Is a video of "Opies Documenchree Show" up yet? Cant wait to autisticly hate-listen.

9  2015-07-10 by smokinswindler


I'd rather pump tobasco into my urethra

Dear lord two min in

Opie doesn't get how the intro to his show works tramples over everything

I brought uh some grapefruit beerz guys that's gonna be a thing for us

Great they are going to sample beers for us on the radio too! what a treat!

Doesn't know how to pronounce the grapefruit beer

In fairness to him, its probably a 47 letter German word. This guy had trouble with the words "eon" and "epitome" and "catastrope" so there is no way he's getting Frutzatssengruppengraepfruutweisse or whatever.

Kill yourself, it will be more enjoyable.

Im not a big Opie hater, just your average slob here, no big deal, but the show isn't all that bad. It's just a late night show with guests that Opie really likes getting wasted on grapefruit beer. What do you monsters want from a guy in his fifties?

I'm trying to listen to this, and I'm actually covering my face with my hand. This is so fucking cringe it's uncomfortable. I haven't listened to Opie in months. Why is he talking like that?

First I've heard the Stangels. What some ass kissing cunts. I have to turn this off.

That's the hardened voice of a radio legend.

His NPR voice is such an obvious put-on. How can he not feel like a hypocrite making fun of someone like Todd?

Oh yeah you're trying really hard to listen to it. Let me guess, you covered your face while listening to Race Wars. Tomorrow, you're going to be cringing when you listen to Opie and Jim again like you do everyday.

Aren't you a cunt. I've never listened to Race Wars. I've heard of it here, and no I won't be listening to O&J tomorrow you fucking know it all.