@JimNorton: Why don't people ever realize they're blocked for being absolute jerkoffs? It's not because they 'called me out on something'. #Bores

1  2015-07-11 by Lilcumia


I proved Jim wrong in a statement he made a year ago. I did it calmly without insult or condescension. He blocked me and then DM'd me: "It is amazing to me how little the fans understand certain things.", knowing I cannot DM him back because I followed him and he does not follow me.

Jim is full of shit on more than one level. He doesn't catch enough criticism.

What did you prove him wrong on?

Did you call him out on Ant's firing?

he made your year

Well the jerk store called...


That's not how it goes Chip...

I can't scream BABY BOY or talk over them on Twitter...

Even worse is he claims to hate people who do this shit. He eats himself alive without realizing by being what he hates. He's a sad, wormy, bitter parasite that tries to be self righteous. He can be very funny at times but he needs to realize he isn't at all equipped to tackle issues with or without humor. take all those away along with beaten horse tranny shit and he's golden

'Why do people call me out on my cowardly strawman argument? Why won't they just ignore the facts like me?' - Jim Norton.


Twitter really ruined the show and everyone involved. Jim and Ant sound like such babies on and talking about twitter. It isn't rational for 50 year old men to act like that on social media.

To be fair, before Twitter people complained about paltalk. Before paltalk people complained about wackbag. Before wackbag they complained that they wouldn't shut-up & play the music

Wackbag was always shit. Thats why it has been dead with the same dozen posters even years before the show ended.

15, sir.

Sorry but twitter is more well known and used by far more people than wackbag or paltalk. There is a big difference

If anything that would make it better. Because with wackbag & paltalk (which both were accused of making the show terrible), they would always be talking about dumb user-names of people who no one could possibly give a fuck about. maybe you didn't mind the wackbag/paltalk talk but I would constantly see people accuse those things of ruining the show

I don't understand how you keep missing the point. Twitter is far more used and active than paltalk and wackbag. People don't get fired from their jobs because of rants they made on paltalk and wackbag because it's not the center of media attention. That is all I am saying.

Oh I thought you meant because of it being a focus of conversation ruins the show because they talk about it all day

No, my bad, I meant the actual use of it. Although them talking about it is just as bad.


you got me

you sir, are a moe

He was going off about addicts, I said "you had a beer and sucked a few dicks at 16 years old, stop it". He blocked me.

He's been a bore for years since I figured out he was a one trick pony.

Youre the first person to tweet him that. #Bores

Fairly good example of a fan being blocked for being a jerkoff

Yes he's a very serious addict and enough of an authority on it to be taking up my valuable commute time listening to preachy faggotry.

I never said that. Doesn't make you less of a douchebag. Why would he or anyone want to listen to you if they can help it?

WORM: We have the commonality of language...


Haha he sounds like such a queen here.

Tsk "You bore me. Guards, take him to the prison! Let that be a lesson to any other peasant who wishes to act like a jerkoff!"

Ewwww. Baby boy got his feelings hurt did he?
