Ellen Pao is Stepping Down as Reddit's Chief

33  2015-07-10 by E-rockComment


I hope opie does the same thing, but from a chair with a rope around his neck.

See cuz he'd die!

He'd probably cut the rope too long. Math whiz.

Ya think?


" Gregg was here "


You fucks took long enough with that one. Almost 2 hours wtc

A chink in the armor.

A slit in the chainmail.

A cunt with a stupid face.

TSSS wait wait hold on! A fucking Asian bitch or somethin

tss tsss wait, no wait, she's got a sideways cooter becuz shes a fawkin gook or sumpfin tss tss

Now that was a good one, Chip.

tsss tss I know...fawkin faggot tsss tsss



Chink cunt

I'm not Asian, mister.


Come on now fella. That is not what we are all about.

I'm acting like a knicker

A slope on the bridge.

Your mom's box of noodles.

MSG and greese. Um um um……I loves me some over priced cancer creator for supper.

don't let the door hit ya where the good lord slit ya (your eyes)

Ms. Pao will be replaced by Steve Huffman...


Ms. Pao characterized her departure as a result of a disagreement with Reddit’s board on the future of the company.

Or, its just because you are a cunt.

How long before it sues Reddit like it did to its previous employer? This begs the question who the fuck would hire someone that has a history of suing their former companies?



Agreed. Offensive. Thanks for highlighting that. No need for that kind of thing here.

I've never understood why some people call Asians "pan face", but looking at that picture, it all makes sense

Apparently its married. Can you imagine having to call that your wife? Some poor son of a bitch is obligated to fuck that. Wow.

Isn't he gay? They probably realized nobody else wanted them and decided on becoming a "power couple", and yes, a threw up a little when typing "power couple."

Edit: typo

She married to a spook. They'd fuck a dog (and do)

Why the long face?

Why the pan face?

She'll just use this as an excuse to say the words "racism" and "misogyny" another seventeen million times, give or take. Good for her, I guess.

Don't forget "safe space."

"create a dialogue"

open and honest race discussion

it's... Uh.... Lacism!

Christ, how do you dipshits not understand that she was SUPPOSED to be the one to step down once shit hit the fan? That was her purpose from the beginning; she's fulfilled it, and will be duly-compensated for doing so. Do you really think this is going to change Reddit's direction, as if that corporate stooge was behind it all from the start?

The same "reforms" will continue with the new CEO, until some other fuckup takes place and the board -- who REALLY orchestrates Reddit's direction -- replaces him with someone else. What a gaggle of naive retards this website is. Blech.

I doubt anyone thinks the coast is clear now and that Reddit is going to back off on these policies, it's just nice to see her go down. She completely blows outside of the Reddit stuff.

And I disagree that she was hired specifically as a fall guy. Another way to look at is she was interim because her future with the company hinged on how she was received for implementing new policies. I know the inferiority complex is popular but the Reddit community honestly decided her fate. Corporations make mistakes constantly, I honestly think they didn't expect the level of reaction. I doubt this was predetermined and that Reddit wants to go through highly paid stooges. They hoped that things would go well after they hired her.



Okay faggot! What's next?

You mean another obvious prediction? There's a chance that removing Confederate flags from government buildings might not conclusively end racism in the South.

Agreed. Anthony is proving that racism is alive and well in a Four Seasons resort in Hawaii.

It's his own racism, but that's beside the point...

Millennials are as racist as the generations before it. It won't go away as long as human nature doesn't change.

She'll see us all in court

I don't think I've been this happy or excited since Zimmerman was found not guilty.

I wish he was found guilty of it'd avoid all this race bullshit. From what we've seen, he's an asshole anyways.

Even though there was no evidence to support him being charged as guilty, only speculation and heresay?

I like how they make it sound like everyone was mad she was fired cuz of her sex, and failed to mention that "the well liked reddit employee that got fired" and everyone rallied behind was also female

We did it, reddit!

Key word there, "Interim". I"m betting she's just there to take the heat, while they make all these unpopular changes to reddit. Eventually, after they're done making reddit more "clean" and market-ready, she will step down, and people will think they accomplished something.


She'll fail up in spectacular fashion. Expect her in politics soon enough.



As chink slits go, she was definitely about average. Hang dai peeps……hang dai.


YAY now we get FPH and Victoria back! Oh wait. Ellen was the scapegoat for making unpopular decisions.

Some guy at her previous workplace actually had an affair with her? Was he blind? Not much to look at, but I bet when she gets fuckin she's all like "oh me so horny me love you long time." And the best part is the fortune cookies that she gives you after the sex.

this article is below the use of toilet paper.

NYT is already spinning the story hard in favor of victimizing pao and equating her critics to racists and sexists.

Mainstream media is the premier cancer within society.


Herro O'neayr

Yea but the new CEO is Dr Stacey Patton (cue horror music)

“The attacks were worse on Ellen because she is a woman,” said Sam Altman, a member of the Reddit board. “And that’s just a shame against humanity.”

well known gender and ethnic diversity problems in its work force persists.

The head of Microsoft is indian. The head of Apple is gay. The head of Yahoo is a woman. There are more "ethnics" in the IT field than anywhere else. Literally the leading companies are head hunting the best people in the world and luring them with big paychecks that they could never dream of in their home countries. (a phenomenon called brain drain.)

They mean not enough blacks.

Farewell, ye litigious twat.

Internet bullies bully main bully on Internet bully site.


Hope she takes the SJW infiltrators with her but I think that'd be a bit much. Let's be honest, somethings been wrong with this subreddit for the last couple of months. This past year the O&A subreddit was funnier than anything either show was doing and not these weird ideology posts that we all already knew but accepted. Opie is a cuck with tits and stinks but he brought the cringe and understood the fans, Ant is a pedophile and alcoholic but brought the humor. Jim was the perfect diplomatic scumbag balance.

Thanks for that.

Sir, I hope you're brushing your teeth in the morning and dribble on your $1000.00 trust fund dress shirt. Won't you look the fool in your SJW PR meeting.

Herro O'neayr