If there was ever a reason to subscribe to TACS...

37  2015-07-11 by LOSfan


A who's who of who's that.


Unknown comedians roasting one of their own with inside jokes known only to the few who subscribe to their podcast.


"The Anthony Cumia Network"


Or short: ACNe

idk I figured that's what it was called :(


or wait for mothergoose58 to upload it

yeah the reason is not ant, LOS carries that joke of a network.

oh I was expecting a more positive reaction lol...

fuck LOS. fuck TACS. fuck O&A. fuck radio. fuck satellite. fuck podcasts. fuck you fuck you fuck you


What this guy said...

The new O&A sub will shit diarrhea on literally anything posted. The funny is gone from this once great place. Too bad.

Said the ball licker with gout.

Ha ha ha ha!

Said the guy who watches and roots for grown muscle men in spandex oiling up and pretending to wrestle one another.

aw, did someone get inflamed again?

Not sure why you think this bothers me.

I don't think that bothers you. this bothers you

break it up you two :)

Cock blocker.

Usually when someone says X doesn't bother me....it means X bothers them.

home run cocksucka

As shitty as everything is here, this place is still funnier than TACS and O&J. And don't even pretend it's not true.

I was laughing...until this post. Hit the car crash button, Op.

ME: hold on, where the fuck is Mars? The button isn't fucking working. I don't need this shit.

haha well, I'll be there live and then pirate the podcast afterwards.

Might want to try posting to r/ronandfez

I'll never subscribe to tacos.

Fuck TACS.

Sorry jay, you're going to be a casualty of this disaster.

For one lousy show? Just stream it.

After the LOS episode where they talked about how people were ridiculous for complaining about the subscription cost, I stopped listening to them too. Why the fuck would I pay the same amount for 2 radio shows as I pay for all of Netflix? Unfortunately, Cumia is washed up.

After the LOS episode where they talked about how people were ridiculous for complaining about the subscription cost, I stopped listening to them too.

Complaining about the subscription cost was ridiculous, because no one lost anything. You still get the same show a week you did previously.

Yea I don't care about not hearing the exclusive show as long as on the free one they don't talk about the exclusive one all the time. I don't listen to the individual podcasts of Dave or Luis & I don't listen to SDR show so it's not like I need to be a "super fan". Good for them for a paycheck. Just don't make the free show an infomercial for the exclusive one

They don't though. They responded to some backlash ONCE. It's the same show as always. Stop being a bitch.

I'm not saying they do. I'm just saying that they need to make sure they keep it separate and don't integrate the 2. I never said they did.

I mean I listen to it at work and can't Netflix there. Even if you started watching 3 hours of Netflix everyday your not getting new content, I don't listen to ants show much unless it's good guests, but if your at home watching it like Netflix that's probably sad. Instead it's like a shitty Sirius to me, that makes work go by faster. That being said it's not the greatest and legion of skanks is better, but fuck you for complaining about a free show.

IMO satellite is still a better "value". I used to pay $10 a month for all the satellite channels. Bennington still can satisfy your talk radio fix and the music channels can be enjoyable. The Howard archives can be good if he hasn't PC'd them up beyond belief yet. Yeah, Channel 103 wouldn't even be a preset anymore, but I could catch Nagel on demand I guess.

Problem is that I'd need to rely on the app to get Bennington (or Nagel) on demand, and the app is legendarily terrible. I also don't want to support that awful company and management team.

I've only ever enjoyed o and a, not big on bennington as ive never given it much of a listen. I might sign up for big Jay and dam soder show, but I stopped searching out new o and js because they just haven't been as good and you can say the same for anthony. I wish he would get some other good talent to get a few more shows a week out. Los is the only regular listen.

I always liked O&A better than R&F, but seeing our options are thinning out, Ronnie B is the best we got on that platform.

With that said, Big Jay/Soder would likely push me over the top into signing back up with satellite. Right now I listen to LoS, Davey Mac, Big Jay's SDR show and occasionally some others if I have time. Fills in the week of commuting just fine, but I do miss a daily show. O&J is pure shit and Anthony has lost his way.

3 technically. 2 are listenable.

jews they are so lame, also torrents.

Do Anthony and big jay even know each other outside of radio. How many times was he even on when ant was still on OnA and it wasn't for some kind Patrice benefit thing?

He was on Anthony's show almost immediately after it started. Jay's mentioned Ant "being good to him" a few times, whatever that means.

If it means the same as my wife being good to me, then I can see why they would be buddies.

Three times.

