Anthony's on another twitter rant.

23  2015-07-09 by McGowan9

He's on holiday in Hawaii. Is he taking a break from the tedious racial shit? It doesn't appear so. From a personal pov, this is why I don't subscribe to his show anymore. I liked him because he was one of the funniest motherfuckers around. Couldn't give a shit about his, Opie's or Jim's political views. Yet that's all he's about now. It's boring and just a waste of his comedic talent.


He is in motherfucking MAUI staying at the Four fucking Seasons and he can't bring himself to leave this alone? He might as well be a smack junkie. I've never seen anyone this pathetic.

At least junkies don't have illusions about what they are.

Anthony still thinks he's "opening a dialogue"

I have no evidence or leads on this, but I'm thinking this has something to do with his drinking and I'd be interested to know if his alcoholism has progressed parallel to his race rants.

I'm sure around beer 1 or 2 he's a bit sarcastic...watching World Star or riot videos "Oh, yeah that seems like a good way to treat your community..."

As the buzz starts rising, he's yelling "WHYYYY!?!?" a lot but still laughing like it's all fun and games

At some point he's just grumbling "animals...savages...filthy beasts" until he explodes into another tirade

That one-or-two beer Ant is the one everyone likes, I think. When people talk about the big race debates with Patrice, he was somewhere between that and "WHYYYY!?!?" Now he's just staring into a screen and going "I don't like 'em, never did."

haha yeah, he's gone a bit like "They cost me mah job! And I don't like the way they stank!"

Read your own comment history you maniac, you're in no position to call anyone pathetic.

I liked the guy he retweeted who quoted Kanye "how you gonna be mad on vacation". Of course Ant's retard fanboys attacked him, but it's sadder that Anthony doesn't have the self-awareness anymore to realize that's spot on.

This guy is in the middle of the ocean and he can't stop thinking about black people persecuting him.


It's an illness. How miserable do you have to be in Hawaii to go on twitter. I'd love to argue with him, only he's so sensitive he'd probably block me instantly.

He will block you and think he has won, it's like he's a 12 year old girl

it's like he's in a 12 year old girl

I wouldn't rule it out

Sadly i would imagine most ppl are while on vacation nowadays if they can...your brain doesn't take a break from being addicted.

Oh god, just enjoy the fucking beach, you creep.

It's always great to hear such entertaining and fresh ideas from our ol' pal, Ant.

wtf is he talking about? because bball players are wearing tight pants?

he just needs to have rage to be comfortable, plus ant is italian, he acts like he's some blue blood guy who came from a family of invention of wealth.

You see the Moors……

You mean the moops?


That's a perfectly sane thing to be obsessing over on a Hawaii vacation


2015-07-09 22:00 UTC

-Really? Then some peoples "nature" has been a tad better at it.

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I never thought I'd feel pity for a millionaire. Poor guy, he can't even go to hawaii without being consumed by his ignorant racism.

Get me another cocktail you somoan island nigger!

I like how Anthony said he'd like to talk but he has to go ride a jetski, then 10 minutes later he's back to retweeting "the haters".

If I was this way, I would consider it intrusive thoughts and get help for it.

Anyone that thinks Sirius would rehire him is out of their fucking mind. He's a psycho.

Yeah, but he's not the PSYCHO!

Fucking retards feeling a connection to people that had nothing to do with them because of their skin pigment.

It really is pathetic. Remember him taking pride in the Apollo program, and pretty much saying "look what we can accomplish without racial diversity" even though NASA employed black engineers and mathematicians when America was still segregated.

He's not going to let facts ruin his ideology. The kicker is he's a high school drop out.

also, apparently he hasn't heard we've landed a thing on Mars. yeah diversity really killed NASA they haven't done anything remotely impressive recently

And even if there weren't any black NASA engineers at the advent of the agency, it's as if they weren't allowed to attend many of the top Universities or to even apply for certain jobs in the field until the late 1960s.

Yeah thats my point. While the country was segregated, NASA was benifiting from black emplyees.

