Roll call for anyone who hates /u/Weirdfellas

31  2015-07-11 by randomcuntnumber6


C'mon man! Here are some Weirdfellas quotes that aren't self aggrandizing or name dropping in any way:

What have I ever done/said that was "delusionally self aggrandizing?" What was "delusional," Im probably the only person in this sub that's been invited to Ant's house, is that a delusion?

I was first in to make a Shining reference. He READ THE LINE on camera and laughed

I was friends (not super close friends, but friends/friendly/have hung out with) with Joe DeRosa & Anthony from O&A ... I talked to both guys on Twitter all the time

I flew from LA to NYC to go to Ant's July 5th party

Im friends with former interns and the only person they had anything bad to say about was Danny.

And it got me to be friends with Kevin Pollak/his podcast crew, so kiss my bootay.

I actually called in plugging "My shitty podcast" a few weeks ago on ACS

I've heard them both take pot shots at each other, and I've tried to (diplomatically) get an answer from both guys on any sort of social media because I'm genuinely curious.

I can do Bill's cackle-y laugh perfectly. Once a friend of mine who's a friend of his was hanging out with him, and he said "Send me Bill's laugh." I did a voice memo & sent it, and he said Bill laughed & went "That's pretty good."

In person he's a good guy. I hung out with him at Carolla's a few weeks ago when Ant was on. It was me, Keith, and Dawson on a couch for like a half hour.

I wrote him a really good Uncle Paul Thanksgiving sketch. But I never heard anything back about it :(

I like funny Jamie Foxx, I don't like dramatic actor Jamie Foxx, I think he sucks. I used to hate him too but he came into my work once and we shot the shit about comedy and stuff for a few minutes

If I miss the show in the next two days, let me know if he opens the mail and my Weirdfellas shirt made it. I had to send it to the PO box because I lost his fucking address.

I have tons of PTA stories, I met him several times and worked around him some, know people that know him, etc.

I read the script for Django before it even started filming, because my boss worked on it and they gave it to him before they started.


Bonus cringe edit, Dude replies to another comment with:

I AM one of the boys. You're not and you never will be.

I've never read 'I' more times in my life.

Weirdselfcongratulatoryfaggotellas is more like it!!

I have to return some video tapes.

Just Say NO!

That's because he went through about 4 months of my posting history. Terrifying, isn't it?

I clicked on your name and most of that shit was on the first page. Maybe you've deleted it by now, I don't know, but maybe if you inspired a post that this many people agree with, you should examine why that is instead of blaming the guy who brought it up

What do you mean "you don't know," you just said you clicked on my page and read it. I haven't deleted anything, I have nothing to be ashamed of.

This is scary. Legit Rupert Pupkin shit.

The guy who started this thread? I agree.

I didn't hate him until I read this list of comments.

You could hate anyone if someone pulled everything they've said in 8 months completely out of context.

Also, listen to my podcast.

Do I win something if I become the tenth listener?

Yes. A cyanide tablet.

What movie are you quoting?

He just thinks he's "one of the guys". Leave him to his delusions. Having said that anyone who uses the term "bootay" in a sentence should be immediately stoned to death.

Let he who has never said "bootay" cast the first stone.

You heard him, guys. Everyone who isn't an insufferable douchebag fag get your stones

Well then I hope YOU have a dump truck.



that's embarrassing

That this guy is so obsessed with me? I agree.

No one's obsessed, we've just called you on your self congratulatory douchey shit.

What's obsessive is I'm scrolling down this thread & you're literally responding to every single person in order to defend yourself. Weirdo.

i had about 2 hours to kill on a Sunday and my Roku box wasn't working. Sometimes you go down a rabbit hole on these things, you know how it is.

Yes, someone IS obsessed, by the way. The guy has now started 2 or 3 threads about me at this point. I kind of feel bad for him, I mean I'm not THAT interesting. (Plus they were only moderate successes for him; about 1/3 of the responses in all threads were people defending me)

who the hell is PTA?

Paul Thomas Anderson, director.

thank you

As creepy as it is that you took the time to look those up or save them on your computer or whatever you did, it was probably worth it. That shit is unbelievable.

Still, board drama's about as gay as it gets.

I just clicked on "post history," it was far less effort that it seems.

clicking his history and some ctrl+c's and ctrl+v's is serious business.

It's not the clicking or the copying or the pasting. It's the reading and scanning through the whole history. I scrolled 20 pages down and did a page search for "cackle-y" and it still hasn't showed up.

There's no way that took less than an hour. Now go fuck myself.

I sorted by "controversial," second page, nice try with the hate tho.

Alright. I never thought of doing that for user posts.

I hate all of you equally.

Fuck you buddy!

I'm not your buddy, pal.

I'm not your pal, guy.

I'm not your guy, friend.

Hey: blow me

Literally every other post of his is trying desperately to convince other Reddit fags that he's 'one of the guys' with O&A people, other celebs, etc.

I hate how the internet has given an avenue to pathological liars to live out their fantasy alter ego's. The people they wish they were.

LITERALLY! Every other one. That's 100% right.

