Eli Roth's 'Green Inferno' devours the Internet's 'social justice warriors'

16  2015-07-10 by DAC027


And no doubt this film will be fucking terrible.

South Park already did this exact same concept is an episode called "Rainforest Schmainforest".

A guilt-ridden, white woman who thinks she's going to save the rainforest takes the kids to Central America only to find out the rainforest is full of all sorts of crazy shit that wants to kill you and that it's completely not worth saving at all.

my favorite episode of south park after mr jefferson

Green wit envy

Home run, Chipperson.



If only that really happened to all of the SJW

Corny pandering to the lowest common denominator has always been an effective way of distracting people from a movie's inherent putrescence and intellectual feebleness, right?

All those movies about memes -- Meet The Spartans, Scary Movie... great films.

Just don't open your fucking mouth about jews or Israel right?

Shut your goy mouth.


i hate his movies but that character was the best, nothing more funny than a boston accent.

Bullshit. This film was written in 2012, before "SJWs" were even that big a thing. The kids in this sound more like the hippy in Futurama who wanted to stop people eating "poppler's" only to himself be eaten by the Poppler's dad.

He just sounds like he's writing that fantasy everybody has that a hippy will get killed by the thing he's saving, only Futurama did it better.

It's probably been on the shelf for ages and he's suddenly spotted a current event that he can adhere it to with a little retooling. Like the Anna Anna Anna guy that was on OnA years ago and claimed his years-old song was a tribute to the late Anna Nicole Smith.

i hate his movies but that character was the best, nothing more funny than a boston accent.

my favorite episode of south park after mr jefferson

Home run, Chipperson.