RACE WARS - VIDEO w/ Colin Quinn - Just a reminder you can watch RACEWARS LIVE if you dont have SIRIUS XM

2  2015-07-11 by GRIZx


The episode was released as their normal podcast too

Dailymotion, you buffering cunt. STANDUPNYLABS SWITCH TO FUCKING YOUTUBE!

I had to put it on low quality. That seems to work.


why are you SWITCHING TO and from uppercase AND LOWERCASE at weird TIMES

twitter generation bruh

Great show! I love Metzger, and they work well together.

Colin looks like he's about to die.

Worth watching?

im gonna go ahead and guess no


Thanks for this. Seriously but do many of us here genuinely think RW is funny? I watched the whole thing and…um…,I feel like I'm expected to like it but Jesus! It's, well…...…hack. Easy, obvious jokes delivered by very self aware dudes. I really wanted to like this after all the positive things I've read here but after watching this I just think it belongs on TACS.…………which is not a good thing by the way.

Sorry guys.

just a reminder torrents exist

And iTunes? This is a free podcast.

I'm not a regular listener of this podcast, but I'll listen to anything with Colin. He's been interviewed by the dumbest, most unfunny hosts I've ever heard on podcasts and managed to make for a funny interview.

I woudn't know its such shit I dont listen

I had to put it on low quality. That seems to work.