Hate him? Haven't you seen his sick movie references? Even better, he always tags his references with the name of the movie so that nobody feels left out. Where I come from, we call that class.

Everybody knows his references are out of control.

First they came for the Opie, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a mush-mouthed dolt.

Then they came for the Anthony, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a racist.

Then they came for /u/weirdfellas, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a name dropper.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

You tried.

Im not a name dropper. If I reference anything along those lines, it's pretty rare. Just sad cunts like you remember it every single time because you're jealous & angry.


Gosh, you're so angry. Looks like I hit it close to home, uh?

Yet another female defense mechanism.

You're batting zero.

But Im still getting to you. So I'd call that an RBI.

A friend of Joe Derosa isn't a friend of mine

Hi Joe Derosa! Can I get a retweet?

Brown nosing Derosa for companionship.

Talk about brb suicide.

I was going to make a thread like this for that fratboymassacre guy but I thought it might push him over the edge. Agreed though, weirdfellas makes me cringe like no other.

you mean benjamin22?

He has a bunch of aliases? Seems to fit the profile, guy is batshit.

You must not follow many people then.

Seriously dude, what's with the name dropping shit? Even if it's all 100% true, which it isn't, why would you do that? It's obviously not going to go down well.

I've NEVER name dropped like you, the OP, or anyone has suggested. If you went through 8 months of my Reddit account and singled out about 15 of these out of hundreds of replies I've had, absolutely it could be made to look like that.

About 1/3 of the people in the thread were smart enough to realize that, it's kind of alarming you're so simple you just swallow anything whatever jag off posts on here and don't think for yourself for 2 seconds. Wake the fuck up.

You name drop all the time, you are incredibly non self-aware, and you say you do standup, but all your comments are pure cringe - name dropping or not. When I looked at your post history, everything is all downvoted to hell, are you so delusional that you think people are downvoting you for anything other than you making stupid comments, name dropping, and being a general douche? Scroll past your comments from today and everything is in the negatives, some of your shit has 25+ downvotes. Maybe you do OK at standup, but your comments on reddit bomb like Opie on air.

Guy, I work in the fucking entertainment industry. It's not a "name drop" if you're telling a relevant story in a sub reddit dedicated to the fucking subject/people we're talking about. People have no clue how to discern the two, it's such knee jerk, unobjective bullshit. I don't do it anywhere near what some people have painted me as, some of the quotes in this psychopath's "research" on me were from MONTHS ago. That's how obsessed he is with me, mostly because he's jealous and/or insecure.

All the things you said about me in the 2nd half of the paragraph is completely misinformed conjecture, you don't have the wherewithal or the slightest measure of motivation to think anything more about me than what the rest of the opinions are in a thread that was negatively biased about me. Think for yourself.

Dude, I didn't even make the original post, it's not just me. When you post, you have a lofty, self important air, and people constantly downvote you, just like they upvoted my post and OPs post in kind because people see what you post all the time.

Jealous and insecure is you continuing to maintain that you are one of "the boys" when you are just a random dude that occasionally gets to be places that other actual funny people are. Your posts stink, your podcast stinks, and if you want to post some links to your standup, I'm sure it will be more of the unfunny tripe you contribute on here.

Go through my history, even recently, and cite me an example of my "lofty, self important air." I have zero self importance, Im hanging out in a fucking Opie & Anthony Reddit. Even if I did do the things you purport of me, do you really think I would think I was hot shit? Im not telling stories about hanging with fucking Tom Cruise or something. If anyone else said they made a drunken Anthony laugh at something on his Periscope, would they be getting flamed like this? You know, on his 100% open to the public Periscope? That anyone can watch/interact with?

This "one of the boys thing," most of it involves talking or interacting with people through Twitter or social media, so Im really confused as to why I keep hearing about that. ANYONE can interact with these guys on Twitter, email, etc. It's really not bragging, and Im baffled as to why it's taken as such. I've never claimed to be "one of the boys," I live in Los Angeles for christs sake, you stupid fucks.

Many of my posts are funny, honest, and at times almost genius-level referential, much funnier and/or thoughtful than probably anything you or any of these nimrods could think of. You hate me cause you aint me, B. Word life.

My podcast DOES stink though, you have me there. My stand up is getting better, but Im only a year in. Im still a newborn.

I AM one of the boys. You're not and you never will be.

12 hours ago.

That was a joke, sir.

OK, then how about such gems as

2 days ago, -13 points

Get a life, faget. Or get a job at TMZ/Gawker, they need guys like you.


2 days ago, -18 points

No, you're just really dumb & wired like a 7th grade girl.

Cmon, even the golden GOOSE lays regular eggs now and again.

I mean Im not a machine, WiretapStudios.

But you DO do it. I'm not even arguing that it's frequent, doing it at all is GAY! You're gay.

Gregg "Opie" Hughes is a very bad broadcaster.

ME: you're just a hater, and you don't get the show anymore. That's fine, just move on. I know how to do radio, I've been doing it since 1918, I mean, since I was 18.

I challenge anyone here to read the entirety of this without cringing once:

The prize is killing yourself.

its a lose lose situation

Dan Connor from Roseanne is one of his top 5 characters of all time.

