Anon debunks SJWs

0  2015-07-12 by Lilcumia


I've never ever heard an SJW say a man can't get raped. I actually heard the opposite where an SJW would respond to a man saying he was drunk & she wasn't and everyone had a good time and the SJW tell the man that he was raped.

What is this shit. Men get raped all the time in prison etc.

If being drunk nullifies the ability to legally consent I've been raped many times by women. Actually pretty much every time I've ever had sex with someone for the first time we've both been drunk. Fuck.

I don't know if you are aware of that law but if you were both drunk then you, as the male, are the rapist. When a man and woman are both drunk the woman is the only party who can't legally consent.

That's not true.

This is the law on a lot of campuses around the US and Canada and it's even being impressed on people outside of college campuses. When people are drinking a woman can not give legal consent. The focus is on women. Men, if they have sex with a drunk women (even if they, themselves and drunk) are committing rape. There are even posters hanging up around college campuses saying shit like "if Jack and Jill are drunk and Jack sleeps with Jill, Jack raped Jill" and an "it's not sex when she's drunk, it's rape" campaign.

Page one of the SJW handbook strictly dictates that everyone is a victim whenever they feel like they are one. That's the beauty of the SJW can't be argued down, because it never has to be based in logic. Trying to debunk them is an exercise in futility, because it suggests that they have a sound foundation at the outset, which 99% of the time they don't.

It would be the liberal perspective that men can be raped. I specifcally remember an article on Jezebel about a man being raped. Also, the some liberals arent cool with coercian so a man could be coerced for sure.