Somebody had to mop the floors

Oh, I know. I'm just pointing out that even if his willful ignorance was somehow correct, it's still an idiotic argument.

These coon tweets look even more desperate when he is sitting in a deck chair in paradise sipping a beer.

The amount of black people in Hawaii is negligible. He is absolutely talking out his ass about people who are thousands of miles away from him right now. He is sick.

He tweeted this the other day :

Pretty much saying its cuz there's no black people there. Although he doesn't have the balls to actually say it, despite never shutting the fuck up about how honest his show is now

He's such a smarmy little scumbag. I don't know how anyone doesn't loathe him. The absolute bottom of the barrel of the white race, he thinks he's special. Here's to hoping he gets eaten by a shark who likes rancid meat.

Agree with this 100%. What a fucking asshole. That whole "edge" used to be a lot cooler when it wasn't brought up every 4 posts. Imagine if he was still ringing the bell every time he did this? It would have literally given everyone tinnitus by now.


2015-07-08 20:58 UTC

I can't put my finger on it but there's something I really like about Maui. Hmmmmm?

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TIL that Hawaii is on the exact opposite side of the world as Africa (Botswana if you want to be specific).

Oh, how dare he make jokes and other top comedians join in on the fun.

^ Jimmy Norton

Why did this asshole pay money to sit on the beach and bitch on twitter when he could have done it for free at his compound?

What a Miserable old man. It will only get worse.

What is it about July that gets this guy so revved up?

Too much sun. He sees his Sardinian skin turn into the colour of the moors that conquered the island and fucked their great great great grandmothers.

This nigga gonna die from all this stress. Who stresses about this while on vacation in fucking Hawaii. Give it a break Ant.

So many comments on here about why Ant doesn't think about race/culture the way Europeans do. The obvious reason is that he's basically never left the country and also resents Europeans (the people, but he respects their historical accomplishments). He doesn't have a worldview; he has an americaview.

It's all sort of complicated but also pretty simple. I don't know why people can't see it.

it's just nationalism and ethnic pride

Both are toxic.

really? that's how empires get built, Europeans and anyone who still exists has these qualities, it's how things such as technology advances etc...

maybe you are against those things I know I am civilization sucks.

but if you really wanna talk about toxic elements of society some wop in his basement isn't where I'd start as my first stop for cleaning up this Earth. cheers

What would be your first stop?

that's how empires get built,

Actually, nationalism and empire don't mix, dude. That's modern history 101.

WTF is he even on about? Who is dismantling white culture?

What the fuck is a white culture in the first place.

White culture is a Western term that really means nothing, like black culture. It can't stand as an aggregate term cause Black Culture generally doesn't include African or Jamaican culture, and nobody can agree what parts of what European cultures constitute White Culture. It's a term that only makes sense in America where lines were drawn based on skin color, because in other parts of the world shit works a lot differently. It could be argued that European culture is one of the dominant cultures in the world, and if you include American with that it becomes the absolute dominant culture in the world. But that's only if you include skin color in the loosest way, so you're including Russia and maybe the Mediterranean. And then some people would say Armenians are white, some say they're not. Once you look at it closely it all falls apart and you realize it's all fucking made up.

White culture = things I like

Black culture = things I don't


The concept comes from the ANP, so...

Working, paying your bills on time, raising your son.

Like Ant's father did?

Check your privilege shitlord.

This show looks like utter malarky.

White people are.

The top comment was something like 'She needs coalburner sunglasses' and fuck did it make me laugh and wish I thought of it.

It isn't anything clever about race reality, either. Ant's pathological fixation on and contempt for black people is just intellectualized hate. It really is. Its like he used to be one of the funniest guys on the planet and now he looks like Sammy Davis Jr. and sounds like Jared Taylor. Blacks this, blacks that, in the most boring way possible.

Contrast his demented drivel with good comedy using race and ethnicity, like Colin Quinn's The Coloring Book. Its night and day. Ant's drunken rants in his basement are not mentally healthy, well-crafted comedy. Its just disappointing and embarrassing shit.

I believe it all stems from that incident in Disneyland, when that black mammy remarked in front of Joe Cumia Sr that young Ant's WOP-fro "had a natural bigger than hers!"

