Jimmy defended Ariana Grande on today's show

3  2015-07-10 by CumiaVsBurr

What happened to our sweet boy


He's old and irrelevant

He's a fame whore. He used to hate people who said things about America.

Glad Im done with the whole lot of them.

Good thing Nick set him straight when he came on

You know when women sit together in the office? Their menstrual cycles line up

When you sit beside Opie, his oestrogen rubs off too!

Oesophagus Now

So what? I didn't listen but I'm gonna guess that he said something along the lines of "just cuz she said that doesn't mean she literally hates America, she's just a world traveler and perhaps hates the donuts, pastries, or service in America, so then just said a general I HATE AMERICA sarcastically"

I'm guessing he said that cuz it's the conclusion that anyone with a brain should have

If she hates donuts, she shouldn't be in a donut shop....licking donuts.

Maybe we shouldn't be such little cunts about the words and actions of a little girl. That might work too.

Did he have any more cool stories about how he was wearing a UFC t shirt and almost beat the fuck out of a person harassing him? He's what? Almost down to a buck thirty and tough as nails? He's such a little pussy.

You guys never got pissed at or about somethint small and then said something extreme? Like "I gotta go to work right now FUCK I WANNA KILL MYSELF" or maybe your friend pisses you off and you say "I WANT YOU DEAD" or even you look at your facebook wall and think "GOD I HATE AMERICA"

(A) stop caring what a 16 year old pop star says (b) don't be overreacting cunts

I'm more offended that she licked donuts that were going to be sold to other people. I'm a piece of shit and I wouldn't have done that when I was 16.

Oh hell yeah. Why he was defending the donut thing? I figured everyone's just having a cunty flip out over MURICA

I'm with you. What she said about America, I've probably heard growing up in HS and college, just an exaggeration about how fattening said donuts are. But she was being a little asshole in regards to licking donuts she wasn't paying for.

Someone should lick her donut and not pay.

I would eat a donut she pissed on

I couldn't give less of a shit about what she said. The thing that annoyed me is that Jim was defending her saying "Oh she's only in her early twenties, kids do this stuff all the time. Just let it go people". I don't care how fucking old/young you are, going into a store in licking doughnuts is fucking shitty. Just another one of these spoil brats thinking because they are famous they are hot shit.

Well he's actually right about that too. I did some fucked up shit between 16-20. Stuff just as bad and worse then donut licking. You guys are cunts

Apparently she didn't even lick the donuts, which they said in the show.

Who cares what she said. This is about the continued hypocrisy of jim Norton. I am sure there are better reddit threads for you to SJW for her.

You really don't get what an SJW is do you? You dope

Anyone that hot can hate America as much as she wants. Ugly people can go fuck themselves though.

Did someone mention hot cans?

he's a pussy

Why, what is this spineless faggot 's excuse? This is very different from defending Amy Schumer, who is his friend and fellow comic. Is jim that desperate to go mainstream after 20 plus years of mediocrity?

I don't understand where the supposed "hypocrisy" is here. What position is he reversing?

uh what happned exactly. I googled her name and its some shit about her licking some donuts? can't she afford them? what the fuck is the issue ?

Defending who? For what? You guys should stop caring about this silly shit. It isn't healthy.

I pray for an Ariana Grande sex tape on a daily basis. God she is so fucking cute.