed in the first place. (Patrice and Bobo). Ant being 3rd.

and despite Tits 'boner talk' Opie. In spite of him I subscribed.

think he got paid for the black phillip show but yeah I ageee, sucks but that's how shitty sirius is.

Patrice did fine. Going on O&A probably doubled ticket sales

Seems like someone is forgetting all that Vince McMahon XFL money.

Patrice clips on youtube from O&A was and is the main reason hes known...

They paid him. With love.

Patrice is the best but Opie (undeservedly) was a multimillionaire before Patrice was on the show.

Facts ain't welcome here.

And this faggy 'patrice can do no wrong' just because he's dead, is getting a bit annoying..

Wasn't this the same guy that harped on 'white people' 24/7, but yet we hate Ant for doing the same thing with blacks.. Yeah, Patrice may have had a more joking tone to his shtick, but still.. it was over done

Race talk was patrice's crutch, yet no one will admit it

I'm going to make several accounts just to triple downvote this.

I wouldn't be surprised

I don't know, patrice explaining his perspective on race and gender is goddamn enlightening to me. That's just me, but I didn't consider it harping.