Ant is moving on, doesn't want to dwell on the Opie stuff any longer, has more constructive things to do

6  2015-07-10 by mr__hat


3 months ago everyone loved this guy


This truly has been an epic backstabbing.

Yeah, it's not like he took the biggest bunch of well-wishers and glad-handers and turned it all to shit with his stupidity and stubbornness!

I'm probably one of the younger fans, I didn't start listening until 2010, but see nothing different in any aspect of his behavior now compared to back then. It's the same guy. And what someone like you ever saw in any aspect of the show is a complete mystery to me.

It's the fact that people completely rallied around him for close to a year and he was satisfied taking that support and just mailing it in on a day to day basis collecting checks.

He had the most dedicated fan base I've ever seen and he turned them by being too much of a pussy to do anything constructive.

Ant is mentally ill. It's alright. Alot of us are in different ways. But this dude is gonna get institutionalized one day if he doesn't stop being such a drunk.



You niggers are retarded. So ants a stubborn drunk. He's in no way out of control. He's doing what he wants to do as he approaches 60. Even though I don't listen anymore, good for him.

Ant had racial tirades that are essentially manic episodes. His alcoholism is probably what really causes it.

Probably. I guess I just don't care anymore. Let him fuck off and be a raving drunk. Time to find a new a show.

Be more funny!

What a moe. 3 months later he is in Hawaii and could be having a great time. Instead he is bitching about opie on twitter.

he sobers up and regrets the night before. too bad alcohol is a truth serum

This was tweeted 3 months ago


Is it?


after what "this weeks events"?! What events is he talking about? The ones he started?

his fans on twitter are just as bad as opie, its like MNSBC/FOX news, fans of both are equally retarted.

More constructive things. Like pretending it's 1958 and fucking 7 year olds.


2015-04-10 00:10:46 UTC

I’m cool w/moving on after this weeks events. Said what I wanted to. I certainly don’t want to dwell on it. More constructive things to do.

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He lies for a living. He's good at it.

He does have to focus how hard the white man has it.


The 'moving on' will last a week, tops.

He's a fucking addict.

It lasted three months. Can you not read the date of the tweet?

Walking on Greggshells was the perfect time to drop the mic.

What events? When he said something about the doc show?

Less talking more doing

lol o ok Ant.

Like what?

You know this was from April, right?

That was the point.

I just think it's funny how all your obsessive fucks criticize Ant for not letting it go when you are all posting on a sub for a show that's been dead for over a year.

Tsss ya well where's Fujiko or sumptin? DVV DVV


It lasted three months. Can you not read the date of the tweet?

Is it?