Oh yes. I'm Sure this will get the people singing up. A comedian that 99.5% of the world doesn't know. And as an added bonus, you get Ant's views on race relations. Oh and some Gavin guy who parrots Ant's views. Move over, Sirius. The Cumia network has arrived.

Why when you can pirate it?

I can't get passed how much of a faggot Jay looks like.

He looks like every overweight 16 year old Hot Topic girl at a Linkin Park concert. Ew.

to see someone i've only barely heard of get roasted by one of the worst female comics i have ever seen? yeah... what are the odds Ant brings race into his bit during the roast?

Bonnie is the only good one

No Vos. Imagine that conversation.

I wish this ghost would kill himself.

Bittorrent that shit. mothergoose58 is doing God's work, keeping podcasts free


This isn't it

how did they get so many huge celebrities for this???

What the fuck is the creek and cave and who would want to go?

I think it's one of the pubs where PFG-TV was filmed.

Its in London?

Broadcasting to 400,000,000 homes across America and London, England.

isn't that where the gathering of the juggalos is?

It's a comedy club owned by some big-boobed chick Colin seemed to be fucking for a while.

It's the club where LoS broadcasts from


even though i don't like to use joe rogan to compare him to big jay cause he's not as funny. but everyone on LOS that isn't named big jay are basically a bunch of brian redbands

Sal Vulcano???


1/4 of Impractical Jokers. Big, big get.

He's actually pretty funny. But if he and Harris Stanton are billed, you have to wonder what barrel they are scraping "plus special guests" from.

I never heard of Impractical Jokers, I had to look it up.

It's funnier than TACS

says LOSfan

No Jimmy or Metzger? Or our they the special guests? Damn this should be funny either way.

Luis said in his post that Metzger is no longer roast master because he had a scheduling conflict (Race Wars on Sirius) but he will still be there (which I don't get). Also weird that he's not on the poster, but I guess we'll see.

Should be funny either way but Metzger is one of the best comedians for it.

LOS had so much potential.

I wanted to go all bad it sold out In like 5 minutes. Must be like a 50 person room.

Wasn't Ronnie B supposed to be on this?


Is Metzger no longer the roast master?

I guess Ant got over his fear of being roasted?

Kurt is on the roast. I don't think this is the official flyer for it. here is the post on LOS subreddit with all the info https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionOfSkanks/comments/3ctyl7/big_jay_roast_info_and_updates/

No Metzger? What the Fuck.no one knows Jay better than Kurt, Kurt is his kids godfather. he writes for Comedy Central roasts and many (including me) consider him the best working standup today. That sucks, im bummed.

And if no Metzger why not have Vos host. Bonnies already booked and every other roast in NYC is hosted by Vos. Say what you will about him and his Jew Brain and mouth, but Vos is prob the best host/roastmaster in the business.

Metzger is on it moron

Then why isnt he roastmaster?

Luis talked about it on real ass podcast. He double booked himself and has to do Race Wars on sirius so he has to leave half way through.

Is Kurt going to be on?

I swear I thought he was the roastmaster. Now they are saying Luis is. Guess he dropped out too

Calling him a sell out is uncalled for, sir.

This show and Gavin Mcinnes show are amazing. Hopefully Ant's show will get better. The Anthony Network has gotten really good lately. Hopefully he adds a few more podcasts to the network.

This is gonna be good. Jay is literally blowing up right now and it's awesome to see someone as humble and well liked amongst his peers as jay is get his ass handed to him by people he can still temporarily consider his peers in this business. Im a mush mouthed fool but i think you understand what I'm saying

If he's literally blowing up....there won't be a roast.

I'm glad it's not another one of those awful comedy central roasts.

Actually pay for TACS? You must be joking. I'm saving up my money to see Billy Boy Burr so I can listen to his faux-masculine alpha male shtick. Afterwards, I'll incorrectly refer to him as a "genius" because I'm a small minded asshole.



Broadcasting to 400,000,000 homes across America and London, England.

Three times.


The new O&A sub will shit diarrhea on literally anything posted. The funny is gone from this once great place. Too bad.

Said the guy who watches and roots for grown muscle men in spandex oiling up and pretending to wrestle one another.


He was on Anthony's show almost immediately after it started. Jay's mentioned Ant "being good to him" a few times, whatever that means.

Ha ha ha ha!


haha well, I'll be there live and then pirate the podcast afterwards.

Might want to try posting to r/ronandfez

fuck LOS. fuck TACS. fuck O&A. fuck radio. fuck satellite. fuck podcasts. fuck you fuck you fuck you

1/4 of Impractical Jokers. Big, big get.

He's actually pretty funny. But if he and Harris Stanton are billed, you have to wonder what barrel they are scraping "plus special guests" from.