How did Steve C. die?

5  2015-07-11 by pm_me_your_pm_boobs

For serious. I remember looking all over the place for any info about his death and the circumstances online and only found vague references to it being from complications from his bypass surgery. Did he kill himself (like I've seen some references to recently) or is that people just being meanie-heads?


He was stung by thousands of bees during a honey heist.


Did he kill himself


That.. That's terrible. I'm sorry.

When someone dies and people close to that person are vague about the details, 9 times out of 10 it's from suicide. But on top of all that, Ant made a not-so-vague reference on TACS about Steve killing himself a while back.

I believe Ant said something like "Why did you do that, you would have been working with us here"

Ant answered his own question with that one.



yeah but Ant has been lying recently

Lying about what? I've been seeing people post things like this more and more I'm so out of the loop what happened what's up with all the ant hate?

he lied when he said that Sam told Opie that the O&J show was a morning zoo and Opie got mad and slammed his headphones down

the real question is, how did you parents die?

What about the groceries?

Who's managing!?

In memory of

Steve Carlesi

July 22, 1974 - July 11, 2012

He watermarked himself to death.

He fucked your fat mom until they both had heart attacks.

Oh now that's just hurtful.

Your moms so fat she sat on a rainbow and skittles popped star! world star!

No way!

He was very badly raped, you see.

he had some kind of stomach issue, I think it was like gastritis or something, it bothered him for years and after he was fired from the job he got after getting "let go" by Sirius XM it flared right back and he could not take it anymore.

bad gas.

He got caught in a bear trap, leaving him with only three legs, and then some wormy little man gave him a flame throwing when Steve tried to raid his campsite at night.

he pulled a gloria from sopranos

He lobbed a steak at Anthony?

They're all the same thing on the road, Anthony will be Monday's first break, and twitter fodder for Herr Cumia for a show you are. What's some of the Nostromo?

~ FukinPeckas

Info | Subreddit

no, hung himself haha. it would have been a bull dong or something anyway ALA opies tasty gross food challenge.

Oh I know he hung himself. Just never pass opportunity to reference that show.

It is the greatest TV show of all time hands down.

Completely agree. It can be re-watched over and over and not lose anything.

Thanks for the explanation

Poor kid worked himself to death

by losing his life.


Leave it alone!

His wife found him strung up like a southern lynching, Opie was initially investigated due to his beef with him over the foundry music videos. A few checks with lotsa numbahhs, and a hold on or two later, he was cleared.

"He got AIDS"

~ Donald Sterling

BUT Why did Steve kill himself? He had a new wife and a new born baby

Depression is a bitch. No matter how good your life seems or all the good in it, depression cuts through it and fucks you up.

Opie should copycat him

He killed himself. He died a coward leaving behind his tranny wife and some kids. What a piece of shit that guy was.

Even for this sub that's a little harsh.

True but in here some could say not harsh enough.

Depression is a bitch. No matter how good your life seems or all the good in it, depression cuts through it and fucks you up.