If I remember correctly his father immediately said through gritted teeth: "We're shaving your fucking head."

u know what i think ant just loves black cock & hates himself 4 it

It's noon where he is and he sounds utterly fucking shithammered.

"Try as you will to bury the accomplishments of a white culture."

He is. He just called in to Rats show and he sounded wasted.

It's one thing being wasted at noon on holiday in a tropical paradise. Good. God bless. Enjoy yourself. But why get angered about shit that really shouldn't effect you?

and doesn't affect you. He's seen like probably 4 black peopple his whole life.

Why do you think he's angry? Have you ever asked yourself maybe he enjoys talking about it?

Except that no one, except for old men born before 1970, cares about it.

There's plenty of younger assholes who live boring lives in boring shitholes, and so have nothing better to do than make up their minds to be race obsessed. It's just more pathetic when you're older. You're supposed to be kind to your blood pressure after a certain age.

It's especially sad when you've got more than enough money to keep yourself otherwise occupied.

Not to mention he has gates in his neighborhood to keep "those people" out. It's not like he ever leaves his house anyways. He has nothing to fear but he's the most paranoid fuck I've ever seen.

Well he was born well before 1970 so there you go.



So what if some people don't like it, what's you point? The entitlement that some of you people have, as if he should appease you, is astounding. He cares about it and it's what he likes to talk about, but you pathetic fucks will still whine and cry making thread after thread about his twitter rants acting like you have no choice. Is there a mute button? A block button? An unfollow button? Come on, you can do it, be a big boy. Unstable people calling someone unstable is quite ironic.


I hate telling others how to vacation and spend their money, so I'll just speak in general. If you just want to get shitfaced on vacation, go to some all-inclusive resort in Mexico. Don't pay top dollar for a 5-star hotel if you're just going to black-out in it.

Rat has a show? Is it good?

Rat has a show? On TACS network?

This shit is getting so old. Im caring less and less about the current goings on of OnA.

With any luck his plane home takes a detour over Ukraine.

Or even better, the Congo.

Right? I'm coming here less and less these days.

Not sure if he gets the irony, but he's in Hawaii talking about people dismantling "white culture", whatever the fuck that means.

Hawaii. Think about that shit. Really.

It's hard for a lot of people to let go & relax on vacation. It's him doing what he needs to do.

If this is the link to this tweet, I'll tell u why I hate this argument:

doug stanhope has a great bit about why pride in race is bullshit. But even deeper, I do believe "white pride" is creepy. Anthony can have all the Italian pride in the world. He can have pictures of Sinatra & DaVinci everywhere. It's acceptable. But who is he to belly up to the table of everything that all whites have done?

Haven't heard that bit but remember another great Stanhope bit (maybe the same) "we kicked the Nazis asses in WW2. Really, Todd? Was that us? Cos I remember getting fucked up last night and going to the Burger King drive-thru but I don't remember taking out a waffen SS foxhole" etc. Stanhope fucking rules.

Yea that's the Stanhope bit I was talking about!

One of the funniest stand-ups around, fuckin Stanhope. Truth+funny

I was thinking of that bit the way Anthony was posts pictures of NASA via 1969 to show it was all white people to get America to the moon. But Ant's people couldn't have less to do with NASA. I believe his dad was stealing quarters from his vending machine at that time & his mom was a waitress. He's from garbage

Ant was forced to steal money from his dad so he could ice cream sandwiches, by the way. His dad also supported, even encouraged, his 13 year old son into fucking a 19 year old disaster, and definitely without a condom.

At this point, he's just yelling at his childhood. He's a mess and embarrassing.

I'm thinking about the Buzz story now. It's always been presented as "Anthony's the man, he got pussy at 13". But maybe if a 13 year old boy had the skill & game to talk a 19yr old to fuck him, that would be cool. But having your dad set-up a girl (was Buzz his dad's girlfriend?) to fuck his 13 year old son is kinda a disturbing, incestious, harrowing form of child sexual abuse. I never thought about it in a real context before but it's really fucking sick. Joe Cumia Sr should've been thrown in jail & have to register as a sex offender

Anthony was raped by someone his father paid/cajoled to rape him, partially out of fear that the kid might be (gasp) gay; someone his father was also fucking. Kinda disturbing? It's straight up, severe child abuse.

