Opie 7/9/2015 Show

1  2015-07-10 by sharklasagna

Opie is featuring a documentary about Amy Winehouse as apart of his new show. He and Jim did an interview with the guy who made the documentary. Opie said he always thought Amy was a "one-hit wonder". Obviously knows nothing about Amy Winehouse. I vaguely know of her but knew she had an impressive collection of albums.

Then later in the show Jim does the joke where he acts like something is wrong with the caller's phone. Jim tells the caller his phone is messing up and to repeat the joke.. Opie says "what's wrong with his phone" asking a serious question.

I could come up with 5 or 6 more just from yesterday's show but don't want to waste time in my life more than I already am.


I saw the documentary and it is genuinely really good, so I tuned in to hear what the conversational master could do with the interview...

Right after they come in, Amy's friend/manager is speaking and someone in studio starts adjusting his mic. The guy pauses for a few seconds, thinking that something is wrong, but then Jim then explains that they were just re-positioning his mic to hear him better. The guy responds and addresses the few seconds of dead-air that went out when he paused: "Oh, right, well at least we're not live."

Everyone in the studio laughs at the joke, apart from Opie who responds seriously: "No, no, we are live!"

There's an awkward moment as everyone in the studio was reminded at what a fucking dunce this radio "veteran" is before Jim has to point out the joke to Opie and then says "Oh, how embarrassing".

The pure idiocy of this man and his lack of any sense of humour gets more frustrating and cringe-worthy every time I listen.

I love Amy and would not mind watching a documentary on her, but it really irks me the fucking thing is 2hrs and 10 mins long. Who directed it, Peter Jackson?

I'll wait for Netflix. I saw that Nirvana one over the weekend and it was god fucking awful. Montage Of Heck? Yyyyuck.

Not a huge Opie fan here but do you really believe he didn't know where Jim was going with the "your phone doesn't work" bit?

I don't know.. that's what it sounded like to me


On second listen you're probably right...

That's the one bit Opie does get I think haha

Opie said he always thought Amy was a "one-hit wonder". Obviously knows nothing about Amy Winehouse.

He's right. Obviously you know nothing about Amy Winehouse. She's never had a number one single. She had one hit song - "Rehab" that never even made it to number one in the charts in the UK or the US. It reached 7 in the UK and 9 in the US. She did have the number one album for that year in the UK(not the US) and then nothing else until she died.

You can't get much more one hit wonder than dying 4 years after your one and only hit.