Unfollowing Anthony Cumia

0  2015-07-10 by Dennyisthepisslord

He's just not funny anymore is he? He had a real chance to take the 'entertaining one' stand in the whole post O&A split and he's fucked it up


I was always an Ant defender over those who called him a funny racist. But his twitter truly opened my eyes. He can say whatever he wants but he has an obsessed, angry, reaction to black people.

I just dont know what to say to my black friends..

No I just don't know what to say. He's gone on the same fucking rant time and time again. I don't fucking understand it. He really is the Fez of O&A. I really liked Ant, almost blindly but he's really fucking up here.

between anthony and you being a HUGE derosa fan, what can you say?

Yup, his anger is just misdirected Daddy issues.

Nothing a good shrink couldn't knock out of him in a couple of weeks but it would involve a little discipline and self control..........so not a chance of that happening

His twitter has always been a cess pool of visceral hatred without a punchline and ballwashing.

/u/anthonycumiashow [-2], comment?

It's over Johnny.


He should have listened to morbidly obese Ron Bennington. People who deal with their problems by overeating have it all figured out.

nah you are right, it's much better drinking and taking drugs to cope with an abusive father, then eventually getting fired because of racism and proceed to annihilating everyone around you and spreading hate until even nobody except for the scum of the earth hang around.

Yeah it's much better.

Fuck off