13 years old, with or without "game" is too young to consent in any state in the union for a reason. Any sex with a 13-year-old of either gender is necessarily rape. Even a 6 years difference, at that young an age, is definitely predatory. His father WAS a sex offender. He had his own son raped. His son shows all the hallmarks of sexual and emotional child abuse. And is now, like many, an abuser of kids himself.

Yea, after I typed that I was really thinking about how young 13 is. I don't believe that anyone should fuck 13 year old boys. If a 19 year old girl fucks a 13 year old boy because he seduced her, that girl is still fucked in the head. But for the boy i don't think that alone would be tragic.

But with Anthony, the elimate that his father is heavily involved in his first sex experience is so disturbing. A boy & his father came inside the same woman. He knows that Buzz discussed the intimate details of the sexual experience with his dad (cuz she had to). I'd be mortified if my dad had anything to do with my sex life!

By the way, here's another thought I just had. How fucked up is it that he regularly fucks girls who are younger than the girl he fucked when he was 13? He's "Jerry Springer" level white trash with just a NY accent







His dad probably watched and jerked from the doorway.

"That's it son .. get her ... get her ..."

Dude, a 13-year-old boy can't "seduce" a 19-year-old woman. You're being totally illogical here. Please give this shit up. He's in grammar school and she's in college. It is so not OK. It is predatory. And it's plenty tragic for boys like this. It fucks them up for life. Exhibit A(nthony):

There's a huge incest and hate/homophobia feature to this act of rape. The pathology of it is fucking astounding. The father, if you can use that term, is extremely controlling of something he should have nothing to do with: his very underage son's sex life (which technically shouldn't really exist besides kissing/making out with similar aged girls). He has a terror of homosexuality in his son (massive projection; I'd bet actual $$ the father was gay or bi--this doesn't happen in secure, hetero men); the incest factor is revolting. There are NO boundaries of any kind in this scenario. The kids would've felt there was no real distance between themselves and their father--no privacy, no agency, no safety. There is so much dire abuse here a psychiatrist could analyze Ant for the rest of his life and not figure out the extent of damage. it is fucked up on a planetary scale.

I think it's interesting (and revolting) that Anthony, age 55, still finds 13-year-old girls sexually compelling. He's a classic abused predator only understanding sex as a form of control, as his father taught him. His own emotional growth was completely stunted by trauma at that age. He also started drinking/drugs at that age, which also stunts emotional growth. He's 13 years old in a 55 year old body. His father did that to him. Good thing he wasn't gay, huh? Jesus Christ. Cumia Sr. deserved a bullet in the brain. The amount of damage done to his kid is epic. He's in paradise, drunk, angry, sad and alone, 42 years later.

You sound like a well informed "self certified" psycho analyst.. Please go on.

(being sarcastic but you are spot on)

Well, I studied the crap long enough! I'm getting downvoted, but the thought on this kind of sex/mental/emotional abuse/trauma is current. He's a very sad, very angry, very lonely 13-year-old in a dying body. Understandably, he's drinking himself to death. If he had even one redeeming feature, it'd be almost impossibly sad. Good thing he doesn't.

The fact that him and brother Joe constantly harping on an issue that has absolutely ZERO percent chance of affecting them in anyway always astounds me. It's not like there's riots in Long Island... ever.

I don't understand the self destructive obsession with race. I mean if he mentioned it a couple of times on air just to get his opinion out that's one thing but to basically hang your entire career on one issue is just crazy town.

The kid fucker thing just makes it even worse. I mean yea I've seen teenage kids that I thought were hot but to constantly obsess about that as well is just fucking gross.

I think Ant's ultimate fantasy is to be blown by two 13 year old twins while dressed in full Nazi regalia whilst reading posts on out loud.

