Cancelling Ant sub post-Big Jay Roast

1  2015-07-10 by [deleted]

I threw another month of sub fees at Ant after he announced the signing of Legion of Skanks. Only for them, not for Ant. Now that he's live streaming the Big Jay Roast, I'm with him one more month. After that? I'm done. I'll wait until many months from now, listen to the LoS back catalog, and that's it.

Also, Ant's cancelling policy is shit if I understand it correctly.

If you cancel your subscription your subscription will terminate immediately and you will not be refunded a prorated amount. You cannot undo this action.

Fuck that. I don't get to finish out the month I paid for? I know of no other subscription service that does this, particularly for fucking podcasting of all goddamn things. Let me finish out my month you fuck, or reword your cancellation message so it makes some kind of sense if that's not how it really works. He wants to get you on the off chance that you forget to cancel your sub. Keith the Cuck should change this because of how fucking absurd it is. But he won't, I'm sure. Probably his idea.


what did you hope to accomplish with this post?

kill time before I gotta leave, I suppose. looked at Ant's site, saw the cancellation policy when I was gonna cancel it, pointing out that it's shit and that I'm leaving his service.

fair enough, but if you don't like the abrupt cut off of the service when you cancel, just cancel at the end of the month.

Nice Blog Post: ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

Cancelling Ant sub post-Big Jay Roast
