Ant's producer Rat is live on YouTube now.

0  2015-07-09 by Lilcumia


Speaking of Jews, this is reminiscent of a certain kike that had a show in 2008, but without his autistic sidekick with a shredded tiny dick.

ya know he was one entertaining jew, seth rogen, amy schumer and so on are absolutely awful but intern david was a true jew in the rough.

Rats a fag

so Ant called in, bascily said: There are no black people in Hawaii so he is enjoying himself, no chairs being thrown around and no fights breaking out. He described blacks as "people who can't swim"

Sounds like paradise.

Someone just called in as 'Opie Hughes' son'

Someone just called in and played the 'hold on' clip

how come so few jews are funny? i guess theres some old school jews but any modern international jew is the least entertaining person in existence, ironic since they control the entertainment business.