Different strokes for different folks I suppose. Hey what do I know I just pack my lunch and punch the clock like any other sucker.

Take us out Shamu!!!

I started a topic just for the Anthony/Buzz story with audio cuz it's an interesting discussion

They still don't like Italians in Texas and they're not really considered white. He's family would've been laughed out of 60s era Houston. It's a fucking joke.

"Human Garbage" if you will...

That doesn't sound funny but I guess it's out of context.

Agreed, not funny written down from me. Think it's from this special Word of Mouth. Don't know when but if you haven't seen it, just watch the whole thing.

Jesus! Thanks for the genuine reply. I expected just to be down raped. I will watch it and get back to you. Maybe there's hope after all?

White Pride is just the extreme reaction to White Guilt. Reasonable people just exist between those 2 extremes, reasonable people of all races and cultures. You can both appreciate where you came from without taking some credit for it and also be knowledgeable of the bad shit that happened but not take blame for it. That's how you progress. When you become too obsessed with the good or the bad you just become locked in a ranty, emotional prison while the world moves on around you.

True dat homie.

Here's Anthony in Italy. If you don't understand my point you're not on my level.

I hope it's a sub level in a basement with anus rape. Fuck your conceited self inflation.

Woosh. The forced gentrification of this subreddit makes me sick. People here used to have humor and be prac(opie)titioners of Poe's law. Now we have you, bores that were attracted by the #2 most 'toxic' subreddit article.

That's cute, you just learned "gentrification" on Fox News and wanted to try and use it. Adorable.

In regards to a subreddit and without irony. You gotta love these morons.

Are you trying to say that idiot goes door to door peddling his religion too?

It's sad and beautiful, like a burning redwood.

It's certainly a valid and true definition used appropriately for this once fertile crescent of social decay that transparent 1 month old turds like you are attempting to improve with your... humor? or just taking a quick gander, your social justice. Que Putz.

Come on. It's not like black people are just all Africa. Africa is full of all kinds of different ethnic groups.

Though they were stripped of that identity back in the slavery days and beyond so I suppose it is more acceptable to just be "black"

Though I mean like the most recent my family was european was the 1800's, I'm hardly german anymore too.

Realised after I'd posted it that the link didn't work. Would appreciate it if someone would enlighten me how to do it properly. I really am a tech-dumb shithead.

Click "Submit a Link" instead of "Submit a Self Post".

The twitter link goes in the "url" box, and the title goes in the "title" box.


But who is he to belly up to the table of everything that all whites have done?

That's part of why I find his racism so funny. He's a swarthy burro-riding papist as far as proper white nationalists are concerned.


2015-07-09 21:39 UTC

Honest question. Why should white people happily accept the dismantling of THEIR culture?A culture of amazing innovation & accomplishments?

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you should post links on in the message body so people on mobile can click on it and not try to highlight shit and go to their browser.

but yeah its pathetic. hes in hawaii, a beatiful place with 7 black people in the entire state, and he still just has to yell about it. just relax, youre on vacation.

furthermore, you work 4 days a week for 2 hours. do you really need a vacation? the only reason anyone subscribes to stupid tacs is for los and gavin.

I bet the first thing every girl does after breaking up with him is go blow tyrone.

He needs an older nagging girlfriend to refocus his attention.

Where does he get that the victim in the train stabbing was a "guilty white liberal?" He's seriously just making up stereotypes to classify people so he can be more angry.

Also, there was a city-wide manhunt, the guy was caught and arrested, and nobody has made any excuses for him. The motive was also robbery as opposed to "a holocaust on all white people."

His "Where's the outrage?" involving cases like this where the suspect is almost immediately arrested and will obviously be found guilty is infuriating. It's not equivalent to police shootings (where there may not even be an indictment--thus the protests) in any way whatsoever.

And predictably, his moron foxbot fanboys come out to defend his "not racism"

He's so obsessed. He just has rage in him and he channels it towards this shit because he can't deal with his own problems.

Poor Anthony. That black bitch slapped him fitty cents-less.

