Everyone is Showing Support

57  2015-07-10 by Lasagna_Hat


jesus, so clutch

Oh man that is brutal

FFFFFUUUUCCCKKKKK that's bah-ruuu-tal.



Opie should produce a documentary about his life: "The King of Kuck."

I heard litttle hudsons real father is Billy Mitchell

There will always be the argument that Opie's wife was meant to be fucked for fun. Opie's wife, bent over a couch, spending time with friends. And that's fun.

I have to watch that pile of eight tapes over there for Lynsi Hughes' two-day Nibbler performance, that's 48 straight hours of paying attention and making sure she's doing everything correctly

If you look closely at the slight gummy substance on her right boob on the right nipple in the right areola on the right spot... I have to say, there's a conspiracy here.

She wanted to be a hero. She wanted to be the center of attention. She wanted the gloryhole, she wanted the fame. She wanted random men to come up and say, "Hi, I see that you're good at being a Centipede.

Mr. Wiebe is a great teacher. He talks to us and it's not like "this is fucking Opie's wife. this is boring." ...oh I didn't know it was a WORLD record. It's for fucking Opie's wife, isn't it? Oh my God... All the science teachers here are weird...

Competetive cucking, when you wanna attach your name to a world-record, when you want your name written into history, you have to pay the price!

it's such overkill, it's hilarious.

Must be those wacky Stangel brothers fans.

4 hours later its still up, i wonder who it is that will be getting a talking to.

That is one of the most brutally funny things I've seen in quite some time. Cracked up while shitting, love a shit laugh.

she looks really happy

First time in a long time

has someone tweeted this to opie???

I wonder if Tits will have another real moment when he sees it.

Ant in the back cracks me up every time.

He should be outside a window tuggin his pecka

Holy shit. It's so accurate too.


Thats Opies wife, there were rumors that Bam had a sextape with her. It's implying he's a cuck.

Ehhh I'd bang her

Lynsi's tits look almost as good as Opie's.

Come on guys what if Bams kids see him doing that to their mommy?


The only showing support is Opie's bra strap through his shirt

is there a direct link to the image?

NSFW Fuck nugget

Safe to say, on this sub, assume any image link will be NSFW

Nsfw tag asshole?

Get back to work, assnuts.

Those shelves won't stack themselves.

Both hopefully they'll fall and crush him

This is a hilarious joke you fucking illiterate.

Is autocorrect, life on me swears

I work from home. But it's common courtesy.

You live in an institute for blithering twits?

No he works there.

God, you guys are pathetic.

Thanks Op!

Jocktobering other shows okay! Jocktobering shitty Opie Raqio show not okay!


Hi Opie!

so original, and hilarious