Haven't noticed the name dropping lately. I'm just glad he finally stopped spamming that podcast of his.



I don't know who that is. I've never paid attention to usernames that much. I just assume you're all a generic blob of inhuman anonymous trolls, and treat you with the contempt that faceless nobodies deserve.

He called into Adam Carolla and plugged his shitty podcast a while back. I actually laughed at that. Even if he was a funny and talented guy, seeing him act like the way he has on here has forever made him into a total fucking dickhead to me.

Im sorry I lost you, my son. I'll be just fine though, don't worry.

I think you have some very definite ideas about what should be done with u/Weirdfellas, and I'd like to know what they are.


You like Reddit, Doc?

WHO GIVES A SHIT ? besides you

I bet you thought this was gonna be a humdinger, huh

No idea of who this is but if you cunts hate him, then he must not be that bad.

I like your style.

He thinks blacks are inferior, lazy people because they have problems in their community. I demand he addresses this flaw in his character.

Wrong thread


What that he thinks, but isn't sure of this fact?


I tell him I hate him but actually I don't mind him that much

EDIT: No wait I actually do hate him

Cmon man. Come back.

These meta, talk about and pile on members of this sub shit, is probably the most pathetic and loser-ish shit known to mankind

And that's why we delete these threads.

You're a pussy.

Don't know the guy but judging by the quotes he sure sounds like a lying, attention seeking faggot who desperately wants to be in these people's lives.

You're a bad judge.

not me, i love him

Love you too.

I don't hate him, unless he's the gaywad who keeps creating new accounts to make shit posts to get attention and creep on Anthony like a psycho fangirl.

Gaywad? Are you fucking 8?

Shut up, nerdlinger.

I have no other accounts. I don't have the time nor the passion.

I have no opinion of him, but OP is definitely an obsessed faggot.

You are good for one free beer from me, any time you're in Los Angeles.

I don't even look at anyone's name.

no idea who that is

Found this DM in my inbox:

Im flattered

from Weirdfellas sent 1 day ago

Honestly, no joke, it made my weekend that you made that thread. Now I know I'm actually getting somewhere in the biz, no matter how low of a level Im at. Nobody who is nobody gets an entire angry thread made about them on Reddit, it's like a rite of passage. Everyone I love, am a fan of, or aspire to work with has one, so I'm kind of psyched. Im not even mad, I know it's the internet, I take nothing personally. You're probably a good guy in real life.

Almost deserves another thread, that level of delusional self importance.

He'd just end up enjoying it, despite evidently responding to every single person in this thread to insecurely defend himself, because y'know, it doesn't bother him at all.

Let me know when you want to get on the mailing list for my weekly newsletter, sweetie. This week: My favorite fast food spots.

Did you defrost this alt account specifically for this pitiful post, or does it just simply depend what browser you happen to login with?


Sometimes there's things in life where you worry how things are going for you; my OWN Reddit "hate thread" means I'm finally getting somewhere.

You made my weekend, and I thank ye. I look forward to many more of these.

I don't mind him. In the morass of crap that this sub is, he's hardly the crappiest.

hes prolly the only one here brave enough to post his pic and isnt obese


thanks agatha!

You're a good lookin man, Mr Garrison...


Haha good one.

some corny ass white boys

i for one like weirdfellas a lot and feel like the kind of insight he provides is lacking in our current world of fake flowers you can't smell even if you stopped to.

I know it doesn't matter in this hellhole, but I gave you an upvote.

Downvote Weirdfellas if you want to live! I think you're just fine. Not sure why you've become the newest pariah.

Next week it'll be someone else. I'll be ok. I have damn near as many defenders as haters so I don't think the OP pulled off what he was going for.

Well my wife is a confirmed ghost story and Reddit addict. She'll love you.

Does she have a sister? Double date.

Just another Shining reference, my friend.

MARRIED MAN are ya, FuckinPeckas?

Pardon me Weirdfellas, but you're the caretaker here. You've..always been the caretaker.

He's a good dude for real. Then again everyone here hates me all of the sudden so who knows. Don't forget to check out Looking good radio on itunes.

I'd rather get fucked in the ass by Shane Diesel than listen to your guys' stupid podcast.

Not my podcast. It's a joke.


Fuck off hipster.

And the weirdfellas guy has met those guys irl.

Yeah, and he won't shut the fuck up about it. He could not be more pathetic bragging about being a fringe nut-hanger who went to one of Anthony's parties...Big A and Bobo hang around there too, am I supposed to be impressed by those mongoloids too?

They were so much better on AAF! Blind cc blind cc. Copy paste copy paste.

I enjoy the /u/Weirdfellas. If you haven't already, you should check out his podcast Looking GOOD Radio.

Post your favorite episode and let us critique it

Thank you sir.

You tried.

its a lose lose situation

Dan Connor from Roseanne is one of his top 5 characters of all time.

Paul Thomas Anderson, director.

Im not a name dropper. If I reference anything along those lines, it's pretty rare. Just sad cunts like you remember it every single time because you're jealous & angry.