White isnt a culture. The only reason black is a culture is because white people stole blacks and beat them to death if they didn't give up their culture. Further, Anthony hasn't done shit to be proud of culturally. And Further still, he just posts this shit to make people react so I dont know why I do.

Plus he try's to fuck children all the time. It must be hell being attracted to kids.

Exactly. Brits, Americans, Frogs, Dutch etc. All white. Try telling a group of them their cultures are the same. They'll spit on you.

I agree it's idiotic to lump them all together, but for some reason most people just ignore the differences these days.

I'm an east coast Italian like Anthony and if he grew up in the culture I grew up in "white culture" means Irish people. I dont know any lower middle class Italian's that identify as 'white.'

I'm going to give Ant the benefit of the doubt and say that he's referring to American cultures, not global. In America, you are white first and Irish/Italian/German second.

Europeans hate when like, someone is Italian-American and you call them "Italian". Like "he's not from Italy, he's American!"

Too many "likes" there pal. Couldn't give a shit what an American wants to call themselves based on their immigrant forefathers. Amazing though how many white Americans claim Red Indian heritage. Must have been a lot of rapey back in the day, if all are to be believed.


Whenever there is a culture pride parade or something like that, all pride shit is boring as fuck. There is nothing cool about what people choose to showcase as their culture


You mean traded for fabrics.

what's he even talking about?

He should be relaxing and enjoying his fucking vacation, not going on Twitter to ramble on about this shit once again.

"They think there the best dancers, they are up all the chickens and they stank!"

"big nose havin, breathing up all the white man's air. They STINK! and i hate em!

It must be exhausting being that angry at shit all of the time. But it probably helps burn off all of those calories from getting drunk every single night.

I hope he doesn't get fired this time.

i hope he does, it would improve his network

It honestly would. If I were him I'd stop after episode 200 and have Gavin host the "flagship" show every day and then do a couple shows a week where he watches and does commentary for tv shows or movies like he did with that columbo episode, except with a less annoying guest.

I hope Keith the Cuck fires him & he's forced to dig a sub-basement under his current one & start again.


I don't get this. Is it in response to the confederate flag being taken down? Not all white people wanted that, nor do I think the flag was an important part of "white culture."

That flag is the most important reminder of the heritage of every white guy who grew up in New York and California.


Best part about it? On average he STILL has more retweets and favorites with that boring racetalk than Opie does with his pandering

Jimbo gets up to 600 favs on a Tweet.

Ant gets double figures

Tits 1 or 2.

Anthony got over 200 favorites with his veterans hospitals tweet.


Just move on and listen to'll make u feel better about your white guilt

If any of you could afford to go to Hawaii you'd still be checking this board daily

There are people, like me for example, that love to hate. Hatred and anger are fun. The effects are very similar to an adrenaline rush. Let the guy have his endorphins.

Haha he's trolling Rev Al Sharpton.

he's just reacting to the mainstream media's blackout of racial matters that do not involve the narrative of white racists attacking innocent black babies. he feels compelled to comment on every news story involving race and probably overcompensates. Personally I love his rants because he's about the only guy with a megaphone who tells it like it is.

A George Rockwell enthusiast, eh? You guys are so subtle.

so don't fuckin follow him - simple. unless you like complaining.

Yea that's the Stanhope bit I was talking about!

That doesn't sound funny but I guess it's out of context.

Agreed, not funny written down from me. Think it's from this special Word of Mouth. Don't know when but if you haven't seen it, just watch the whole thing.

The amount of black people in Hawaii is negligible. He is absolutely talking out his ass about people who are thousands of miles away from him right now. He is sick.

He will block you and think he has won, it's like he's a 12 year old girl

Sadly i would imagine most ppl are while on vacation nowadays if they can...your brain doesn't take a break from being addicted.

That one-or-two beer Ant is the one everyone likes, I think. When people talk about the big race debates with Patrice, he was somewhere between that and "WHYYYY!?!?" Now he's just staring into a screen and going "I don't like 'em, never did."

Oh, I know. I'm just pointing out that even if his willful ignorance was somehow correct, it's still an idiotic argument.

Somebody had to mop the floors